Authored by : FahimFahim , NoorJehan , SalmaKhan

32 Pages : 290-298


  • Ali, I. (1979). The Punjab Canal Colonies, 1885-1940(PhD Thesis). Retrieved from
  • Arpino, B., Gumà, J., & Julià, A. (2018). Early-life conditions and health at older ages: The mediating role of educational attainment, family and employment trajectories. PloS One, 13(4), e0195320
  • Ben-Shlomo, Y., & Kuh, D. (2002). A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: Conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(2), 285-293.
  • Boekelheide, K., Blumberg, B., Chapin, R. E., Cote, I., Graziano, J. H., Janesick, A., ... Rogers, J. M. (2012). Predicting later-life outcomes of early-life exposures. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(10),1353
  • Clements, M. B. J., Gupta, M. S., & Inchauste, M. G. (2004). Helping countries develop: The role of fiscal policy. International Monetary Fund.
  • Craigwell, R., Bynoe, D., & Lowe, S. (2012). The effectiveness of government expenditure on education and health care in the Caribbean. International Journal of Development Issues, 11(1), 4-18.
  • Currie, J., & Almond, D. (2011). Human capital development before age five. In Handbook of Labor Economics(Vol. 4, pp. 1315-1486
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  • Green, B. L., Ayoub,C., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., Furrer, C., Chazan-Cohen, R., ... Klevens, J. (2014). The effect of Early Head Start on child welfare system involvement: A first look at longitudinal child maltreatment outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 127-135
  • Health, R. C. of P. and C. (2017). Poverty and Child Health. Views from the frontline. Retrieved from RCPCH.pdf
  • House, Q. E. (2019). Global MPI Country Briefing 2019: Pakistan (South Asia)(p. 6). Retrieved from Oxford Department of International Development website:
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  • Majid, M. F. (2015). The persistent effects of in utero nutrition shocks over the life cycle: Evidence from Ramadan fasting. Journal of Development Economics, 117, 48-57
  • Malik, A. S. (2016). Fighting malnutrition in Pakistan with a helping hand from children abroad. Retrieved November 3, 2019, from UNICEF website:
  • Najam, A., & Bari, F. (2017). Pakistan National Human Development Report. Unleashing the Potential of a Young Pakistan. Islamabad: UNDP
  • Panhwar, F. Y., Khatwani, M. K., & Abbasi, I. A. (2019). Language Politics in Pakistan and Its Sociolinguistic Impacts on Sindh: A Critique. Grassroots, 52(2)
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  • Remoundou, K., & Koundouri, P. (2009). Environmental effects on public health: An economic perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(8), 2160-2178
  • Reynolds, A. J., Ou, S.-R., & Topitzes, J. W. (2004). Paths of Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Educational Attainment and Delinquency: A Confirmatory Analysis of the Chicago Child-Parent Centers. Child Development, 75(5), 1299-1328
  • Schoch, J. (2014). Empirical Essays on the Effects of Early Life Conditions on HealthLater in Life
  • Skeaff, S. A. (2011). Iodine deficiency in pregnancy: The effect on neurodevelopment in the child. Nutrients, 3(2), 265-273
  • Stauber, C., Adams, E. A., Rothenberg, R., Dai, D., Luo, R., Weaver, S. R., ... Heath, J. (2018). Measuring the Impact of Environment on the Health of Large Cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6),
  • Todd, J. E., & Winters, P. (2011). The Effect of Early Interventions in Health and Nutrition on On-Time School Enrollment: Evidence from the Oportunidades Program in Rural Mexico. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 59(3), 549-581
  • NDP. (2019, April 11). About Human Development. Retrieved November 4, 2019, from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-Human Development Reports website:
  • UNICEF. (2017). The Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan. Retrieved from Government of Pakistan (GoP) and UNICEF Pakistan website: Analysis of Children in Pakistan.pdf
  • World Bank. (2013, February 22). Human development index (HDI) | Data Catalog. Retrieved November 4, 2019, from World Bank website:
  • Wüst, M. (2012). Early interventions and infant health: Evidence from the Danish home visiting program. Labour Economics, 19(4), 484-495.
  • Xu, Y., Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2018). Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evolution and HumanBehavior, 39(1), 40-51
  • Zhen-Duan, J., Engebretsen, B., & Laroche, H. H. (2019). Diet and physical activity changes among low-income families: Perspectives of mothers and their children. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 14(1), 1658700
  • Ali, I. (1979). The Punjab Canal Colonies, 1885-1940(PhD Thesis). Retrieved from
  • Arpino, B., Gumà, J., & Julià, A. (2018). Early-life conditions and health at older ages: The mediating role of educational attainment, family and employment trajectories. PloS One, 13(4), e0195320
  • Ben-Shlomo, Y., & Kuh, D. (2002). A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: Conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(2), 285-293.
  • Boekelheide, K., Blumberg, B., Chapin, R. E., Cote, I., Graziano, J. H., Janesick, A., ... Rogers, J. M. (2012). Predicting later-life outcomes of early-life exposures. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(10),1353
  • Clements, M. B. J., Gupta, M. S., & Inchauste, M. G. (2004). Helping countries develop: The role of fiscal policy. International Monetary Fund.
  • Craigwell, R., Bynoe, D., & Lowe, S. (2012). The effectiveness of government expenditure on education and health care in the Caribbean. International Journal of Development Issues, 11(1), 4-18.
