Authored by : IrfanUllahKhan , LubnaShoukat , MuhammadWaheed

48 Pages : 441-450


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  • Asif, M., & Searcy, C. (2013). Determining the key capabilities required for performance excellence in higher education. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25 (1), 22-35.
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  • Menaka, H. S., & Chandrika, K. A. (2015). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Job Performance in a Large-Scale Apparel Company. 2nd International HRM Conference, 2 (1), 65-74.
  • Mohamed, A., & Abukar, A. (2013). The impact of organizational culture on employees' performance of Mogadishu universities. Academic Research International, 4 (6), 382-391.
  • Najera, M., Dieleman, H., & Marion, S., (2006). Sustainability in Mexican Higher Education: towards a new academic and professional culture. Journal of Clean Production. 14, 1028-1038.
  • Osman, F., Munever, Y., Dogan, M., & Nermin, K. (2010). The Organizational Culture at the University. The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2 (1):1-13
  • Saad, G., & Abbas, M. (2018). The impact of organizational culture on job performance: a study of the Saudi Arabian public sector work culture. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 207-218
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research methods for business students, 7 ed., England, Pearson education limited.
  • Thornton, C. H., & Audrey, J. (2008). The role of culture in institutional and individual approaches to civic responsibility at research universities. The Journal of Higher Education, 79 (2), 160-182.
  • Thuku, R. W., Abiero, I., & Dennis, J. (2015). Influence of organizational culture on employee performance. International Journal of Science and Research, 5 (9), 1500-1506.
  • Yamani, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, 2nd Edition, New York: Harper and Row.
  • Zabid, R., Murali, S., & Azmawani, A. (2003). The influence of organizational culture on attitudes toward organizational change. The Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 25 (2), 161-179.
  • Ali, H. M., & Musah, M. B. (2012). Investigation of Malaysian higher education quality culture and workforce performance. Quality Assurance in Education, 20 (3), 289-309.
  • Amjad, Z., Sabri, P. U., Ilyas, M., & Hameed, A. (2015). Informal relationships at the workplace and employee performance: A study of employees' private higher education sector. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 9 (1), 303- 321.
  • Asif, M., & Searcy, C. (2013). Determining the key capabilities required for performance excellence in higher education. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25 (1), 22-35.
  • Balthazard, P., Cooke, A., & Potter, R. (2006). Dysfunctional culture, dysfunctional organization: Capturing the behavioral norms that form organizational culture and drive performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21 (8), 709-732.
  • Bititci, U., Mendibil, K., Nudurupati, S., Garengo, P., & Turner, T. (2006). Dynamics of performance measurement & organizational culture. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 26 (12), 1325-1350.
  • Chatman, J. A., Caldwell, D. F., Reilly, C. A., & Doerr, B. (2014). Parsing organizational culture: How the norm for adaptability influences the relationship between culture consensus and financial performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 785-808.
  • Creswell, J., & Clark, V. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research, US, SAGE Publications, Inc
  • Deanna, D. Z. (2007). Organizational Culture and Values and the Adaptation of Academic Units in Australian Universities. Higher Education, 54 (4), 557-574.
  • Denison, D. R., & Neale, W. (2000). Dennison Organizational Culture Survey, Aviat Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Denison, D., Nieminen, L., & Kotrba, L. (2014). Diagnosing organizational cultures: A conceptual and empirical review of culture effectiveness surveys. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23 (1), 145-161.
  • Ehtesham, M., & Shakil, A. (2011). Impact of organizational culture on performance management practices in Pakistan. Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Elina, M., & Elita, L. (2017). Idea management and organizational effectiveness: A research gap. Journal of Business Management, 12, 4-23.
  • Hartnell, C. A., Ou, A. Y., & Kinicki, A. (2011). Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness: A meta-analytic investigation of the competing values framework's theoretical suppositions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96 (4), 677-694.
  • Jackie, W., & Kelly, K. (2015). The relationship of employee status to organizational culture and organizational effectiveness a quantitative analysis. International Journal of Educational Management, 29 (5), 563 - 581.
  • Kezar, A. J., & Eckel, P. D. (2002). The effect of institutional culture on change strategies in higher education: Universal principles or culturally responsive concepts? Journal of Higher Education, 73 (4), 435-460.
  • Menaka, H. S., & Chandrika, K. A. (2015). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Job Performance in a Large-Scale Apparel Company. 2nd International HRM Conference, 2 (1), 65-74.
  • Mohamed, A., & Abukar, A. (2013). The impact of organizational culture on employees' performance of Mogadishu universities. Academic Research International, 4 (6), 382-391.
  • Najera, M., Dieleman, H., & Marion, S., (2006). Sustainability in Mexican Higher Education: towards a new academic and professional culture. Journal of Clean Production. 14, 1028-1038.
  • Osman, F., Munever, Y., Dogan, M., & Nermin, K. (2010). The Organizational Culture at the University. The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2 (1):1-13
  • Saad, G., & Abbas, M. (2018). The impact of organizational culture on job performance: a study of the Saudi Arabian public sector work culture. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 207-218
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research methods for business students, 7 ed., England, Pearson education limited.
  • Thornton, C. H., & Audrey, J. (2008). The role of culture in institutional and individual approaches to civic responsibility at research universities. The Journal of Higher Education, 79 (2), 160-182.
  • Thuku, R. W., Abiero, I., & Dennis, J. (2015). Influence of organizational culture on employee performance. International Journal of Science and Research, 5 (9), 1500-1506.
  • Yamani, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, 2nd Edition, New York: Harper and Row.
  • Zabid, R., Murali, S., & Azmawani, A. (2003). The influence of organizational culture on attitudes toward organizational change. The Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 25 (2), 161-179.

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    APA : Khan, I. U., Shoukat, L., & Waheed, M. (2019). Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 441-450.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Lubna Shoukat, and Muhammad Waheed. 2019. "Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 441-450 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).48
    HARVARD : KHAN, I. U., SHOUKAT, L. & WAHEED, M. 2019. Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context. Global Regional Review, IV, 441-450.
    MHRA : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Lubna Shoukat, and Muhammad Waheed. 2019. "Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context." Global Regional Review, IV: 441-450
    MLA : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Lubna Shoukat, and Muhammad Waheed. "Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 441-450 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Shoukat, Lubna, and Waheed, Muhammad (2019), "Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 441-450
    TURABIAN : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Lubna Shoukat, and Muhammad Waheed. "Impact of Organizational Culture Attributes on the Employees Performance in Educational Context." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 441-450.