Authored by : Nafees AhmedKhan , Adnan Rahman , Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi

07 Pages : 75 - 84


  • Ali, L., Naqvi, A., & Qaisrani, I. (2015). Pakistan: Challenges to Democracy, Governance and National Unity. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 126.
  • Arif, S., Cartier, W., Golda, A., & Nayyar-Stone, R. (2010). The local government system in Pakistan: Citizen's perceptions and preferences, 1-49.
  • Anjum, Z. H. (2001). New local government system: A step towards community empowerment? Pakistan Development Review, 40(4 PART II), 845-867.
  • Awa, E. O. (1981).
  • Awotokun, A. M., & Adeyemo, D. O. (1999).
  • Baqir, F., & Hameed, A. (2013). Community Voices towards Effective Legislation on Local Government. tan/docs/Democratic
  • Cheema, A., Khan, A. Q., & Myerson, R. B. (2015). Breaking the Countercyclical Pattern of Local Democracy in Pakistan. Is Decentralization Good For Development? 68-79. Oxford University Press. 737506.003.0003
  • Choudhry, I. A. (1996). The search for a local government system in Pakistan. Local Government Studies, 22(4), 245-261. 3
  • Emezi, C. (1984).
  • Gboyega, A. (1987). Political Values and Local Government in Nigeria. Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd. Local Government Basic Constitutional and Transitional Provision Decree. 1989. (Decree No. 15 of 1989, Section 14)
  • IFES-PK-COM. (2015). IFES-PK-COM Factsheet KPK Local Government. _government_khyber-pakhtunkhwa.pdf
  • Labaree RV. 2009. The Literature Review - Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper. guide/
  • Malik, N., & Rana, A. (2019). The History of Local Governance in Pakistan: What Lessons to Learn? Journal of International Politics, 1(3), 26- 35.
  • Mohr, L. B. (1982). Explaining Organizational Behaviour (1st ed), San Francisco: Jossey-Basspp
  • Norton, A. (1985). A Short Review of Local Government Systems in Other Western Democracies. Local Government Studies, 11(5), 35-48. 3
  • Ola, C. S. (1984) Town and Country Planning and Environmental Laws in Nigerian. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press
  • PILDAT. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Local Government Laws in Pakistan, 1-22. content/uploads/2019/04/ComparativeAnaly sisofLocalGovernmentLawsinPakistan.pdf
  • Rafique, Z., Rosilawati, Y., & Habib, S. (2020). Development of local governance and decentralization to empower citizens in pakistan: A historical analysis. Revista UNISCI, (53), 207-220.
  • Report on Devolution plan in Pakistan, Plan, L. G., Plan, D., & Fellowships, I. P. (2003). Open Society Institute.
  • Report on Local Government System in Azad Jammu and Kashmir: Background, Evaluation and Way forward by Centre for Peace Development and Reforms (CPDR) 2020.
  • Simons, Helen. 2009. Case study research in practice. USA: SAGE publications.
  • Special Report on USIP on Devolution of powers Van Metre, Geiger, & K. (2018). Special Report 2301. New York.
  • The AJK Interim Constitution, 1974
  • The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
  • The AJK Local Government Act, 1990
  • The KP Local Government Amendment Act, 2019
  • UNDP. (2014). Development Advocate Pakistan, 2(1), 23-25.
  • Whallen, H. (1976). Ideology, Democracy and function of Local Self Government. Politics and Government of Urban Canada. Toronto: Methuen, 312.
  • Woodside, A. G. (2010). Case study research: Theory, methods, and practice. United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing
  • Wraith, R. (1984). Local Administration in West Africa. London: Leonge Allen and Unwin
  • Ali, L., Naqvi, A., & Qaisrani, I. (2015). Pakistan: Challenges to Democracy, Governance and National Unity. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 126.
  • Arif, S., Cartier, W., Golda, A., & Nayyar-Stone, R. (2010). The local government system in Pakistan: Citizen's perceptions and preferences, 1-49.
  • Anjum, Z. H. (2001). New local government system: A step towards community empowerment? Pakistan Development Review, 40(4 PART II), 845-867.
  • Awa, E. O. (1981).
  • Awotokun, A. M., & Adeyemo, D. O. (1999).
  • Baqir, F., & Hameed, A. (2013). Community Voices towards Effective Legislation on Local Government. tan/docs/Democratic
