31 Pages : 415-427      10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).31      Published : Dec 2018

Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar

    The objectives of the article were to highlight the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and teaching effectiveness of lecturers at public universities of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The researcher adopted a quantitative research design to examine the relationship between the variables under study. The population of the study was lecturers working at public universities of Peshawar. A multistage sampling technique was used to select a sample of the study. Data was gathered using the Self Report Measure of Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Effectiveness Scale. The validity of the instrument was determined through experts opinion while reliability was established using Cronbach Alpha. Data were analyzed applying Pearson Product Correlation using SPSS 20 version. The findings of the study revealed significant relationship between all the facets of emotional intelligence and teaching effectiveness. On the basis of findings it is recommended that higher educational institutions must focus on significance of EI for effective performance and for such purpose emphasise enhancing and promoting their EI skills.

    Emotional Intelligence, Teaching Effectiveness, Lecturer
    (1) Shazia Kanwal
    Principal,Elementary and Secondary Education, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Mohammad Sohail
    Lecturer, Department of Education,Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, PK, Pakistan.
    (3) Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah
    Professor,Institute of Education and Research,University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Kanwal, S., Sohail, M., & Inamullah, H. M. (2018). Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar. Global Regional Review, III(I), 415-427.
    CHICAGO : Kanwal, Shazia, Mohammad Sohail, and Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah. 2018. "Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar." Global Regional Review, III (I): 415-427 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).31
    HARVARD : KANWAL, S., SOHAIL, M. & INAMULLAH, H. M. 2018. Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar. Global Regional Review, III, 415-427.
    MHRA : Kanwal, Shazia, Mohammad Sohail, and Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah. 2018. "Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar." Global Regional Review, III: 415-427
    MLA : Kanwal, Shazia, Mohammad Sohail, and Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah. "Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 415-427 Print.
    OXFORD : Kanwal, Shazia, Sohail, Mohammad, and Inamullah, Hafiz Muhammad (2018), "Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar", Global Regional Review, III (I), 415-427
    TURABIAN : Kanwal, Shazia, Mohammad Sohail, and Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah. "Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers and its Impact on Teaching Effectiveness at Public Universities of Peshawar." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 415-427.