03 Pages : 29-35      10.31703/grr.2024(IX-I).03      Published : Mar 2024

Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students

    This study explores the development of higher-order thinking skills (HOTs) in secondary school students through a qualitative content analysis of a Biology textbook grade X (2020). The analysis was done using software called NVivo 12, and the book was chosen through purposeful sampling. The results showed that the textbook uses various strategies to develop critical thinking, such as practical activities, experiments, analytical questions, real-world applications, and open-ended problem-solving questions. Practical activities and experiments help students apply their theoretical understanding to actual problems. Analytical questions make students think critically by making them analyze data and explain complicated relationships between biological concepts. Real-world applications show students how scientific knowledge is used every day so they can evaluate scientific advancement more critically. Open-ended questions challenge students to use what they have learned to solve new problems and come up with unique answers.

    Critical Thinking, Biology Textbook, Document Analysis, Science Education, Secondary Level
    (1) Muhammad Jamil
    Lecturer, Department of Education, Govt College Women University Sialkot, Punjab Pakistan.
    (2) Wahid Mehmood
    PhD Scholar, (Education), Northern University Nowshera, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Asif Saleem
    PhD Scholar, (Education), University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Jamil, M., Mehmood, W., & Saleem, A. (2024). Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students. Global Regional Review, IX(I), 29-35.
    CHICAGO : Jamil, Muhammad, Wahid Mehmood, and Asif Saleem. 2024. "Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students." Global Regional Review, IX (I): 29-35 doi: 10.31703/grr.2024(IX-I).03
    HARVARD : JAMIL, M., MEHMOOD, W. & SALEEM, A. 2024. Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students. Global Regional Review, IX, 29-35.
    MHRA : Jamil, Muhammad, Wahid Mehmood, and Asif Saleem. 2024. "Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students." Global Regional Review, IX: 29-35
    MLA : Jamil, Muhammad, Wahid Mehmood, and Asif Saleem. "Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students." Global Regional Review, IX.I (2024): 29-35 Print.
    OXFORD : Jamil, Muhammad, Mehmood, Wahid, and Saleem, Asif (2024), "Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students", Global Regional Review, IX (I), 29-35
    TURABIAN : Jamil, Muhammad, Wahid Mehmood, and Asif Saleem. "Biology Textbook Grade X (2020): Analysis for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Secondary School Science Students." Global Regional Review IX, no. I (2024): 29-35.