Authored by : Amir Bajwa , Ifra Iftikhar , Irem Sultana

10 Pages : 96-105


  • Bennett, R., & Kottasz, R. (2000). Emergency fund‐raising for disaster relief. DisasterPrevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 352-360.
  • Bhandary, N., Dahal, R., & Okamura, M. (2012). Preliminary Understanding of the Seti RiverDebris-Flood in Pokhara, Nepal, on May 5th, 2012. [Technical Paper]. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6(4), 11.
  • Coppola, D. P. (2015). Introduction to International Disaster Management, Third Edition. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Inc.
  • Crondstedt, M. (2002). Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery- an outdated concept?
  • Cutter, S. L. (2003). Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 17(2), 10-13. GI Science, Disasters and Emergency Management. Transactions in GIS,7(4), 430-446.
  • Dave, R. K. (2018). Disaster Management in India Challenges and Strategies. ProwessPublishing.
  • Dowlatchahi, M., Ahmed, M., & Cressman, K. (2020). Desert Locust SITUATION IN PAKISTAN. June 10, 2020, FAO in Pakistan:
  • EMA. (1998). Australian Emergency Management Glossary. In P. K. (Ed.), EmergencyManagement Australia (EMA) (p. pp. 150).
  • FAO. (2006). Multilateral Evaluation of 2003-05 Desert Locust Campaign. Desert LocustInformation Service (FAO).
  • FAO. (2020, 5 4). Desert locust situation in Pakistan: locust surveillance and control operationsand situation analysis. 6 19, 2020, FAO in Pakistan:
  • Gonzalez, J. C. (2020, February 2). Pakistan declares national emergency over locust swarms.
  • Guha-Sapir, D., Vos, F., Below, R., & Ponserre, S. (2014). Annual Disaster Statistical Review2013. Brussels, Belgium: Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters.
  • Hannides, T. (2015). Humanitarian broadcasting in emergencies - A synthesis of evaluationfindings, Research Report Issue 7. London: BBC Media Action.
  • Iqbal, M. J., Ali, F. M., Khursheed, M. B., & Saleem, S. (2014). Analysis of Role of Media inDisaster Reporting in Pakistan. European Scientific Journa, 10(10), 321-348.
  • Jin, Y., Liu, B. F., & Austin, L. L. (2011). Examining the role of social media in effective crisis management: The effects of crisis origin, information form, and source on publics‟ crisisresponses. Communication Research, 41(1), 74-94.
  • Khan, H., Vasilescu, L. G., & Khan, A. (2008). Disaster Management Cycle - A TheoreticalApproach. Management and Marketing Journal, 43-50.
  • Littlefield, R. S., & Quenette, A. M. (2007). Crisis Leadership andHurricane Katrina: ThePortrayal of Authority by the Media in Natural Disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research in social problems and public policy, 35(1),26-47.
  • Littlefield, R. S., & Quenette, A. M. (2007). Crisis Leadership and Hurricane Katrina: ThePortrayal of Authority by the Media in Natural Disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35:1, 26-47.
  • Lys, L. d. (2004). UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
  • Media Monitoring Report. (2016). The Media Council of Kenya.
  • Nair, P. (2010). Role of Media in Disaster Management. Mass Communicator.
  • Pipes, S. (2007). Information Disasters and Disaster Information: where information science meets emergency management. In D. (. McEntire, Disciplines, Disasters and EmergencyManagement: the convergence and divergence of concepts, issues and trends from the research literature (pp. 293-319). Chales C. Thomas Publishers Ltd.
  • Puzon - Diopenes, V., & Murshed, Z. (2006). Media kit: Community-based Disaster Risk Management and the Media. Bangkok, Thailand: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center.
  • Raza, S. I. (2020, February 1). National emergency declared against locusts. Dawn.
  • Roshandel, A. T., Pourezzat, A. A., & Gholipour, A. (2009). A comprehensive model of thecrisis management process, Iran Police University Journal. Iran Police University Journal, 10, 2, 63-80.
  • Scheufele, D. (1999). Framing as Theory of Media Effects. Journal of Communication (49), 103-122.
