05 Pages : 36-49      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).05      Published : Mar 2021

Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)

    Pakistan adopted a federal democratic system with a parliamentary type of governance. However, the political history of Pakistan reflects a deviation from parliamentary democracy and the least concern towards the institutionalization of its political system. The centralization of power, authoritarianism, the power thirst of political parties and the imbalance of civil-military relations always affected the democratic course of Pakistan. As a result of the 2008 elections, a power transition occurred from the military to the civilians. Pakistan People Party, after assuming power, restored the 1973 constitution to its original shape under the landmark 18th constitutional amendment. It reinforced parliamentary democracy and revisited federalism with complete autonomy for provinces abolishing the concurrent list. Steps were taken to ensure the independence of the judiciary and transparency of the election commission of Pakistan. This paper analyses the political and constitutional development during the PPP led government (2008-2013) and its role in establishing a viable federal democratic system based on participatory governance.

    Democracy, Federalism, Provincial Autonomy, Women Empowerment, 18th Amendment
    (1) Iltaf Khan
    PhD Scholar, Department of Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Farman Ullah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Bakhtiar Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Buner, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. 2021. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 36-49 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).05
    HARVARD : KHAN, I., ULLAH, F. & KHAN, B. 2021. Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013). Global Regional Review, VI, 36-49.
    MHRA : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. 2021. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI: 36-49
    MLA : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 36-49 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Iltaf, Ullah, Farman, and Khan, Bakhtiar (2021), "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 36-49
    TURABIAN : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 36-49.