11 Pages : 92-102      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).11      Published : Sep 2019

The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.

    Teachers personality plays a significant role in accomplishing students educational achievement. Teaching and learning have a major part in creating a friendly and encouraging learning environment for students. In this context, the current research was conducted to explore the influence of tutors character on pupils learning and accomplishment. It was a descriptive correlative research approach. The sample comprised of 1,152 teachers and 2,304 students of 10th grade of public and private secondary schools who were chosen through a cluster sampling technique. The respondents were taken from 12 districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Two questionnaires; one for teachers and one for students were used to collect data. Teachers questionnaires were based on an adapted personality measure scale of John and Srivastavas Big Five Inventory (1999). The statistical analysis displayed no significant rapport among teachers personality and pupils academic success. The regression analysis and correlation coefficient showed that the dimension of agreeableness, extroversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness has no correlation with students performance. However, openness has a significant correlation between students performance.

    Personality, Characteristics, Big Five Model. Student's Achievement
    (1) Shaista Noreen
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Akhtar Ali
    Professor,Department of education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Uzma Munawar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Government Sadiq Women University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Noreen, S., Ali, A., & Munawar, U. (2019). The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 92-102.
    CHICAGO : Noreen, Shaista, Akhtar Ali, and Uzma Munawar. 2019. "The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 92-102 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).11
    HARVARD : NOREEN, S., ALI, A. & MUNAWAR, U. 2019. The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV, 92-102.
    MHRA : Noreen, Shaista, Akhtar Ali, and Uzma Munawar. 2019. "The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV: 92-102
    MLA : Noreen, Shaista, Akhtar Ali, and Uzma Munawar. "The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 92-102 Print.
    OXFORD : Noreen, Shaista, Ali, Akhtar, and Munawar, Uzma (2019), "The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 92-102
    TURABIAN : Noreen, Shaista, Akhtar Ali, and Uzma Munawar. "The Impact of Teachers' Personality on Students' Academic Achievement in Pakistan.." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 92-102.