Authored by : Sana ShujaAhmadKhan , SyedArslanHaider , AnitaShuja

03 Pages : 21-32


  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.
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  • Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (2001). Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: A meta‐analytic review. British journal of social psychology, 40(4), 471-499.
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  • Bacq, S., & Janssen, F. (2011). The multiple faces of social entrepreneurship: A review of definitional issues based on geographical and thematic criteria. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23(5-6), 373-403.
  • Baierl, R., Grichnik, D., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2014). Antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions: The role of an individual's general social appraisal. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 123-145.
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  • Baron, R. A. (2008). The role of affect in the entrepreneurial process. Academy of management Review, 33(2), 328- 340.
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  • Bowen, H.P. and De Clercq, D. (2008),
  • Bruton, G. D., Ahlstrom, D., & Obloj, K. (2008). Entrepreneurship in emerging economies: Where are we today and where should the research go in the future. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 32(1), 1-14.
  • Busenitz, L. W., Gomez, C., & Spencer, J. W. (2000). Country institutional profiles: Unlocking entrepreneurial phenomena. Academy of Management journal, 43(5), 994-1003.
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  • Davidsson, P. and Wiklund, J. (1997),
  • Dees, J.G. and Economy, P. (2001), Social Entrepreneurship. Enterprising Non-Profits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
  • DiMaggio, P.J. and Powell, W.W. (1991), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
  • Doran, J., McCarthy, N. and O'Connor, M. (2018). 'The role of entrepreneurship in stimulating economic growth in developed and developing countries', Cogent Economics & Finance, 6(1) 1442093, (12pp). doi: 10.1080/23322039.2018.1442093
  • Drayton, B. (2012),
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  • Fitzsimmons, J.R. and Douglas, E.J. (2011),
  • Fornell, C. and Larker, D.F. (1981),
  • Genius, I., (2016). Opportunity Pakistan. Statement by the commission on social entrepreneurship & innovation. Available from
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). The college sophomore as guinea pig: Setting the record straight. Academy of Management Review, 12(1), 157-159.
  • Griffiths, M. D., Gundry, L. K., & Kickul, J. R. (2013). The socio-political, economic, and cultural determinants of social entrepreneurship activity: An empirical examination. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(2), 341-357.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Babin, B. J., & Black, W. C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective 7: Pearson Upper Saddle River.
  • Hallam, C., Zanella, G., Dosamantes, C.A.D. and Cardenas, C. (2016),
  • Harding, R. (2007),
  • Harding, R. and Cowling, M. (2006),
  • Haugh, H. (2012),
  • IMF Pakistan - International Monetary Fund, - Publications - 2019 - 1PAKEA2019002 (Accessed on 28, June 2020)
  • Johnson, M. P., & Schaltegger, S. (2019). Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: A review and multilevel causal mechanism framework. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
  • Kim, K.-C., A. ElTarabishy and Z.-T. Bae, 2018. Humane entrepreneurship: How focusing on people can drive a new era of wealth and quality job creation in a sustainable world. Journal of Small Business Management, 56: 10-29. Available at:
  • Marcotte, C. (2014),
  • Manolova, T.S., Eunni, R.V. and Gyoshev, B.S. (2008),
  • Nissan, E., Galindo, M. A., & Méndez, M. T. (2012). Innovation, progress, entrepreneurship and cultural aspects. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8, 411-420.
  • Ovidiu Stoica & Angela Roman & Valentina Diana Rusu, 2020.
  • Schaltegger, S., Hörisch, J., & Loorbach, D. (2020). Corporate and entrepreneurial contributions to sustainability transitions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(1), 1617-1618.
  • Thoumrungroje, A. (2010). Institutional drivers of entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging economy: an empirical investigation in Thailand. Journal of International Business and Economics. 10 (2)
  • Urban, B. (2015),
  • Urban, B., & Kujinga, L. (2017). The institutional environment and social entrepreneurship intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
  • Urban, B., & Kujinga, L. (2017). The institutional environment and social entrepreneurship intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 23(4), 638- 655.
  • Yamakawa, Yasuhiro and Lee, Seung-Hyun,
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.
  • Allen, I. E., Langowitz, N., & Minniti, M. (2007). Global entrepreneurship monitor. 2006 report on women and entrepreneurship, 3(1), 54-88.
  • Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (2001). Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: A meta‐analytic review. British journal of social psychology, 40(4), 471-499.
  • Audia, P. G., Locke, E. A., & Smith, K. G. (2000). The paradox of success: An archival and a laboratory study of strategic persistence following radical environmental change. Academy of Management journal, 43(5), 837-853.
