37 Pages : 325-336      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).37      Published : Sep 2019

Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment

    The current study aimed to assess the effect of different leadership styles (Transformational, Transactional and Laissez-faire styles) upon the professional commitment. The study population encompassed the lecturers in Physical Education of all the public colleges in the province Punjab, Pakistan. Due to accessible population, no sampling techniques were preferred in this research study. The total number of lecturers (PE) was 576, in which 210 were male and 366 were female. Selfdeveloped scales were designed and used for data collection. The total 76% return rate of responses was recorded. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to examine the collected information. On the basis of the findings, it was concluded that there is a positive effect of transactional style of head of institutions leadership upon professional commitment of lecturers (PE). Whereas, Laissez-faire style of leadership has a negative effect upon the professional commitment of lecturers in physical education. It was recommended that seminars and workshops may be arranged for leadership styles.

    Leadership Styles, Professional, Commitment.
    (1) Afshan Jabeen
    PhD Scholar, SS&PE,Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Salahuddin Khan
    Professor,SS&PE,Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Syed Zia-u Islam
    Lecturer,SS&PE,Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Syed Zia-u Islam. 2019. "Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 325-336 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).37
    HARVARD : JABEEN, A., KHAN, S. & ISLAM, S. Z. 2019. Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment. Global Regional Review, IV, 325-336.
    MHRA : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Syed Zia-u Islam. 2019. "Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment." Global Regional Review, IV: 325-336
    MLA : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Syed Zia-u Islam. "Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 325-336 Print.
    OXFORD : Jabeen, Afshan, Khan, Salahuddin, and Islam, Syed Zia-u (2019), "Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 325-336
    TURABIAN : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Syed Zia-u Islam. "Impact of Leadership Styles Upon Professional Commitment." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 325-336.