Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab
It is consenting fact up to believe the magnitude regarding instruction for each man or woman then nation cannot keep denied and its charge will increase salvo, particularly there is a count number about impairments yet disabilities. This study was aimed to find out the current situation and administrative measures by special school principals. The study was quantitative in nature, and a survey method was used for data collection. A self-compiled questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample of the study consisted of 31 principals in special education centers in Punjab. Descriptive statistics Mean and Standard Deviation was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that most principals were strongly agreed to adopted different strategies in special education centers. So the study was recommended that administering requisite check moment off energy for gain the guarantee of accessory Principals look over the growth of their further such as lodgings or unnoticed advance.
Current Situations, Administrative Practices
(1) Sumaira Munawar
Assistant Professor, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Khadija Sittar
Assistant Professor, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Waqas Qamar
Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Munawar, S., Sittar, K., & Qamar, W. (2021). Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 237-245.
CHICAGO : Munawar, Sumaira, Khadija Sittar, and Waqas Qamar. 2021. "Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 237-245 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).26
HARVARD : MUNAWAR, S., SITTAR, K. & QAMAR, W. 2021. Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VI, 237-245.
MHRA : Munawar, Sumaira, Khadija Sittar, and Waqas Qamar. 2021. "Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI: 237-245
MLA : Munawar, Sumaira, Khadija Sittar, and Waqas Qamar. "Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 237-245 Print.
OXFORD : Munawar, Sumaira, Sittar, Khadija, and Qamar, Waqas (2021), "Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 237-245
TURABIAN : Munawar, Sumaira, Khadija Sittar, and Waqas Qamar. "Current Situation and Administrative Measures taken by Principals of Special Education Centers in Punjab." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 237-245.