  • Bacq, S., & Janssen, F. (2011). The multiple faces of social entrepreneurship: A review of definitional issues based on geographical and thematic criteria. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23(5-6), 373-403.
  • Baierl, R., Grichnik, D., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2014). Antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions: The role of an individual's general social appraisal. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 123-145.
  • Baker, M.J. (2011),
  • Baron, R. A. (2008). The role of affect in the entrepreneurial process. Academy of management Review, 33(2), 328- 340.
  • Bernardino, S., Santos, J.F. and Ribeiro, J.C. (2015),
  • Bird, B. (1988),
  • Bowen, H.P. and De Clercq, D. (2008),
  • Bruton, G. D., Ahlstrom, D., & Obloj, K. (2008). Entrepreneurship in emerging economies: Where are we today and where should the research go in the future. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 32(1), 1-14.
  • Busenitz, L. W., Gomez, C., & Spencer, J. W. (2000). Country institutional profiles: Unlocking entrepreneurial phenomena. Academy of Management journal, 43(5), 994-1003.
  • Bygrave, W.D. and Minniti, M. (2000),
  • Davidsson, P. and Wiklund, J. (1997),
  • Dees, J.G. and Economy, P. (2001), Social Entrepreneurship. Enterprising Non-Profits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
  • DiMaggio, P.J. and Powell, W.W. (1991), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
  • Doran, J., McCarthy, N. and O'Connor, M. (2018). 'The role of entrepreneurship in stimulating economic growth in developed and developing countries', Cogent Economics & Finance, 6(1) 1442093, (12pp). doi: 10.1080/23322039.2018.1442093
  • Drayton, B. (2012),
  • Estrin, S., Mickiewicz, T. and Stephan, U. (2013),
  • Fitzsimmons, J.R. and Douglas, E.J. (2011),
  • Fornell, C. and Larker, D.F. (1981),
  • Genius, I., (2016). Opportunity Pakistan. Statement by the commission on social entrepreneurship & innovation. Available from
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). The college sophomore as guinea pig: Setting the record straight. Academy of Management Review, 12(1), 157-159.
  • Griffiths, M. D., Gundry, L. K., & Kickul, J. R. (2013). The socio-political, economic, and cultural determinants of social entrepreneurship activity: An empirical examination. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(2), 341-357.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Babin, B. J., & Black, W. C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective 7: Pearson Upper Saddle River.
  • Hallam, C., Zanella, G., Dosamantes, C.A.D. and Cardenas, C. (2016),
  • Harding, R. (2007),
  • Harding, R. and Cowling, M. (2006),
  • Haugh, H. (2012),
  • IMF Pakistan - International Monetary Fund, - Publications - 2019 - 1PAKEA2019002 (Accessed on 28, June 2020)
  • Johnson, M. P., & Schaltegger, S. (2019). Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: A review and multilevel causal mechanism framework. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
  • Kim, K.-C., A. ElTarabishy and Z.-T. Bae, 2018. Humane entrepreneurship: How focusing on people can drive a new era of wealth and quality job creation in a sustainable world. Journal of Small Business Management, 56: 10-29. Available at:
  • Marcotte, C. (2014),
  • Manolova, T.S., Eunni, R.V. and Gyoshev, B.S. (2008),
  • Nissan, E., Galindo, M. A., & Méndez, M. T. (2012). Innovation, progress, entrepreneurship and cultural aspects. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8, 411-420.
  • Ovidiu Stoica & Angela Roman & Valentina Diana Rusu, 2020.
  • Schaltegger, S., Hörisch, J., & Loorbach, D. (2020). Corporate and entrepreneurial contributions to sustainability transitions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(1), 1617-1618.
  • Thoumrungroje, A. (2010). Institutional drivers of entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging economy: an empirical investigation in Thailand. Journal of International Business and Economics. 10 (2)
  • Urban, B. (2015),
  • Urban, B., & Kujinga, L. (2017). The institutional environment and social entrepreneurship intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
  • Urban, B., & Kujinga, L. (2017). The institutional environment and social entrepreneurship intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 23(4), 638- 655.
  • Yamakawa, Yasuhiro and Lee, Seung-Hyun,

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    APA : Khan, S. S. A., Haider, S. A., & Shuja, A. (2020). Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V(IV), 21-32.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Sana Shuja Ahmad, Syed Arslan Haider, and Anita Shuja. 2020. "Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (IV): 21-32 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).03
    HARVARD : KHAN, S. S. A., HAIDER, S. A. & SHUJA, A. 2020. Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 21-32.
    MHRA : Khan, Sana Shuja Ahmad, Syed Arslan Haider, and Anita Shuja. 2020. "Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 21-32
    MLA : Khan, Sana Shuja Ahmad, Syed Arslan Haider, and Anita Shuja. "Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.IV (2020): 21-32 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Sana Shuja Ahmad, Haider, Syed Arslan, and Shuja, Anita (2020), "Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (IV), 21-32
    TURABIAN : Khan, Sana Shuja Ahmad, Syed Arslan Haider, and Anita Shuja. "Investigating the Drivers and Future Paradigms of Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Empirical Study of Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. IV (2020): 21-32.