26 Pages : 353-361      10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).26      Published : Dec 2018

Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen

    This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the anthropometric measure and kinematic of pull shot. Eighteen cricket batsmen were recruited for data collection. The variables were recorded as stature, body mass, skinfolds, girths, bone lengths, breadths and physical strengths. The pull shots were recorded with two video cameras and Aerial Performance Analysis System (APAS) software for the kinematic of the pull shot. All kinematic were not significantly correlated with the pull shot performance except the bat angle. It was concluded that the girths and breadths of upper and lower limbs are associated with higher perforamnce of pull shot at the moment of batball contact. The wider arms help to maintain the body position to execute a successful pull shot. The extension of the knee, hip and elbows assist batsmen to keep body position against the short of length ball for an accurate pull shot.

    Cricket Batting, Kinematics, Anthropometrics, Body Segments, Pull Sho
    (1) Muhammad Zia Ul Haq
    Lecturer,Department of Physical Education & Sports ScienceThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Badar Habib
    Lecturer, Department of Physical Education & Sports Science,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Nazeer
    Assistant Professor,Department of Sports Science & Physical Education, The Punjab University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Haq, M. Z. U., Habib, M. B., & Nazeer, M. (2018). Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen. Global Regional Review, III(I), 353-361.
    CHICAGO : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Nazeer. 2018. "Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen." Global Regional Review, III (I): 353-361 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).26
    HARVARD : HAQ, M. Z. U., HABIB, M. B. & NAZEER, M. 2018. Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen. Global Regional Review, III, 353-361.
    MHRA : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Nazeer. 2018. "Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen." Global Regional Review, III: 353-361
    MLA : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Nazeer. "Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 353-361 Print.
    OXFORD : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Habib, Muhammad Badar, and Nazeer, Muhammad (2018), "Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen", Global Regional Review, III (I), 353-361
    TURABIAN : Haq, Muhammad Zia Ul, Muhammad Badar Habib, and Muhammad Nazeer. "Correlation between the Anthropometric Measures and Performance of the Cricket Pull Shot- A Case Study of the Malaysian National Batsmen." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 353-361.