32 Pages : 428-444      10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32      Published : Dec 2018

Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges

    Women constitute almost half of the worlds population but are politically marginalized and underrepresented in the third-world countries. The long-lived traditional structures as well as socio-economic factors adversely affected their mobility, socialization, political and electoral participation and representation in policy-making forums. Being low in effectiveness, they are unable to make any significant change in the patterns of sociopolitical development. In Pakistan, the traditional patriarchal approach and the growth of Islamic fundamentalism adversely affected their political emancipation and domesticated them. Although, women in Pakistan successfully struggled to overcome the said challenges and their representation in the parliament has significantly been increased but still need a lot to become an effective part of the policymaking process. The instant study investigates the challenges faced by the women of Pakistan to overcome their political marginalization and suggests the measures to develop a more inclusive and representative society.

    Pakistan, Political Marginalization, Women Participation, Patriarchal Approach, Inclusive Society
    (1) Mian Muhammad Azhar
    Assistant Professor,Department of Political Science & IR, GC, University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Abdul Basit Khan
    Assistant professor,Department of Political Science & IR,GC, University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Waris
    Assistant Professor,Department of History & Pakistan Studies,GC, University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. 2018. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III (I): 428-444 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32
    HARVARD : AZHAR, M. M., KHAN, A. B. & WARIS, M. 2018. Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges. Global Regional Review, III, 428-444.
    MHRA : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. 2018. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III: 428-444
    MLA : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 428-444 Print.
    OXFORD : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Khan, Abdul Basit, and Waris, Muhammad (2018), "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges", Global Regional Review, III (I), 428-444
    TURABIAN : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 428-444.