36 Pages : 491-500      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).36      Published : Dec 2017

The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse

    According to the 2017 National census children counts 39% of the whole population; the maximum of people residing in the rural areas have a very less developed social sector, although people living in the urban areas have comparatively good facilities that are small in number. They have good service delivery in education, health, social welfare, employment opportunities, awareness; fertility rate is good while the mortality rate is less, safe sanitation facilities, clean water and other facilitations that are necessary for a sound social sector. The Human development index is very low as it stand at 147/188 in 2016; Pakistan invest a very small amount in education (2.3%), health (0.76%) and the other sectors are also in a fragile situation, more over the standard of education and health are the lowest in the world, the nutritional facilities available to the children are below standard.

    Child Abuses, Judicial Activism, Government Measures
    (1) Ahmad Raza
    Department of Political Science, Qurtuba University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Siraj Khan
    Nawab Allah Nawaz Khan Law College, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan
    (3) Naghma Farid
    Nawab Allah Nawaz Khan Law College, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
  • Amnesty International (2009), Amnesty International Report 2009: The state of the world's human rights, London: Amnesty International dated 6 February 2009.
  • Callouts Gulbenkian Foundation (1995) Children and Violence. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
  • Constitution of 1973, Art.142
  • Constitution of 1973, Section 4, 8, 9 and 25
  • Darshan Masih v. the State, PLD 513 SC (1990)
  • Government of Pakistan vision (2025)
  • Iftekhar Muhammad Chaudhry vs. President of Pakistan, (PLD 2010 SC 62).
  • Jahangir, Asma & Mark Doucette. (1993). “Children of a lesser God”P.44
  • Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, (2000).
  • Labor Policy (2010)
  • Little, L. (2004) 'Victimization of children with Disabilities' in Kendall- Tackett, A. (ed.) Health Consequences of Abuse in the Family: a clinical guide for evidence-based practice. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • National Commission on the rights of Children (2017)
  • The daily News (2002), P.28
  • The Zainab Alert, Responsive and Recovery act (2020)
  • UNICEF. (2006), Juvenile Justice in South Asia: Improving Protection for Children in Conflict with the Law, NY: UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia, p.97
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. (1989) G.A. Res. 25, U.N. GAOR, 44th Sess., Supp. No. 49, at 167, U.N. Doc. A/44/736.
  • Universal Declaration of human rights. (1948).

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    CHICAGO : Raza, Ahmad, Muhammad Siraj Khan, and Naghma Farid. 2017. "The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse." Global Regional Review, II (I): 491-500 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).36
    HARVARD : RAZA, A., KHAN, M. S. & FARID, N. 2017. The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse. Global Regional Review, II, 491-500.
    MHRA : Raza, Ahmad, Muhammad Siraj Khan, and Naghma Farid. 2017. "The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse." Global Regional Review, II: 491-500
    MLA : Raza, Ahmad, Muhammad Siraj Khan, and Naghma Farid. "The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 491-500 Print.
    OXFORD : Raza, Ahmad, Khan, Muhammad Siraj, and Farid, Naghma (2017), "The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse", Global Regional Review, II (I), 491-500
    TURABIAN : Raza, Ahmad, Muhammad Siraj Khan, and Naghma Farid. "The Supreme Court Role in Pakistan for the Elimination of Child Abuse." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 491-500.