  • Currie, J., & Almond, D. (2011). Human capital development before age five. In Handbook of Labor Economics(Vol. 4, pp. 1315-1486
  • usick, S. E., & Georgieff, M. K. (2016). The Role of Nutrition in Brain Development: The Golden Opportunity of the
  • Government of Pakistan. (2019). Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-19. Retrieved from Finance Division website: h ttp://
  • Green, B. L., Ayoub,C., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., Furrer, C., Chazan-Cohen, R., ... Klevens, J. (2014). The effect of Early Head Start on child welfare system involvement: A first look at longitudinal child maltreatment outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 127-135
  • Health, R. C. of P. and C. (2017). Poverty and Child Health. Views from the frontline. Retrieved from RCPCH.pdf
  • House, Q. E. (2019). Global MPI Country Briefing 2019: Pakistan (South Asia)(p. 6). Retrieved from Oxford Department of International Development website:
  • Jamal, H., & Khan, A. J. (2005). The knowledge divide: Education inequality in Pakistan.
  • Kakar, R. (2016). Making sense of the CPEC controversy-III -Google Scholar. Retrieved October 29, 2019, from
  • Karim, A. S., Saeed, S., & Akber, N. (2019). Ethnic Diversity and Political Development In Pakistan. The Government-Annual Research Journal of Political Science., 7(7).
  • Maccini, S., & Yang, D. (2009). Under the weather: Health, schooling, and economic consequences of early-life rainfall. American Economic Review, 99(3), 1006-1026
  • Majid, M. F. (2015). The persistent effects of in utero nutrition shocks over the life cycle: Evidence from Ramadan fasting. Journal of Development Economics, 117, 48-57
  • Malik, A. S. (2016). Fighting malnutrition in Pakistan with a helping hand from children abroad. Retrieved November 3, 2019, from UNICEF website:
  • Najam, A., & Bari, F. (2017). Pakistan National Human Development Report. Unleashing the Potential of a Young Pakistan. Islamabad: UNDP
  • Panhwar, F. Y., Khatwani, M. K., & Abbasi, I. A. (2019). Language Politics in Pakistan and Its Sociolinguistic Impacts on Sindh: A Critique. Grassroots, 52(2)
  • Pasha, H. A. (2019). Growth andInequality in Pakistan: Agenda for Reforms. Retrieved from
  • PBS. (2017). PROVISIONAL SUMMARY RESULTS OF 6TH POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS-2017 | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved October 29, 2019, from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) website:
  • Remoundou, K., & Koundouri, P. (2009). Environmental effects on public health: An economic perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(8), 2160-2178
  • Reynolds, A. J., Ou, S.-R., & Topitzes, J. W. (2004). Paths of Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Educational Attainment and Delinquency: A Confirmatory Analysis of the Chicago Child-Parent Centers. Child Development, 75(5), 1299-1328
  • Schoch, J. (2014). Empirical Essays on the Effects of Early Life Conditions on HealthLater in Life
  • Skeaff, S. A. (2011). Iodine deficiency in pregnancy: The effect on neurodevelopment in the child. Nutrients, 3(2), 265-273
  • Stauber, C., Adams, E. A., Rothenberg, R., Dai, D., Luo, R., Weaver, S. R., ... Heath, J. (2018). Measuring the Impact of Environment on the Health of Large Cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6),
  • Todd, J. E., & Winters, P. (2011). The Effect of Early Interventions in Health and Nutrition on On-Time School Enrollment: Evidence from the Oportunidades Program in Rural Mexico. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 59(3), 549-581
  • NDP. (2019, April 11). About Human Development. Retrieved November 4, 2019, from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-Human Development Reports website:
  • UNICEF. (2017). The Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan. Retrieved from Government of Pakistan (GoP) and UNICEF Pakistan website: Analysis of Children in Pakistan.pdf
  • World Bank. (2013, February 22). Human development index (HDI) | Data Catalog. Retrieved November 4, 2019, from World Bank website:
  • Wüst, M. (2012). Early interventions and infant health: Evidence from the Danish home visiting program. Labour Economics, 19(4), 484-495.
  • Xu, Y., Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2018). Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evolution and HumanBehavior, 39(1), 40-51
  • Zhen-Duan, J., Engebretsen, B., & Laroche, H. H. (2019). Diet and physical activity changes among low-income families: Perspectives of mothers and their children. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 14(1), 1658700

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    APA : Fahim, F., Jehan, N., & Khan, S. (2019). Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 290-298.
    CHICAGO : Fahim, Fahim, Noor Jehan, and Salma Khan. 2019. "Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 290-298 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).32
    HARVARD : FAHIM, F., JEHAN, N. & KHAN, S. 2019. Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 290-298.
    MHRA : Fahim, Fahim, Noor Jehan, and Salma Khan. 2019. "Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 290-298
    MLA : Fahim, Fahim, Noor Jehan, and Salma Khan. "Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 290-298 Print.
    OXFORD : Fahim, Fahim, Jehan, Noor, and Khan, Salma (2019), "Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 290-298
    TURABIAN : Fahim, Fahim, Noor Jehan, and Salma Khan. "Regional Inequalities, Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions and Adult Life Outcomes-Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 290-298.