37 Pages : 336-349      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).37      Published : Dec 2019

NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?

    Vachani and Associates (2009) examined the effect of NGOs activism on firms transaction costs in varying institutional contexts. These authors proposed that regions with higher institutional development level—e.g., North America, will have a higher number and efficacy of advocacy NGOs, leading to higher transaction costs for firms resulting from NGO pressures. Our work revisits and extends the theoretical framework as proposed by these authors by a) precisely specifying the types of NGO actors involved in activism against firms b) explaining the process through which NGOs increase transaction costs of the firms in North American region, for this we draw on mandatory adaptations perspective c) explaining why firms internationalize from North America region to South Asia region which is characterized by low institutional development level d) predicting that firms location decision in turn affect institutional development of the countries in the region.

    Institutional Development Level, Internationalization, Mandatory Adaptations, North America Region, South Asia Region, Transaction Costs, Watchdog NGOs activism.
    (1) Anjeela Khurram
    Research Scholar, RITM,University of Paris Saclay, France.
    (2) Shahzad Khuram
    Assistant Professor,School of Management, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Naeem
    Assistant Professor,Business Administration,Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Khurram, A., Khuram, S., & Naeem, M. (2019). NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 336-349.
    CHICAGO : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. 2019. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 336-349 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).37
    HARVARD : KHURRAM, A., KHURAM, S. & NAEEM, M. 2019. NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?. Global Regional Review, IV, 336-349.
    MHRA : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. 2019. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV: 336-349
    MLA : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 336-349 Print.
    OXFORD : Khurram, Anjeela, Khuram, Shahzad, and Naeem, Muhammad (2019), "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 336-349
    TURABIAN : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 336-349.