  • Stephens, K. K., Barrett, A. K., & Mahometa, M. J. (2013). Organizational communication in emergencies: Using multiple channels and sources to combat noise and capture attention.Human Communication Research, 39, 230-251.
  • Tingsanchali, T. (2012). Urban flood disaster management. Procedia Engineering, 32. 25-37.
  • UNISDR, T. U. (2013). Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Guidance and IndicatorPackage for Implementing Priority Five of the Hyogo Framework, June 15, 2020, Harden Up - Protecting Queensland resilience guideline v7.pdf
  • Valkenburg, P., Semetko, H., & Claes, H. (1999). The Effects of News Frames on Readers. -COMMUN RES. Communication Research, 26. 550-569.
  • Vieweg, S., Palen, L., Liu, S. B., & Hughes, A. L. (2008). Collective intelligence in disaster: Anexamination of the phenomenon inthe aftermath of the 2007 Virginia Tech Shootings. Proceedings of the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Conference,ISCRAM 2008.
  • Warfield, C. (2008). The Disaster Management Cycle. 6 10, 2020, dm_cycle.html
  • WMO/GWP. (2008). Urban flood risk management, a tool for integrated flood management,Associated Programme on Flood Management. World Meteorological Organization.
  • World Disasters Report. (2005). Geneva, Switzerland: The International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies.
  • Zhang, L., Lecoq, M., Latchininsky, A., & Hunter, D. (2019). Locust and Grasshopper Management.
  • Bennett, R., & Kottasz, R. (2000). Emergency fund‐raising for disaster relief. DisasterPrevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 352-360.
  • Bhandary, N., Dahal, R., & Okamura, M. (2012). Preliminary Understanding of the Seti RiverDebris-Flood in Pokhara, Nepal, on May 5th, 2012. [Technical Paper]. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6(4), 11.
  • Coppola, D. P. (2015). Introduction to International Disaster Management, Third Edition. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Inc.
  • Crondstedt, M. (2002). Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery- an outdated concept?
  • Cutter, S. L. (2003). Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 17(2), 10-13. GI Science, Disasters and Emergency Management. Transactions in GIS,7(4), 430-446.
  • Dave, R. K. (2018). Disaster Management in India Challenges and Strategies. ProwessPublishing.
  • Dowlatchahi, M., Ahmed, M., & Cressman, K. (2020). Desert Locust SITUATION IN PAKISTAN. June 10, 2020, FAO in Pakistan:
  • EMA. (1998). Australian Emergency Management Glossary. In P. K. (Ed.), EmergencyManagement Australia (EMA) (p. pp. 150).
  • FAO. (2006). Multilateral Evaluation of 2003-05 Desert Locust Campaign. Desert LocustInformation Service (FAO).
  • FAO. (2020, 5 4). Desert locust situation in Pakistan: locust surveillance and control operationsand situation analysis. 6 19, 2020, FAO in Pakistan:
  • Gonzalez, J. C. (2020, February 2). Pakistan declares national emergency over locust swarms.
  • Guha-Sapir, D., Vos, F., Below, R., & Ponserre, S. (2014). Annual Disaster Statistical Review2013. Brussels, Belgium: Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters.
  • Hannides, T. (2015). Humanitarian broadcasting in emergencies - A synthesis of evaluationfindings, Research Report Issue 7. London: BBC Media Action.
  • Iqbal, M. J., Ali, F. M., Khursheed, M. B., & Saleem, S. (2014). Analysis of Role of Media inDisaster Reporting in Pakistan. European Scientific Journa, 10(10), 321-348.
  • Jin, Y., Liu, B. F., & Austin, L. L. (2011). Examining the role of social media in effective crisis management: The effects of crisis origin, information form, and source on publics‟ crisisresponses. Communication Research, 41(1), 74-94.
  • Khan, H., Vasilescu, L. G., & Khan, A. (2008). Disaster Management Cycle - A TheoreticalApproach. Management and Marketing Journal, 43-50.
