08 Pages : 72 - 79      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).08      Published : Mar 2022

A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays

    This piece of research pursues the critical investigation of the distancing devices used in Ikram Azam’s Short Peace Plays: The Quaid at the Jinnah Road, The Two Voices, The Vicious Circle, and The Sepulture. Naïve characters with their simplistic but basic questions on the sociopolitical ailments confronting the nation alienate and orient the reader dynamically. The dialectical juxtaposition of characters, with multiple points of views, has always been a popular technique to produce the spectacular discourse. In addition to the unity of opposites, the role of the narratological analogies is well entrenched in these plays. Courts rooms and dead bodies play their role very tactfully in imparting staginess to the text. Wars and their impacts on each and every aspect of social life are not less important than other techniques of theatricality. Historical characters that remain an integral part of the unconsciousness and the conscience of the society. Memories, dreams, and histrionic words and actions also play their role to contribute to the theatrics of the data. The study is informed by Mohsen Mosilhi A. Barakat’s Theatricality of Edward Bond’s Plays (2021). The use of theatrical techniques produces a dynamic awareness of the burning issues of the Pakistani society.

    Theatricality, Barakat, Ikram Azam, Short Peace Plays
    (1) Muhammad Umer Azim
    Assistant Professor of English, Government Graduate College Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Muhammad Saleem
    Assistant Professor of English, Government Graduate College Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Umar -ud -Din
    Associate Professor of English, Government Graduate College Civil Lines, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Umar -ud -Din. 2022. "A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 72 - 79 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).08
    HARVARD : AZIM, M. U., SALEEM, M. & -DIN, U. -. 2022. A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays. Global Regional Review, VII, 72 - 79.
    MHRA : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Umar -ud -Din. 2022. "A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays." Global Regional Review, VII: 72 - 79
    MLA : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Umar -ud -Din. "A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 72 - 79 Print.
    OXFORD : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Saleem, Muhammad, and -Din, Umar -ud (2022), "A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 72 - 79
    TURABIAN : Azim, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Saleem, and Umar -ud -Din. "A Theatrical Study of Ikram Azam's Short Peace Plays." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 72 - 79.