Authored by : Ghani Rahman

05 Pages : 51-61


  • Babrakzai, F. (1999). Topics in Pashto syntax. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa].
  • Baker, M. (1988). Incorporation: A theory of grammatical function changing. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
  • Barrenechea, A. M. (1987). El habla culta de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
  • Belloro, V. (2007). The pragmatics of dative doubling in Spanish. 2007 International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar. México, DF
  • Blake, B. J. (2001). Case. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bleam, T. (1999). Leísta Spanish and the syntax of clitic doubling. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Delaware, University of Delaware].
  • Company, C. C. (2006). El Objeto Indirecto. Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española. C. C. C. (Directora). México DF, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Fondo de Cultura Económica 1. La frase verbal: 477-572
  • Comrie, B. (1989). Language universals and linguistic typology. Chicago, University of Chicago.
  • Demonte, V. (1995). Dative alternation in Spanish. Probus 7, 5-30.
  • Greenberg, J. (1974). The relation of frequency to semantic feature in a case language (Russian). Stanford University: Stanford.
  • Hallberg, G. D. (1992). Sociolinguistic survey of Northern Pakistan (Volume 4). Pashto, Waneci, Ormuri, Published by National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-I Azam University, Islamabad,
  • Jaeggli, O. (1986). Three issues in the theory of clitics: Case, doubled NPs, and extraction. In syntax and semantics. The syntax of pronominal clitics. Borer, H. Academic Press.19: New York.
  • Khan, A. A., Khalid, A., & Rahman, G. (2020). Tense-driven asymmetries and clitic placement in compound verbs of Pashto language. Global Language Review, 5(1) 67-75.
  • Khan, A. A., Rahman, G., & Ali, S. S. (2020). Phonological reduction in Pashto. Global Language Review, 5(3) 1-10.
  • Lambert, S. (2010). Beyond recipients: Towards a typology of dative uses. State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Mayer, E. (2003). Clitic doubling in Limeño. A case study in LFG. [unpublished master’s thesis, Australian National University].
  • Muhammad. P. (1996). Da Dashte Luth Musafar [The traveller of the Desert of Sahara]. Alkitab Printer: Peshwar.
  • Newman, J. (1996). Give: A cognitive linguistic study (No. 7). Walter de Gruyter
  • Ouali, H. (2006). Unifying agreement Relations: A minimalist analysis of Berber. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan].
  • Penzl, H. (1955). A grammar of Pashto: A descriptive study of the dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan (Vol. 2).
  • Rahman, G. (2009). A comparative study of Pashto and English phonology for English language teaching and learning, [unpublished master’s thesis, UMT, Lahore].
  • Rahman, G. Din, R. U., Iqbal, M., & Rashid, H. R. (2017). Cognitive accessibility and referents encoding possibilities. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 20(2), 37-50.
  • Rahman, G., & Bukhari, N. H. (2014). Case system in Pashto: Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 17(1), 173-193.
  • Rahman, G., Anees, M., & Khan, A. A. (2020). Topicalization in Pashto . Global Social Science Review, 5(1) 163-171. 7
  • Rahman, G., Bukhari, N. H., Ali, A., Din, R. U., & Khan, A. A. (2020). Agreement in Pashto. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(11), 1154-1173.
  • Rahman, G., Hamid, A., Rahat, L., Khan, A. A., & Karam, A. A. (2021). Verbal clitics in role and reference grammar. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(2), 581-597.
  • Rahman, G., Khan, A. A., Hamid A. Bukhari, N. H. & Ali, A. (2020). Rigidity and flexibility in Pashto. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(12), 1313-1323.
  • Roberts, T. (2000). Clitics and agreement. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology].
  • Tegey, H. (1975). A study of Pashto clitics and implications for linguistic theory. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 5(1), 154-196.
  • Tegey, H. (1977). The grammar of clitics: Evidence from Pashto and other languages. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign].
  • Tegey, H., & Barbara R. (1996). Pashto reference grammar. Center for Applied Linguistics: Washington, D.C.
  • Tegey, H., & Robson, B. (1993). Beginning textbook revised edition, Office of International Education (Eds.), Washington, DC.
  • Van Valin, R. D. Jr. (2005). Exploring the syntax-semantics interface. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
  • Babrakzai, F. (1999). Topics in Pashto syntax. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa].
  • Baker, M. (1988). Incorporation: A theory of grammatical function changing. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
  • Barrenechea, A. M. (1987). El habla culta de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
