Authored by : HiraAzharRajpoot , AbidGhafoorChaudhry

30 Pages : 269-278


  • Alamoudi, K. (2016 ). Effects of parent's conflicts on children. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 1453-1556.
  • Beach, S. R., Heyman, R. E., Slep, A. S., Foran, H. M., & Wamboldt, M. Z. (2012). Family problems and family violence: reliable assessment and the ICD-11. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Bhukuth, A., & Ballet, J. (2015). Children of the street: Why are they in the street? How do they live? Economics & Sociology, 134-146.
  • Child Welfare Committee Operational Guidelines, Save the Children and War Child Holland for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children's Affairs and the Child Rights Act Steering Committee. (2009). Child protection-The basics & protection mechanisms within Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone: Child Welfare Committee Operational Guidelines, Save the Children and War Child Holland for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children's Affairs and the Child Rights Act Steering Committee.
  • CP&WB. (2015-2016). Annual Report.Child Protection Welfare Bureau
  • Chaudhry, A. G., Saleem, H., & Riaz, M. (2015). Endogamy and marital alliances: anthropology of indigenous marriage patterns. Pakistan Association of Anthropology, Islamabad, Pakistan , 1603.
  • Cullen, H. (2007). The role of international law in the elimination of child labour. LEiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Chowdhury, R., & Kumar, A. (2008). To prevent and combat trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children and women. India: Ministry of Women and Child Development
  • Cheney, R. B. (2004). The department of labour's: Findings on the worst forms of child labour. Washington: U.S. Department of Labour, Bureau of International Labour Affairs.
  • Costa, B. D. (2016). Children and violence: Politics of conflict in south Asia. India: Cambridge University Press.
  • Desai, M. (2019). Rights based integrated child protection service delivery systems: secondary and tertiary prevention. India: Springer Nature.
  • Drolet, J. L. (2019). Rebuilding lives post-disaster. United States of America: Oxford University Press.
  • Edgcumbe, R. (2002). Anna Freud: a view of development, disturbance and therapeutic techniques. London, Philadelphia: Routledge.
  • Fayyazuddin, S., Jillani, A., & Jillani, Z. (1998). The state of Pakistan's children, 1997. New Delhi: APH Publishing.
  • Garfinkel, I., Hochschild, J. L., & McLanahan, S. S. (2001). Social policies for children. Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
  • Goh, E. (2011 ). China's one child policy and multiple caregiving: raising little suns in Xiamen. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Greenhalgh, S. (2008). Just one child: science and policy in Deng's China. Berkeley, Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.
  • Government of Pakistan . (2009 ). UN committee on the rights of the child on the implementation of the convention on the rights of the child . Pakistan: National Commission for Child Welfare and Development, Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education Government of Pakistan.
  • Hornby, A. S. (2005). Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current english. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hindman, H. D., & Hindman, H. (2014). The world of child labour: an historical and regional survey. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Hashmi, Z. A. (2018). Canal colonization in the princely state of Bahawalpur: An attribute of the agrarian development. Journal of Historical Studies , 53.
  • Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & Mcbride, B. (2008). Cultural anthropology the human challenge. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States: Cengage Learning.
  • ISPCAN. (2012). Promoting research to prevent child maltreatment. ISPCAN.
  • Juang, L. P., & Taylor, A. J. (2012). Family conflict among chinese- and Mexican-origin adolescents and their parents in the U.S.: new directions for child and adolescent development, number 135. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kapur, M. (2011 ). Counselling children with psychological problems. India: Pearson Education India.
  • Khalid, S., & Gilani, A. H. (2010). Distinctive cultural and geographical legacy of Bahawalpur. Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies , 1-17.
  • Mwania, N. (2015). the-importance-of-a-baseline-survey-in-projects. Retrieved August 2, 2018, from kryptoneconsultingltd.weebly:
  • NDMP. (2012). National disaster management plan. Pakistan: Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change, National Disaster Management Authority.
  • Petersen, A. C., Berliner, L., Burton, L. M., Corso, P. S., Daro, D., Davidson, H., et al. (2014). New directions in child abuse and neglect research. United States of America: National Academies Press
  • Roberts, M. C., & Wallander, J. L. (2013). Family issues in pediatric psychology. Hove, London: Routledge
  • Rennison, N. (2001). Freud and psychoanalysis: everything you need to know about id, ego, super-ego and more. Great Britain: Oldcastle Books.
