38 Pages : 351-358      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).38      Published : Mar 2019

Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'

    This research aims at the explication of Korean drama “Two Weeks” by applying poststructuralism. The structuralists contend to have characters as patterns, which can be incurred as apt as universal identities. The poststructuralist mode of analysis, deconstruction, dismantles it as unstable, and its meanings as not self-sufficient. The focus is on discrete analysis than on a judgemental critique, confers a valuable amount of subject deconstruction, especially the protagonist Jang Tae San that has receded to the dismantling of binary oppositions by playing a hero of what structure amounts to a criminal record. Derridas deconstruction accedes to those limits that are a pivot to render signification in the chain of signifiers. “Two Weeks” is a signifier of the nature that is conducive to exploring this post-structuralist identity. The study deduces that the incumbent visuals extend not merely to commerce upshot, but it is a deconstruction of the text itself.

    Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction, Unstable Meanings, Two Weeks, Jacques Derrida.
    (1) Zahir Jang Khattak
    Professor, Department of English,Qurtaba University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Hira Ali
    Lecturer,Department of English,University of Sarghodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Shehrzad Ameena Khattak
    PhD Scholar, Department of English,Qurtaba University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Khattak, Zahir Jang, Hira Ali, and Shehrzad Ameena Khattak. 2019. "Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 351-358 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).38
    HARVARD : KHATTAK, Z. J., ALI, H. & KHATTAK, S. A. 2019. Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'. Global Regional Review, IV, 351-358 .
    MHRA : Khattak, Zahir Jang, Hira Ali, and Shehrzad Ameena Khattak. 2019. "Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'." Global Regional Review, IV: 351-358
    MLA : Khattak, Zahir Jang, Hira Ali, and Shehrzad Ameena Khattak. "Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 351-358 Print.
    OXFORD : Khattak, Zahir Jang, Ali, Hira, and Khattak, Shehrzad Ameena (2019), "Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 351-358
    TURABIAN : Khattak, Zahir Jang, Hira Ali, and Shehrzad Ameena Khattak. "Post-Structuralism in Korean Drama 'Two Week'." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 351-358 .