40 Pages : 375-385      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).40      Published : Jun 2019

Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province

    This research discusses the inquiry of measuring teacher effectiveness at private sector schools. Explicitly, it explores how teachers performance evaluation can both reflect as well as predict teachers success, hence the study informs about teachers personnel decisions, their instructional enhancement, and professional development. This includes mentoring, training, and self-guided learning. The current study is premeditated using a mix-method with qual-quan order. It is an exploratory study based on a critical paradigm to evaluate the current IB teacher evaluation process and outputs and develop an indigenous model for corrective measures to improve the existing evaluation system. It explores the objectives, procedures, and consequences of teacher assessment policies and practices. The study has implications, for greater advantage for the quality of collaborative planning and teaching, using a newly developed model in the private sector of Punjab.

    IB Teachers, Teacher Evaluation, Grow Model, Professional Development.
    (1) Mariam Hussain
    Subject Leader,English Language and Literature,Lahore Grammar School International, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Afifa Khanam
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Uzma Qureshi
    Professor,Institute of Education,Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Hussain, M., Khanam, A., & Qureshi, U. (2019). Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 375-385.
    CHICAGO : Hussain, Mariam, Afifa Khanam, and Uzma Qureshi. 2019. "Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 375-385 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).40
    HARVARD : HUSSAIN, M., KHANAM, A. & QURESHI, U. 2019. Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province. Global Regional Review, IV, 375-385.
    MHRA : Hussain, Mariam, Afifa Khanam, and Uzma Qureshi. 2019. "Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province." Global Regional Review, IV: 375-385
    MLA : Hussain, Mariam, Afifa Khanam, and Uzma Qureshi. "Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 375-385 Print.
    OXFORD : Hussain, Mariam, Khanam, Afifa, and Qureshi, Uzma (2019), "Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 375-385
    TURABIAN : Hussain, Mariam, Afifa Khanam, and Uzma Qureshi. "Development of a Teacher Evaluation Model for Private Schools of Punjab Province." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 375-385.