Published : Sep 2019
Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English
English is an international language and is understood almost all over the world. There are different determiners that effect the level of achievement in learning English. The main concern of the study was to find out the relationships between them. The descriptive correlational study design was selected with a multilayer sampling technique having sample of 320 Degree level students form four universities of Pakistan. Data was collected and the correlation was found through Pearson correlation. It was found that many factors including Anxiety, interest, attitude, and self-confidence had strong correlation with academic achievements of students. Some practical implication was suggested including the training of teachers in a better way.
Academic achievement, Anxiety, Attitude, Culture, Determiners, Motivational Selves.
(1) Saira Maqbool
Assistant Professor,Department of English,Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Rabia Bahoo
Lecturer,Department of Education, The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Shakir
Lecturer,Educational Training,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Maqbool, S., Bahoo, R., & Shakir, M. (2019). Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 64-72.
CHICAGO : Maqbool, Saira, Rabia Bahoo, and Muhammad Shakir. 2019. "Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 64-72 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).08
HARVARD : MAQBOOL, S., BAHOO, R. & SHAKIR, M. 2019. Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English. Global Regional Review, IV, 64-72.
MHRA : Maqbool, Saira, Rabia Bahoo, and Muhammad Shakir. 2019. "Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English." Global Regional Review, IV: 64-72
MLA : Maqbool, Saira, Rabia Bahoo, and Muhammad Shakir. "Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 64-72 Print.
OXFORD : Maqbool, Saira, Bahoo, Rabia, and Shakir, Muhammad (2019), "Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 64-72
TURABIAN : Maqbool, Saira, Rabia Bahoo, and Muhammad Shakir. "Exploring Determiners of Achievements of Degree Students (Pakistan) in Academic English." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 64-72.