China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments
Since Xi Jinping assumed the presidency, his ambitions for China to be at aa prominent place in the world have accelerated China's diplomatic engagement with the neighboring countries. Before Afghanistan came on the Chinese radar, it was the low priority area as far as China's economic, political, social, and cultural relations were concerned. Now, China's emerging economic profile requires it to re-calibrate its engagement policy with Afghanistan. The paper opines that some internal policy changes in China have been the main factors in the Chinese policy shift towards Afghanistan. Now, China's vision about Afghanistan internally rests on three pillars: XiJinping's arrival, the New Neighborhood policy and BRI. Consequently, Afghanistan holds a substantial amount of attention in Chinese foreign policy.
Afghanistan, China, BRI, Xi Jinping, New Neighborhood Polic
(1) Muhammad Nauman Akhter
PhD International Politics, Shandong University, China.
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Cite this article
APA : Akhter, M. N. (2021). China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments. Global Regional Review, VI(II), 226-234.
CHICAGO : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. 2021. "China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments." Global Regional Review, VI (II): 226-234 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).25
HARVARD : AKHTER, M. N. 2021. China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments. Global Regional Review, VI, 226-234.
MHRA : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. 2021. "China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments." Global Regional Review, VI: 226-234
MLA : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. "China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments." Global Regional Review, VI.II (2021): 226-234 Print.
OXFORD : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman (2021), "China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments", Global Regional Review, VI (II), 226-234
TURABIAN : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. "China's Policy in Afghanistan: Internal Factors Shaping Developments." Global Regional Review VI, no. II (2021): 226-234.