25 Pages : 233-242      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).25      Published : Jun 2019

Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale

    The entities exist on dual planes, on the physical or transcendental plane, in forms, and the philosophical or immanent plane that only considered intensity and movement of the objects. The present study is grounded on the notions of Deleuze and Guattari (1987) who considered immanent plane to be affecting and transforming the indulged bodies through process of becoming. The present study, through thematic analysis, investigated a few instances from the character of Alex Bailey, from, The Enchantress Returns (2013). The findings depicted that becoming was a constant process. Additionally, the becoming bodies or objects could be physical, imaginary, psychological or phenomenal. The transformations through becoming were not physical and did not appear on transcendent plane. Moreover, the affected bodies depicted the difference in their thoughts and actions.

    Physical, philosophical, Immanent plane, transcendence plane, objects, transformation
    (1) Zainab Akram
    Assistant Professor,Department of English,Sardar Bahadur Khan Womens University, Pakistan.
    (2) Faria Saeed Khan
    Professor, Department of English,University of Baluchistan, Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan.
    (3) Samreen Zaheer
    Lecturer,Department of English,NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Akram, Zainab, Faria Saeed Khan, and Samreen Zaheer. 2019. "Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 233-242 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).25
    HARVARD : AKRAM, Z., KHAN, F. S. & ZAHEER, S. 2019. Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale. Global Regional Review, IV, 233-242.
    MHRA : Akram, Zainab, Faria Saeed Khan, and Samreen Zaheer. 2019. "Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale." Global Regional Review, IV: 233-242
    MLA : Akram, Zainab, Faria Saeed Khan, and Samreen Zaheer. "Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 233-242 Print.
    OXFORD : Akram, Zainab, Khan, Faria Saeed, and Zaheer, Samreen (2019), "Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 233-242
    TURABIAN : Akram, Zainab, Faria Saeed Khan, and Samreen Zaheer. "Deleuze and Guattaris Immanent Plane and Becoming in a Fairy Tale." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 233-242.