  • Cheema, A., Khan, A. Q., & Myerson, R. B. (2015). Breaking the Countercyclical Pattern of Local Democracy in Pakistan. Is Decentralization Good For Development? 68-79. Oxford University Press. 737506.003.0003
  • Choudhry, I. A. (1996). The search for a local government system in Pakistan. Local Government Studies, 22(4), 245-261. 3
  • Emezi, C. (1984).
  • Gboyega, A. (1987). Political Values and Local Government in Nigeria. Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd. Local Government Basic Constitutional and Transitional Provision Decree. 1989. (Decree No. 15 of 1989, Section 14)
  • IFES-PK-COM. (2015). IFES-PK-COM Factsheet KPK Local Government. _government_khyber-pakhtunkhwa.pdf
  • Labaree RV. 2009. The Literature Review - Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper. guide/
  • Malik, N., & Rana, A. (2019). The History of Local Governance in Pakistan: What Lessons to Learn? Journal of International Politics, 1(3), 26- 35.
  • Mohr, L. B. (1982). Explaining Organizational Behaviour (1st ed), San Francisco: Jossey-Basspp
  • Norton, A. (1985). A Short Review of Local Government Systems in Other Western Democracies. Local Government Studies, 11(5), 35-48. 3
  • Ola, C. S. (1984) Town and Country Planning and Environmental Laws in Nigerian. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press
  • PILDAT. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Local Government Laws in Pakistan, 1-22. content/uploads/2019/04/ComparativeAnaly sisofLocalGovernmentLawsinPakistan.pdf
  • Rafique, Z., Rosilawati, Y., & Habib, S. (2020). Development of local governance and decentralization to empower citizens in pakistan: A historical analysis. Revista UNISCI, (53), 207-220.
  • Report on Devolution plan in Pakistan, Plan, L. G., Plan, D., & Fellowships, I. P. (2003). Open Society Institute.
  • Report on Local Government System in Azad Jammu and Kashmir: Background, Evaluation and Way forward by Centre for Peace Development and Reforms (CPDR) 2020.
  • Simons, Helen. 2009. Case study research in practice. USA: SAGE publications.
  • Special Report on USIP on Devolution of powers Van Metre, Geiger, & K. (2018). Special Report 2301. New York.
  • The AJK Interim Constitution, 1974
  • The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
  • The AJK Local Government Act, 1990
  • The KP Local Government Amendment Act, 2019
  • UNDP. (2014). Development Advocate Pakistan, 2(1), 23-25.
  • Whallen, H. (1976). Ideology, Democracy and function of Local Self Government. Politics and Government of Urban Canada. Toronto: Methuen, 312.
  • Woodside, A. G. (2010). Case study research: Theory, methods, and practice. United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing
  • Wraith, R. (1984). Local Administration in West Africa. London: Leonge Allen and Unwin

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    APA : Khan, N. A., Rahman, A., & Gardazi, S. M. F. (2021). The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990. Global Regional Review, VI(IV), 75 - 84.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Nafees Ahmed, Adnan Rahman, and Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi. 2021. "The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990." Global Regional Review, VI (IV): 75 - 84 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-IV).07
    HARVARD : KHAN, N. A., RAHMAN, A. & GARDAZI, S. M. F. 2021. The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990. Global Regional Review, VI, 75 - 84.
    MHRA : Khan, Nafees Ahmed, Adnan Rahman, and Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi. 2021. "The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990." Global Regional Review, VI: 75 - 84
    MLA : Khan, Nafees Ahmed, Adnan Rahman, and Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi. "The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990." Global Regional Review, VI.IV (2021): 75 - 84 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Nafees Ahmed, Rahman, Adnan, and Gardazi, Syed Mudasser Fida (2021), "The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990", Global Regional Review, VI (IV), 75 - 84
    TURABIAN : Khan, Nafees Ahmed, Adnan Rahman, and Syed Mudasser Fida Gardazi. "The Autonomy and Efficiency in Local Governance: A Legislative Appraisal of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Local Government Act, 1990." Global Regional Review VI, no. IV (2021): 75 - 84.