http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).30      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).30      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Muhammad Ishtiaq , Muhammad Ali Asif , Muhammad HarisAziz

30 Pages : 273-285


  • Aaminou, M. W., & Aboulaich, R. (2017). Modeling consumers' behavior in new dual banking markets: the case of Morocco. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 20(02), 1750009.
  • Abdullah, A. A., Sidek, R., & Adnan, A. A. (2012). Perception of non-Muslims customers towards Islamic banks in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11). 151-163.
  • Abdullahi, S., & Shaharuddin, A. (2016). Potential for Islamic banking in Macedonia: an empirical evidence. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 1039-1047.
  • Ali, M., & Puah, C. H. (2017). Acceptance of Islamic banking as innovation: a case of Pakistan. Humanomics. 33(4), 499-516.
  • Aziz, S., & Afaq, Z. (2018). Adoption of Islamic banking in Pakistan an empirical investigation. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1-18.
  • Babbie, E. R. (2010). The practice of social research. Cengage learning.
  • Bilal, M., Fatima, S., Ishtiaq, M., & Azeem, H. M. (2020). Factors affecting the choice of Islamic banking by SMEs in Pakistan: Implications for Islamic banks' corporate governance. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 14(1), 255-272.
  • Echchabi, A., & Aziz, H. A. (2012). Empirical investigation of customers' perception and adoption towards Islamic banking services in Morocco. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(6), 849-858.
  • Echchabi, A., Aziz, H. A., Ayedh, A. M., Azouzi, D., Musse, O. S. H., & Eddine, C. O. H. (2015). Current state and future prospects of Islamic banking in Morocco: An empirical investigation. Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research, 3(2), 1-10
  • Faisal, M., Akhtar, A., & Rehman, A. (2014). Attitude of Muslims and Non-Muslims towards Islamic Banking-An Exploratory Study in India. In The Developing Role of Islamic Banking and Finance: From Local to Global Perspectives. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Gait, A., & Worthington, A. (2008). An empirical survey of individual consumer, business firm and financial institution attitudes towards Islamic methods of finance. International Journal of Social Economics, 35(11), 783-808. https://doi.org/10.1108/0306829081090542 3
  • Hidayat, S. E., & Al-Bawardi, N. K. (2012). Non- Muslims' perceptions toward Islamic banking services in Saudi Arabia. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 9(6), 654-670.
  • Ishtiaq, M., Tufail, M. S., & Shahzad, K. (2019). Risk Management Practices in Pakistani Banks with Moderating Role of Organizational Culture. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 13(2), 1- 11.
  • Israr, A., Qureshi, F. A., & Butt, M. (2018). Selection criteria of public for account opening: A case study of Islamic banks in Pakistan. Al- Iqtishad Journal of Islamic Economics, 10(1), 153- 170.
  • Kaakeh, A., Hassan, M. K., & van Hemmen Almazor, S. F. (2018). Attitude of Muslim minority in Spain towards Islamic finance. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 11(2), 213-230.
  • Khattak, N. A. (2010). Customer satisfaction and awareness of Islamic banking system in Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 4(5), 662-671
  • Lateh, N., Ismail, S., & Ariffin, N. M. (2009). Customers' perceptions on the objectives, characteristics and selection criteria of Islamic bank in Thailand. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 11(2), 167-189.
  • Lee, K. H., & Ullah, S. (2011). Customers' attitude toward Islamic banking in Pakistan. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 4(2), 131-145
  • Masood, O., Aktan, B., & Amin, Q. A. (2009). Islamic banking: a study of customer satisfaction and preferences in non-Islamic countries. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2(3), 261-285.
  • Mbawuni, J., & Nimako, S. G. (2018). Muslim and non-Muslim consumers' perception towards introduction of Islamic banking in Ghana. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. 9(3), 353-377
  • Naz, A., & Farooq, A. (2016). Customer's patronage in selection criteria of Islamic banks in Pakistan. The International Journal of Business & Management, 10(1),
  • Nimsith, S. I., Shibly, F. H. A., & Rifas, A. H. (2016). Awareness of Islamic banking products and services among the non-Muslims in Sri Lanka.3,
  • Obeid, H., & Kaabachi, S. (2016). Empirical investigation into customer adoption of Islamic banking services in Tunisia. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 32(4), 1243-1256.
  • Omar, W. A. W., & Rahim, H. A. (2016). Perception of Non-Muslims towards Islamic banking revisited: SEM approach. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 139-139.
  • Parvez, S. (2014). Perception of non Muslim clients about Islamic banking in Bangladesh. African Journal of Marketing Management, 6(7), 88-97
  • Rafiuddin, A., & Alam, Z. (2015). Growth of Islamic banking in GCC: journey and beyond. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 8(2), 99-109.
  • Ramayah, T., & Razak, D. A. (2008). Factors influencing intention to use diminishing partnership home financing. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 1(3), 235-248.
