http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).06      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).06      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : Junaid Bashir , Anas Mahmud Arif , Owais Khan

06 Pages : 44-48


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  • King, B. M. (2005). Silk and Empire. Manchester University Press.
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  • Akhter, M. (2017). Zain-ul-Abidin - the Great Sultan of Kashmir. 5(4), 1298-1304. Sirnagar, India.
  • Akhter, R., & Manzoor, S. (2019). Economic & Social Dimensions: Engine for Growth. Book Bazooka Publication, UP India.
  • Alkazi, F. (2014). Srinagar: An Architectural Legacy. New Delhi.
  • Bakshi, S. R. (1997). Kashmir: Valley and Its Culture. New Delhi, India.
  • Dusenbury, M. M. (2004). Flowers, Dragons & Pine Trees: Asian Textiles in the Spencer Museum of Art. Hudson Hills Press, New York and Manchester.
  • Goswami, K. K. (2009). Advances in Carpet Manufacture. New Delhi, India.
  • Handa, O., & Jain, M. (2000). Wood Handicraft: A Study of its Origin and Development in Saharanpur. Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi, India.
  • Kaw, M. K. & Kashmir Education, Culture, and Science Society. (2004). Kashmir and it's people : studies in the evolution of Kashmiri society. New Delhi : A.P.H. Pub.Corp, http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy051 /2004325135.html
  • Khan, N. (2017). Industrial Art Education in Colonial Punjab: Kipling's Pedagogy and Hereditary Craftsmen. John Lockwood Kipling: Arts and Crafts in the Punjab and London
  • King, B. M. (2005). Silk and Empire. Manchester University Press.
  • Nilson, T., & Thorell, K. (2018). Culture Heritage Preservation: The Past, The Present and The Future. ForfattarnaOch Halmstad University Press.
  • Parashar, P. (2004). Kashmir The Paradise of Asia. New Delhi, India.
  • Raina, M. Q. (2014). Kashur The Kashmiri Speaking People. Haryana India.
  • Rizvi, J., & Ahmed, M. (2009). Pashmina: The Kashmir Shawl and Beyond. Antique Collectors Club Limited.
  • Yasmin, F., & Bhat, A. (2013). An Evaluation of Handicraft Sector of J&K - A Case study of District Budgam. European Academic Research, India.

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    CHICAGO : Bashir, Junaid, Anas Mahmud Arif, and Owais Khan. 2021. "Kashmiri Crafts - A Fascination for Tourists." Global Regional Review, VI (II): 44-48 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).06
    HARVARD : BASHIR, J., ARIF, A. M. & KHAN, O. 2021. Kashmiri Crafts - A Fascination for Tourists. Global Regional Review, VI, 44-48.
    MHRA : Bashir, Junaid, Anas Mahmud Arif, and Owais Khan. 2021. "Kashmiri Crafts - A Fascination for Tourists." Global Regional Review, VI: 44-48
    MLA : Bashir, Junaid, Anas Mahmud Arif, and Owais Khan. "Kashmiri Crafts - A Fascination for Tourists." Global Regional Review, VI.II (2021): 44-48 Print.
    OXFORD : Bashir, Junaid, Arif, Anas Mahmud, and Khan, Owais (2021), "Kashmiri Crafts - A Fascination for Tourists", Global Regional Review, VI (II), 44-48