  • Belloro, V. (2007). The pragmatics of dative doubling in Spanish. 2007 International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar. México, DF
  • Blake, B. J. (2001). Case. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bleam, T. (1999). Leísta Spanish and the syntax of clitic doubling. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Delaware, University of Delaware].
  • Company, C. C. (2006). El Objeto Indirecto. Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española. C. C. C. (Directora). México DF, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Fondo de Cultura Económica 1. La frase verbal: 477-572
  • Comrie, B. (1989). Language universals and linguistic typology. Chicago, University of Chicago.
  • Demonte, V. (1995). Dative alternation in Spanish. Probus 7, 5-30.
  • Greenberg, J. (1974). The relation of frequency to semantic feature in a case language (Russian). Stanford University: Stanford.
  • Hallberg, G. D. (1992). Sociolinguistic survey of Northern Pakistan (Volume 4). Pashto, Waneci, Ormuri, Published by National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-I Azam University, Islamabad,
  • Jaeggli, O. (1986). Three issues in the theory of clitics: Case, doubled NPs, and extraction. In syntax and semantics. The syntax of pronominal clitics. Borer, H. Academic Press.19: New York.
  • Khan, A. A., Khalid, A., & Rahman, G. (2020). Tense-driven asymmetries and clitic placement in compound verbs of Pashto language. Global Language Review, 5(1) 67-75.
  • Khan, A. A., Rahman, G., & Ali, S. S. (2020). Phonological reduction in Pashto. Global Language Review, 5(3) 1-10.
  • Lambert, S. (2010). Beyond recipients: Towards a typology of dative uses. State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Mayer, E. (2003). Clitic doubling in Limeño. A case study in LFG. [unpublished master’s thesis, Australian National University].
  • Muhammad. P. (1996). Da Dashte Luth Musafar [The traveller of the Desert of Sahara]. Alkitab Printer: Peshwar.
  • Newman, J. (1996). Give: A cognitive linguistic study (No. 7). Walter de Gruyter
  • Ouali, H. (2006). Unifying agreement Relations: A minimalist analysis of Berber. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan].
  • Penzl, H. (1955). A grammar of Pashto: A descriptive study of the dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan (Vol. 2).
  • Rahman, G. (2009). A comparative study of Pashto and English phonology for English language teaching and learning, [unpublished master’s thesis, UMT, Lahore].
  • Rahman, G. Din, R. U., Iqbal, M., & Rashid, H. R. (2017). Cognitive accessibility and referents encoding possibilities. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 20(2), 37-50.
  • Rahman, G., & Bukhari, N. H. (2014). Case system in Pashto: Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 17(1), 173-193.
  • Rahman, G., Anees, M., & Khan, A. A. (2020). Topicalization in Pashto . Global Social Science Review, 5(1) 163-171. 7
  • Rahman, G., Bukhari, N. H., Ali, A., Din, R. U., & Khan, A. A. (2020). Agreement in Pashto. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(11), 1154-1173.
  • Rahman, G., Hamid, A., Rahat, L., Khan, A. A., & Karam, A. A. (2021). Verbal clitics in role and reference grammar. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(2), 581-597.
  • Rahman, G., Khan, A. A., Hamid A. Bukhari, N. H. & Ali, A. (2020). Rigidity and flexibility in Pashto. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(12), 1313-1323.
  • Roberts, T. (2000). Clitics and agreement. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology].
  • Tegey, H. (1975). A study of Pashto clitics and implications for linguistic theory. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 5(1), 154-196.
  • Tegey, H. (1977). The grammar of clitics: Evidence from Pashto and other languages. [unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign].
  • Tegey, H., & Barbara R. (1996). Pashto reference grammar. Center for Applied Linguistics: Washington, D.C.
  • Tegey, H., & Robson, B. (1993). Beginning textbook revised edition, Office of International Education (Eds.), Washington, DC.
  • Van Valin, R. D. Jr. (2005). Exploring the syntax-semantics interface. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge

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    CHICAGO : Rahman, Ghani. 2023. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII (IV): 51-61 doi: 10.31703/grr.2023(VIII-IV).05
    HARVARD : RAHMAN, G. 2023. Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto. Global Regional Review, VIII, 51-61.
    MHRA : Rahman, Ghani. 2023. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII: 51-61
    MLA : Rahman, Ghani. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII.IV (2023): 51-61 Print.
    OXFORD : Rahman, Ghani (2023), "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto", Global Regional Review, VIII (IV), 51-61