10 Pages : 90 - 101      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).10      Published : Mar 2022

Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level

    Science education plays an important role in the creation of creativity in the personality of students. There is a strong relationship between science education and practical work, due to which it is not possible for the students to have conceptual knowledge of science subjects without proper practical performance in the classroom. The purpose of this research study was to analyse the available lab facilities in secondary schools. The research was qualitative in nature. The population of this research study was all the high schools of district Narowal. There was a total of 157 high schools indistrict Narowal which were 75 boy high schools and 82 girls high schools. In the first stage,proportionate stratified sampling techniques were used to select male and female public sector high schools. In the second stage, 20 Percent of high schools from each stratum were taken by using a simple random sampling technique. Therefore, there was a total of 31 public sector high schools, 20 Percent of which 15 public sector high schools for boys and 16 public sector high schools for girls were selected. It is concluded that spring balance, pendulum, magnet, prism, screw gauge, glass slab and voltmeter facilities was highly observed in secondary schools which signifies their availability.

    Lab Facilities, Secondary school, Science Laboratory
    (1) Muhammad Irfan Irshad
    M.Phil Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Aamir Hashmi
    Associate Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 90 - 101 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).10
    HARVARD : IRSHAD, M. I. & HASHMI, M. A. 2022. Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level. Global Regional Review, VII, 90 - 101.
    MHRA : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII: 90 - 101
    MLA : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 90 - 101 Print.
    OXFORD : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan and Hashmi, Muhammad Aamir (2022), "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 90 - 101
    TURABIAN : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 90 - 101.