33 Pages : 293-299      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).33      Published : Sep 2019

Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen

    This research is about the kinematics analysis of the lower extremity of the cricket batsmen at the attempt of successful and unsuccessful pull shots. Data were recorded from (n = 18) Malaysian cricket batsmen by using two video cameras. Repeated measures ANOVA was applied for statistical analysis. Results showed the back lift, angular movements of the knees, hips joints, velocities of the left knee, hip and bat were significantly faster at successful pull shot than unsuccessful shots. It was concluded the higher angular position of knees and hips joints increase the vertical position of batsmen to execute a successful pull shot. The cricket coaches are required to focus on the improvement of high backlift, a higher extension of knees and hips, faster movement left leg and bat the time of bat-ball impact. These kinematics of the lower extremities are a key point for the execution of successful pull shot in cricket.

    Cricket Batting, Batsman, Short Pitch Ball, Bat Swing, Pull Shot
    (1) Muhammad Zia Ul Haq
    Lecturer,Physical Education and Sport Science,The Islamica University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Badar Habib
    Lecturer, Physical Education and Sport Science,The Islamica University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Tahir Nazeer
    Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Science & Physical Education,The University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Haq, M. Z. U., Habib, M. B., & Nazeer, M. T. (2019). Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 293-299.
    CHICAGO : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Tahir Nazeer. 2019. "Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 293-299 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).33
    HARVARD : HAQ, M. Z. U., HABIB, M. B. & NAZEER, M. T. 2019. Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen. Global Regional Review, IV, 293-299.
    MHRA : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Tahir Nazeer. 2019. "Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen." Global Regional Review, IV: 293-299
    MLA : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Tahir Nazeer. "Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 293-299 Print.
    OXFORD : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Habib, Muhammad Badar, and Nazeer, Muhammad Tahir (2019), "Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 293-299
    TURABIAN : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Tahir Nazeer. "Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Successful and Unsuccessful Cricket Pull Shots of the Malaysian National Cricket Batsmen." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 293-299.