15 Pages : 134-144      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).15      Published : Jun 2019

The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders

    This research determined the impact of New-Genre leadership style training on leadership skills of school leaders working in public and private schools. The rational of this training was developed on the basis of related literature and training need analysis. A short-course was developed focusing the deficient areas and offered to 120 participants, randomly sampled to participate in this training. With addition of sub-grouping and a follow-up study, one-group pre-test post-test design was adapted in this quasi-experimental research using quantitative methods. For statistical analysis, mean, standard deviation, percentages and paired sample t-test were applied. According to findings, the New-Genre Leadership Style Training has enhanced the leadership skills of school leaders. The five representative styles: Transformational, Transactional, Authentic, Leader-member Exchange and Global were found highly applicable and effective in educational leadership development. Such professional development courses have been endorsed by the participants for promoting quality education through quality leadership in Pakistan.

    Educational Leadership, New-Genre Leadership, Educational Leadership Development, Educational Leadership in Pakistan
    (1) Neelam Nisar
    Student,Department of Education, Lahore College for Women University,Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Uzma Quraishi
    Vice-ChancellorDepartment of Education,Women University, Multan, Pakistan.
    (3) Afifa Khanam
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,Lahore College for Women University, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Nisar, N., Quraishi, U., & Khanam, A. (2019). The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 134-144.
    CHICAGO : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. 2019. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 134-144 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).15
    HARVARD : NISAR, N., QURAISHI, U. & KHANAM, A. 2019. The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders. Global Regional Review, IV, 134-144.
    MHRA : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. 2019. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV: 134-144
    MLA : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 134-144 Print.
    OXFORD : Nisar, Neelam, Quraishi, Uzma, and Khanam, Afifa (2019), "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 134-144
    TURABIAN : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 134-144.