42 Pages : 382-389      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).42      Published : Sep 2019

Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI

    This research aims to analyze written skills of students enrolled in Business Communication course by conducting a Needs Analysis survey. While focusing on the necessities, lacks and wants of learners, the current language proficiency of students was matched with the target level needed in business organizations. For this purpose, a needs analysis based on the target situation needs analysis model provided by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) was conducted. Two questionnaires were designed to collect data from learners and prospective business employers. Moreover, faculty members were interviewed to get an enriched data. A quantitative data was qualitatively analyzed to reveal that needs analysis is a neglected aspect of curriculum development in Pakistan and that the needs of students are not considered. Moreover, the written skills are being focused, but the current proficiency level of the learners does not match the target situation needs.

    Needs Analysis, Target Needs, Business Communication, Writing Skills
    (1) Lubna Umar
    Lecturer, Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics,Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Umaima Kamran
    Assistant Professor,Department of English,Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Saira Maqbool
    Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics,Allama Iqbal Open Universit,y Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Umar, Lubna, Umaima Kamran, and Saira Maqbool. 2019. "Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 382-389 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).42
    HARVARD : UMAR, L., KAMRAN, U. & MAQBOOL, S. 2019. Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI. Global Regional Review, IV, 382-389.
    MHRA : Umar, Lubna, Umaima Kamran, and Saira Maqbool. 2019. "Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI." Global Regional Review, IV: 382-389
    MLA : Umar, Lubna, Umaima Kamran, and Saira Maqbool. "Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 382-389 Print.
    OXFORD : Umar, Lubna, Kamran, Umaima, and Maqbool, Saira (2019), "Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 382-389
    TURABIAN : Umar, Lubna, Umaima Kamran, and Saira Maqbool. "Analyzing Writing Needs of MBA Students: A Case Study of IIUI." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 382-389.