13 Pages : 100-107      10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).13      Published : Mar 2020

Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective

    Death often raises questions that science is unable to answer. Science may delay death, but it cannot stop it. Death is marked by grief and mourning. Mourning serves in a smooth transition, such as a liminal ritual of grief serves as a rite de passage between loss and re-enactment to the routine life. Generally, mourning or grief is described as a very private, personal emotion which is characterized by social withdrawal and shutting oneself off from the world. However, mourning also serves as an overt and public expression of grief whereby it serves as an identity marker to a community. The paper attempts to present a cross-cultural account of mourning and presents a psychoanalytical perspective of mourning with special emphasis on azaadari. The study presents an ethno theory on grief and reflections of mourning from a cross-cultural perspective.

    Azaadar, Cross-Cultural rituals, Grief, Mourning, Psycho-analytical perspective, Religion, Shia.
    (1) Mahwish Zeeshan
    Lecturer, Department of Anthropology,PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry
    Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Shaheer Ellahi Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Zeeshan, M., Chaudhry, A. G., & Khan, S. E. (2020). Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective. Global Regional Review, V(I), 100-107.
    CHICAGO : Zeeshan, Mahwish, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, and Shaheer Ellahi Khan. 2020. "Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective." Global Regional Review, V (I): 100-107 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).13
    HARVARD : ZEESHAN, M., CHAUDHRY, A. G. & KHAN, S. E. 2020. Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective. Global Regional Review, V, 100-107.
    MHRA : Zeeshan, Mahwish, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, and Shaheer Ellahi Khan. 2020. "Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective." Global Regional Review, V: 100-107
    MLA : Zeeshan, Mahwish, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, and Shaheer Ellahi Khan. "Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 100-107 Print.
    OXFORD : Zeeshan, Mahwish, Chaudhry, Abid Ghafoor, and Khan, Shaheer Ellahi (2020), "Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective", Global Regional Review, V (I), 100-107
    TURABIAN : Zeeshan, Mahwish, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, and Shaheer Ellahi Khan. "Unmaking the Anthropology of Mourning in a Psycho Analytical Perspective." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 100-107.