The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan
Relational coordination is an emerging HR-related concept based on the network of ties between task participants and is expected to produce favorable efficiency and quality outcome. The relational coordination-employee outcome is new research dimension in the relational coordination field. The objective of the study was to test if relational coordination leads to employee related outcomes. In terms of research methodology, we followed the positivism paradigm, used deductive approach, and quantitative method of data collection and analysis. Furthermore, we used the survey based on previously developed measures for data collection. Through stratified random sampling, data is collected from doctors, nurses, and support staff from five public and five private sector hospitals. The usable questionnaires were 978. Our findings show that relational coordination among staff positively influence the employee creative involvement (employee outcome). The findings have implications for the management of healthcare and a number of recommendations are made.
Relational Coordination, Employee Outcome, Employee Creative Involvement, Healthcare, Peshawar, Pakistan.
(1) Muhammad Tahir
PhD Scholar, Department of Management Science, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Sajid Rahman
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business & Management Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Imran Saeed
Lecturer,Institute of Business & Management Sciences,The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Tahir, M., Rahman, S., & Saeed, I. (2019). The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 103-111.
CHICAGO : Tahir, Muhammad, Sajid Rahman, and Imran Saeed. 2019. "The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 103-111 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).12
HARVARD : TAHIR, M., RAHMAN, S. & SAEED, I. 2019. The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 103-111.
MHRA : Tahir, Muhammad, Sajid Rahman, and Imran Saeed. 2019. "The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 103-111
MLA : Tahir, Muhammad, Sajid Rahman, and Imran Saeed. "The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 103-111 Print.
OXFORD : Tahir, Muhammad, Rahman, Sajid, and Saeed, Imran (2019), "The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 103-111
TURABIAN : Tahir, Muhammad, Sajid Rahman, and Imran Saeed. "The Effect of Relational Coordination on Employee Creative Involvement: A Study of Public and Private Hospitals in Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 103-111.