31 Pages : 328-333      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).31      Published : Jun 2022

Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players

    The objective of this research was to find the likely importance of variations in aerobic fitness between men volleyball players competing for club and university. The volleyball players must have the capacity to comprehensively display their physical, technical, tactical, and psychological skills. The physical attributes of players have a noticeable impact on both the team's strategy and the players' performance. Players must therefore be physically capable of meeting the demands of the sport. The
    present study was planned to monitor the cardio-respiratory fitness or aerobic endurance of male volleyball players at the club and university levels and to compare the results. A total number of 60 men volleyball players, aged 19 to 24 years from both clubs and universities participated in this study. To assess each group's level of aerobic fitness, the test that was used is the Harvard step test. Findings demonstrated a difference in club and university players' aerobic fitness of a significant level (p< 0.05). In comparison to club volleyball players, university volleyball players were shown to have superior aerobic fitness.

    Aerobic Fitness, Players, University, Volleyball And Harvard Step Test
    (1) Iffat Niaz
    M. A Physical Education, Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Yasmeen Tabassum
    Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Zafar Iqbal Butt
    Professor, Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Niaz, I., Tabassum, Y., & Butt, Z. I. (2022). Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players. Global Regional Review, VII(II), 328-333 .
    CHICAGO : Niaz, Iffat, Yasmeen Tabassum, and Zafar Iqbal Butt. 2022. "Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 328-333 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).31
    HARVARD : NIAZ, I., TABASSUM, Y. & BUTT, Z. I. 2022. Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players. Global Regional Review, VII, 328-333 .
    MHRA : Niaz, Iffat, Yasmeen Tabassum, and Zafar Iqbal Butt. 2022. "Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players." Global Regional Review, VII: 328-333
    MLA : Niaz, Iffat, Yasmeen Tabassum, and Zafar Iqbal Butt. "Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 328-333 Print.
    OXFORD : Niaz, Iffat, Tabassum, Yasmeen, and Butt, Zafar Iqbal (2022), "Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 328-333
    TURABIAN : Niaz, Iffat, Yasmeen Tabassum, and Zafar Iqbal Butt. "Comparing the Aerobic Fitness Capacity of University and Club Levels Male Volleyball Players." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 328-333 .