  • Littlefield, R. S., & Quenette, A. M. (2007). Crisis Leadership andHurricane Katrina: ThePortrayal of Authority by the Media in Natural Disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research in social problems and public policy, 35(1),26-47.
  • Littlefield, R. S., & Quenette, A. M. (2007). Crisis Leadership and Hurricane Katrina: ThePortrayal of Authority by the Media in Natural Disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35:1, 26-47.
  • Lys, L. d. (2004). UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
  • Media Monitoring Report. (2016). The Media Council of Kenya.
  • Nair, P. (2010). Role of Media in Disaster Management. Mass Communicator.
  • Pipes, S. (2007). Information Disasters and Disaster Information: where information science meets emergency management. In D. (. McEntire, Disciplines, Disasters and EmergencyManagement: the convergence and divergence of concepts, issues and trends from the research literature (pp. 293-319). Chales C. Thomas Publishers Ltd.
  • Puzon - Diopenes, V., & Murshed, Z. (2006). Media kit: Community-based Disaster Risk Management and the Media. Bangkok, Thailand: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center.
  • Raza, S. I. (2020, February 1). National emergency declared against locusts. Dawn.
  • Roshandel, A. T., Pourezzat, A. A., & Gholipour, A. (2009). A comprehensive model of thecrisis management process, Iran Police University Journal. Iran Police University Journal, 10, 2, 63-80.
  • Scheufele, D. (1999). Framing as Theory of Media Effects. Journal of Communication (49), 103-122.
  • Stephens, K. K., Barrett, A. K., & Mahometa, M. J. (2013). Organizational communication in emergencies: Using multiple channels and sources to combat noise and capture attention.Human Communication Research, 39, 230-251.
  • Tingsanchali, T. (2012). Urban flood disaster management. Procedia Engineering, 32. 25-37.
  • UNISDR, T. U. (2013). Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Guidance and IndicatorPackage for Implementing Priority Five of the Hyogo Framework, June 15, 2020, Harden Up - Protecting Queensland resilience guideline v7.pdf
  • Valkenburg, P., Semetko, H., & Claes, H. (1999). The Effects of News Frames on Readers. -COMMUN RES. Communication Research, 26. 550-569.
  • Vieweg, S., Palen, L., Liu, S. B., & Hughes, A. L. (2008). Collective intelligence in disaster: Anexamination of the phenomenon inthe aftermath of the 2007 Virginia Tech Shootings. Proceedings of the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Conference,ISCRAM 2008.
  • Warfield, C. (2008). The Disaster Management Cycle. 6 10, 2020, dm_cycle.html
  • WMO/GWP. (2008). Urban flood risk management, a tool for integrated flood management,Associated Programme on Flood Management. World Meteorological Organization.
  • World Disasters Report. (2005). Geneva, Switzerland: The International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies.
  • Zhang, L., Lecoq, M., Latchininsky, A., & Hunter, D. (2019). Locust and Grasshopper Management.

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    APA : Bajwa, A., Iftikhar, I., & Sultana, I. (2020). Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper. Global Regional Review, V(IV), 96-105.
    CHICAGO : Bajwa, Amir, Ifra Iftikhar, and Irem Sultana. 2020. "Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper." Global Regional Review, V (IV): 96-105 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).10
    HARVARD : BAJWA, A., IFTIKHAR, I. & SULTANA, I. 2020. Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper. Global Regional Review, V, 96-105.
    MHRA : Bajwa, Amir, Ifra Iftikhar, and Irem Sultana. 2020. "Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper." Global Regional Review, V: 96-105
    MLA : Bajwa, Amir, Ifra Iftikhar, and Irem Sultana. "Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper." Global Regional Review, V.IV (2020): 96-105 Print.
    OXFORD : Bajwa, Amir, Iftikhar, Ifra, and Sultana, Irem (2020), "Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper", Global Regional Review, V (IV), 96-105
    TURABIAN : Bajwa, Amir, Ifra Iftikhar, and Irem Sultana. "Natural Disaster Reporting: A Content Analysis of Locust Infestation Coverage in Pakistani Newspaper." Global Regional Review V, no. IV (2020): 96-105.