08 Pages : 67-77      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).08      Published : Jun 2019

Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas

    The occurrence of social taboos and their frequencies on Pakistani television dramas was the core objective behind the conduction of this research work. The ultimate purpose was to find out the possible types of social taboos, frequently exposed social taboo, occurrence per drama and comparison of social taboos in these dramas. The analysis was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there were nine types of social taboos i.e. obscene language, nudity, disrespectful attitude, violence, drug abuse, racism, divorce, extra-material relation and abortion in Pakistani primetime Urdu dramas. The finding of the study demonstrated that obscene language was exposed more than the other social taboos, whereas the drama serial Sabaz Qadam was found having more social taboos as compare to other dramas. The occurrence of frequency of these social taboos was recorded as well. Drama Qissa Chaar Darvesh was highest in occurrence of disrespectful attitude and nudity.

    ARY TV, Drama, Electronic Media, Prime Time, Social Taboo
    (1) Farrukh Nazir
    PhD Scholar, Center for Media and Communication Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Ali
    Assistant Professor, Center for Media and Communication Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Farooq
    PhD Scholar,Center for Media and Communication Studies,University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. 2019. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 67-77 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).08
    HARVARD : NAZIR, F., ALI, A. & FAROOQ, M. 2019. Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas. Global Regional Review, IV, 67-77.
    MHRA : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. 2019. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV: 67-77
    MLA : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 67-77 Print.
    OXFORD : Nazir, Farrukh, Ali, Arshad, and Farooq, Muhammad (2019), "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 67-77