  • Rahman, A. U., Khan, A. N., & Shaw, R. (2015). Disaster risk reduction approaches in Pakistan. Pakistan: Springer.
  • Seneviratne, D., & Silva, N. D. (2009). Child Rights Baseline 2009:To support the realizing child rights thematic programme plan 2008 to 2011. Research Gate , 9-12.
  • Srivastava, R. N., Seth, R., & Niekerk, J. v. (2013). Child abuse and neglect: Challenges and opportunities. India, London: JP Medical Ltd.
  • Shujaat, Q. (2015). The state of children in Pakistan. Pakistan: Ombudsman, Children Complaint Office, Unicef.
  • Saeed, S., Sohail, M. M., & Safdar, M. R. (2012). Parental conflict and its effects on youth self esteem (a study at university of Punjab). Research Gate , 1-3.
  • Starr, R., & Wolfe, D. A. (1991 ). The effects of child abuse and neglect: Issues and research. London, New York: Guilford Press.
  • UNESCO. (1995). The convention on the rights of the child: UNESCO's contribution. France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • UNICEF. (2007). Protecting the World's children: impact of the convention on the rights of the child in diverse legal systems. United States of America : Cambridge University Press.
  • UNICEF. (2017). UNICEF Annual Report . UNICEF
  • WHO. (2018). A profile of street children. Geneva, Switzerland: World health organization, Mental health determinants and populations, Department of mental health and substance dependence.Farrell, C. A., Fleegler, E. W., Monuteaux, M. C., Wilson, R. C., Christian, W. C., & Lee, K. L. (2017). Community poverty and child abuse fatalities in the United States. Pediatrics, 139(5), 1-9
  • Alamoudi, K. (2016 ). Effects of parent's conflicts on children. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 1453-1556.
  • Beach, S. R., Heyman, R. E., Slep, A. S., Foran, H. M., & Wamboldt, M. Z. (2012). Family problems and family violence: reliable assessment and the ICD-11. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Bhukuth, A., & Ballet, J. (2015). Children of the street: Why are they in the street? How do they live? Economics & Sociology, 134-146.
  • Child Welfare Committee Operational Guidelines, Save the Children and War Child Holland for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children's Affairs and the Child Rights Act Steering Committee. (2009). Child protection-The basics & protection mechanisms within Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone: Child Welfare Committee Operational Guidelines, Save the Children and War Child Holland for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children's Affairs and the Child Rights Act Steering Committee.
  • CP&WB. (2015-2016). Annual Report.Child Protection Welfare Bureau
  • Chaudhry, A. G., Saleem, H., & Riaz, M. (2015). Endogamy and marital alliances: anthropology of indigenous marriage patterns. Pakistan Association of Anthropology, Islamabad, Pakistan , 1603.
  • Cullen, H. (2007). The role of international law in the elimination of child labour. LEiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Chowdhury, R., & Kumar, A. (2008). To prevent and combat trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children and women. India: Ministry of Women and Child Development
  • Cheney, R. B. (2004). The department of labour's: Findings on the worst forms of child labour. Washington: U.S. Department of Labour, Bureau of International Labour Affairs.
  • Costa, B. D. (2016). Children and violence: Politics of conflict in south Asia. India: Cambridge University Press.
  • Desai, M. (2019). Rights based integrated child protection service delivery systems: secondary and tertiary prevention. India: Springer Nature.
  • Drolet, J. L. (2019). Rebuilding lives post-disaster. United States of America: Oxford University Press.
  • Edgcumbe, R. (2002). Anna Freud: a view of development, disturbance and therapeutic techniques. London, Philadelphia: Routledge.
  • Fayyazuddin, S., Jillani, A., & Jillani, Z. (1998). The state of Pakistan's children, 1997. New Delhi: APH Publishing.
  • Garfinkel, I., Hochschild, J. L., & McLanahan, S. S. (2001). Social policies for children. Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
  • Goh, E. (2011 ). China's one child policy and multiple caregiving: raising little suns in Xiamen. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Greenhalgh, S. (2008). Just one child: science and policy in Deng's China. Berkeley, Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.
  • Government of Pakistan . (2009 ). UN committee on the rights of the child on the implementation of the convention on the rights of the child . Pakistan: National Commission for Child Welfare and Development, Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education Government of Pakistan.
