03 Pages : 35-47      10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).03      Published : Dec 2016

History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan

    Pakistan has been following the prison system of the British Empire. The Pakistani prison system has gone through many changes. Efforts have been made to bring the prison system in Pakistan in conformity with the modern prison system. The restoration of democracy in Pakistan has paved the way for further reforms in the prison system. Many suggestions have been forwarded to the authorities and have been requested for the modification of the inside condition of Pakistani jails. The data for this paper have been collected from Human Rights Organization/ Council of Pakistan, Islamic Ideological Council and jail training institute Lahore. The research under focus is an attempt to explore prison reforms in Pakistan in historical perspective and put forward suggestions to in tune the prison system in Pakistan with International standard.

    Prison, Reforms, History, Pakistan
    (1) Zahid Anwar
    Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) S. Zubair Shah
    Ph.D. Scholar,Department of Political Science,University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. 2016. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I (I): 35-47 doi: 10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).03
    HARVARD : ANWAR, Z. & SHAH, S. Z. 2016. History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, I, 35-47.
    MHRA : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. 2016. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I: 35-47
    MLA : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I.I (2016): 35-47 Print.
    OXFORD : Anwar, Zahid and Shah, S. Zubair (2016), "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, I (I), 35-47