10 Pages : 82-91      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).10      Published : Sep 2019

Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan

    It is very important for the organization to keep its intellectual resources updated and ready for uncertain situations. This study aimed to explore the direct association between HR practices i.e. (job design, information flow, employee development, and employee benefits) and work happiness, and mediating role of employee resilience as well. The data were collected from 315 employees through self-administered questionnaires working in public and private sector banks of Lahore, Pakistan. The structural equation modeling analysis was employed for hypotheses testing. The result showed that HR Practices i.e. (job design, information flow, employee development, and employees benefits) were positively directly related to work happiness. HR practices also had indirect effect on work happiness through employee resilience. This study provided initial empirical evidence regarding the intervening effect of employee resilience among the association of HR practices and work happiness. The studys future directions and limitations are debated, further industry implications are also discussed.

    Employee development, Employee Benefits, Employee Resilience, Human Resource Practices, Information flow
    (1) Muhammad Ali
    Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Usman Ghani
    MPhil Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Basharat Raza
    Lecturer, Department of Business Administration,National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ali, M., Ghani, M. U., & Raza, B. (2019). Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 82-91.
    CHICAGO : Ali, Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Ghani, and Basharat Raza. 2019. "Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 82-91 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).10
    HARVARD : ALI, M., GHANI, M. U. & RAZA, B. 2019. Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 82-91.
    MHRA : Ali, Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Ghani, and Basharat Raza. 2019. "Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 82-91
    MLA : Ali, Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Ghani, and Basharat Raza. "Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 82-91 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Muhammad, Ghani, Muhammad Usman, and Raza, Basharat (2019), "Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 82-91
    TURABIAN : Ali, Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Ghani, and Basharat Raza. "Linking Human Resource Practice with Work Happiness Through Employee Resilience: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 82-91.