Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan
The term "Entrepreneurial University" has prominent attention in the western world after the "Triple Helix Model" presented by Leydesdorff and Etzkowitz where it shaped the research outcomes in the form of patents, marketable brands, products and services that paved the way for traditional universities to transform into entrepreneurial university and the higher education institutions became self-sufficient in monetary terms and contribute to the economic growth of the nations. Though there are remarkable acceptance for this concept and many western higher education institutions, developed Asian countries and their universities benefited from transforming their research into valued monetary research while less developed countries still struggling in this direction to transform their higher education institutions as "Entrepreneurial University". The current paper presents the concept of entrepreneurial university in the less developed world, i.e. Pakistan and especially the case of Balochistan province. The research is qualitative in nature using thematic analysis through a semi-structured interview method and questionnaires to corroborate the responses. Six main themes emerged from data that include i. perception of entrepreneurial university ii. human development to technology development iii. entrepreneurial skills for academia iv. SOPs to transform research into innovation. v. regionally developed brands. vi. collaboration & communication with the private sector. The research also contributed the efforts done by higher education commission of Pakistan, and the progress of imitative of "office of research and innovation center university of Balochistan".
Entrepreneurial University, Triple Helix Model, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Research and Innovation.
(1) Muhammad Hanif
MS Scholar, Institute of Management Sciences, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(2) Saubia Ramzan
Professor, Faculty of Management Sciences, Business and Information Technology, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(3) Muzammila Akram
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Hanif, M., Ramzan, S., & Akram, M. (2020). Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan. Global Regional Review, V(III), 74-90.
CHICAGO : Hanif, Muhammad, Saubia Ramzan, and Muzammila Akram. 2020. "Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan." Global Regional Review, V (III): 74-90 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).09
HARVARD : HANIF, M., RAMZAN, S. & AKRAM, M. 2020. Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan. Global Regional Review, V, 74-90.
MHRA : Hanif, Muhammad, Saubia Ramzan, and Muzammila Akram. 2020. "Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan." Global Regional Review, V: 74-90
MLA : Hanif, Muhammad, Saubia Ramzan, and Muzammila Akram. "Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 74-90 Print.
OXFORD : Hanif, Muhammad, Ramzan, Saubia, and Akram, Muzammila (2020), "Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan", Global Regional Review, V (III), 74-90
TURABIAN : Hanif, Muhammad, Saubia Ramzan, and Muzammila Akram. "Analysis of Knowledge Exchange Between Higher Education Institutions & Businesses for Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities in Quetta, Balochistan." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 74-90.