35 Pages : 472-484      10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).35      Published : Dec 2018

How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?

    This study investigates the correlation of secondary level learners attitudes for learning English and self-esteem with the classroom learning environment. From Punjab Province, 1002 public secondary school respondents formed the population. The sample consisted of males (486), females (516), urban (565) and rural (437) and was selected from two districts (Lahore and Kasur). Instruments namely WIHIC (Fraser, 2007), attitude towards learning English (Batool, 2016) and students self-esteem (Rosenberg,) scales having reliability 0.91, 0.83 and 0.68 (in Pakistani context) respectively, were used. Findings exposed a significant and more positive attitude for learning English among female respondents. Correlation (Pearson r) between the learning environment and attitude for learning English revealed no significant results at gender basis while on locale basis urban respondents showed significant correlation. The gender-based difference showed girls had more self- esteem than boys. Rural participants had more self-esteem concerning urban respondents.

    Attitude, Self Esteem, Learning Environment
    (1) Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui
    Assistant Professor,University of Education Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Huma Lodhi
    Assistant Professor,University of Education Lahore,Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Anwer
    Assistant Professor,University of Education Lahore,Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Siddiqui, G. K., Lodhi, H., & Anwer, M. (2018). How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?. Global Regional Review, III(I), 472-484.
    CHICAGO : Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid, Huma Lodhi, and Muhammad Anwer. 2018. "How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?." Global Regional Review, III (I): 472-484 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).35
    HARVARD : SIDDIQUI, G. K., LODHI, H. & ANWER, M. 2018. How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?. Global Regional Review, III, 472-484.
    MHRA : Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid, Huma Lodhi, and Muhammad Anwer. 2018. "How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?." Global Regional Review, III: 472-484
    MLA : Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid, Huma Lodhi, and Muhammad Anwer. "How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 472-484 Print.
    OXFORD : Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid, Lodhi, Huma, and Anwer, Muhammad (2018), "How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?", Global Regional Review, III (I), 472-484
    TURABIAN : Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid, Huma Lodhi, and Muhammad Anwer. "How do Students Self-Esteem and Attitude to Learning English Relate to Classroom Learning Environment?." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 472-484.