  • Hornby, A. S. (2005). Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current english. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hindman, H. D., & Hindman, H. (2014). The world of child labour: an historical and regional survey. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Hashmi, Z. A. (2018). Canal colonization in the princely state of Bahawalpur: An attribute of the agrarian development. Journal of Historical Studies , 53.
  • Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & Mcbride, B. (2008). Cultural anthropology the human challenge. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States: Cengage Learning.
  • ISPCAN. (2012). Promoting research to prevent child maltreatment. ISPCAN.
  • Juang, L. P., & Taylor, A. J. (2012). Family conflict among chinese- and Mexican-origin adolescents and their parents in the U.S.: new directions for child and adolescent development, number 135. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kapur, M. (2011 ). Counselling children with psychological problems. India: Pearson Education India.
  • Khalid, S., & Gilani, A. H. (2010). Distinctive cultural and geographical legacy of Bahawalpur. Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies , 1-17.
  • Mwania, N. (2015). the-importance-of-a-baseline-survey-in-projects. Retrieved August 2, 2018, from kryptoneconsultingltd.weebly:
  • NDMP. (2012). National disaster management plan. Pakistan: Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change, National Disaster Management Authority.
  • Petersen, A. C., Berliner, L., Burton, L. M., Corso, P. S., Daro, D., Davidson, H., et al. (2014). New directions in child abuse and neglect research. United States of America: National Academies Press
  • Roberts, M. C., & Wallander, J. L. (2013). Family issues in pediatric psychology. Hove, London: Routledge
  • Rennison, N. (2001). Freud and psychoanalysis: everything you need to know about id, ego, super-ego and more. Great Britain: Oldcastle Books.
  • Rahman, A. U., Khan, A. N., & Shaw, R. (2015). Disaster risk reduction approaches in Pakistan. Pakistan: Springer.
  • Seneviratne, D., & Silva, N. D. (2009). Child Rights Baseline 2009:To support the realizing child rights thematic programme plan 2008 to 2011. Research Gate , 9-12.
  • Srivastava, R. N., Seth, R., & Niekerk, J. v. (2013). Child abuse and neglect: Challenges and opportunities. India, London: JP Medical Ltd.
  • Shujaat, Q. (2015). The state of children in Pakistan. Pakistan: Ombudsman, Children Complaint Office, Unicef.
  • Saeed, S., Sohail, M. M., & Safdar, M. R. (2012). Parental conflict and its effects on youth self esteem (a study at university of Punjab). Research Gate , 1-3.
  • Starr, R., & Wolfe, D. A. (1991 ). The effects of child abuse and neglect: Issues and research. London, New York: Guilford Press.
  • UNESCO. (1995). The convention on the rights of the child: UNESCO's contribution. France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • UNICEF. (2007). Protecting the World's children: impact of the convention on the rights of the child in diverse legal systems. United States of America : Cambridge University Press.
  • UNICEF. (2017). UNICEF Annual Report . UNICEF
  • WHO. (2018). A profile of street children. Geneva, Switzerland: World health organization, Mental health determinants and populations, Department of mental health and substance dependence.Farrell, C. A., Fleegler, E. W., Monuteaux, M. C., Wilson, R. C., Christian, W. C., & Lee, K. L. (2017). Community poverty and child abuse fatalities in the United States. Pediatrics, 139(5), 1-9

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    APA : Rajpoot, H. A., & Chaudhry, A. G. (2020). Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life. Global Regional Review, V(I), 269-278.
    CHICAGO : Rajpoot, Hira Azhar, and Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. 2020. "Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life." Global Regional Review, V (I): 269-278 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).30
    HARVARD : RAJPOOT, H. A. & CHAUDHRY, A. G. 2020. Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life. Global Regional Review, V, 269-278.
    MHRA : Rajpoot, Hira Azhar, and Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. 2020. "Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life." Global Regional Review, V: 269-278
    MLA : Rajpoot, Hira Azhar, and Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. "Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 269-278 Print.
    OXFORD : Rajpoot, Hira Azhar and Chaudhry, Abid Ghafoor (2020), "Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life", Global Regional Review, V (I), 269-278
    TURABIAN : Rajpoot, Hira Azhar, and Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. "Parental Conflict and Role of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau on Children's Life." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 269-278.