  • Rashid, M., Hassan, M. K., & Ahmad, A. U. F. (2009). Quality perception of the customers towards domestic Islamic banks in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 5(1), 109-131.
  • Rassool, N. H. (2018). Towards establishing an Islamic retail bank in a Muslim-minority country: Prospects and challenges in Mauritius. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance. 10(1), 78-84.
  • Rehman, A. A., & Masood, O. (2012). Why do customers patronize Islamic banks? A case study of Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 2(3), 130-141.
  • Riaz, U., Khan, M., & Khan, N. (2017). An Islamic banking perspective on consumers' perception in Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 9(4), 337-358.
  • Sabirzyanov, R. (2016). Islamic financial products and services patronizing behavior in Tatarstan: the role of perceived values and awareness. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 29(1).111-125.
  • Setiawan, B., Panduwangi, M., & Sumintono, B. (2018). A Rasch analysis of the community's preference for different attributes of Islamic banks in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Economics. 45(6),
  • Shaikh, S. A. (2018). Role of Islamic banking in financial inclusiveness in Pakistan: promise, performance and prospects. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 9(1), 88-102
  • Soud, N. S., & Sayılır, Ö. (2017). Perceptions of Islamic banking among Muslim and Non-Muslim citizens in Tanzania. International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies, 3(3), 15-29
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: A test of competing models. Information systems research, 6(2), 144-176.
  • Aaminou, M. W., & Aboulaich, R. (2017). Modeling consumers' behavior in new dual banking markets: the case of Morocco. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 20(02), 1750009.
  • Abdullah, A. A., Sidek, R., & Adnan, A. A. (2012). Perception of non-Muslims customers towards Islamic banks in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11). 151-163.
  • Abdullahi, S., & Shaharuddin, A. (2016). Potential for Islamic banking in Macedonia: an empirical evidence. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 1039-1047.
  • Ali, M., & Puah, C. H. (2017). Acceptance of Islamic banking as innovation: a case of Pakistan. Humanomics. 33(4), 499-516.
  • Aziz, S., & Afaq, Z. (2018). Adoption of Islamic banking in Pakistan an empirical investigation. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1-18.
  • Babbie, E. R. (2010). The practice of social research. Cengage learning.
  • Bilal, M., Fatima, S., Ishtiaq, M., & Azeem, H. M. (2020). Factors affecting the choice of Islamic banking by SMEs in Pakistan: Implications for Islamic banks' corporate governance. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 14(1), 255-272.
  • Echchabi, A., & Aziz, H. A. (2012). Empirical investigation of customers' perception and adoption towards Islamic banking services in Morocco. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(6), 849-858.
  • Echchabi, A., Aziz, H. A., Ayedh, A. M., Azouzi, D., Musse, O. S. H., & Eddine, C. O. H. (2015). Current state and future prospects of Islamic banking in Morocco: An empirical investigation. Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research, 3(2), 1-10
  • Faisal, M., Akhtar, A., & Rehman, A. (2014). Attitude of Muslims and Non-Muslims towards Islamic Banking-An Exploratory Study in India. In The Developing Role of Islamic Banking and Finance: From Local to Global Perspectives. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Gait, A., & Worthington, A. (2008). An empirical survey of individual consumer, business firm and financial institution attitudes towards Islamic methods of finance. International Journal of Social Economics, 35(11), 783-808. https://doi.org/10.1108/0306829081090542 3
  • Hidayat, S. E., & Al-Bawardi, N. K. (2012). Non- Muslims' perceptions toward Islamic banking services in Saudi Arabia. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 9(6), 654-670.
  • Ishtiaq, M., Tufail, M. S., & Shahzad, K. (2019). Risk Management Practices in Pakistani Banks with Moderating Role of Organizational Culture. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 13(2), 1- 11.
  • Israr, A., Qureshi, F. A., & Butt, M. (2018). Selection criteria of public for account opening: A case study of Islamic banks in Pakistan. Al- Iqtishad Journal of Islamic Economics, 10(1), 153- 170.
  • Kaakeh, A., Hassan, M. K., & van Hemmen Almazor, S. F. (2018). Attitude of Muslim minority in Spain towards Islamic finance. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 11(2), 213-230.
  • Khattak, N. A. (2010). Customer satisfaction and awareness of Islamic banking system in Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 4(5), 662-671
  • Lateh, N., Ismail, S., & Ariffin, N. M. (2009). Customers' perceptions on the objectives, characteristics and selection criteria of Islamic bank in Thailand. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 11(2), 167-189.
  • Lee, K. H., & Ullah, S. (2011). Customers' attitude toward Islamic banking in Pakistan. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 4(2), 131-145
  • Masood, O., Aktan, B., & Amin, Q. A. (2009). Islamic banking: a study of customer satisfaction and preferences in non-Islamic countries. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2(3), 261-285.
  • Mbawuni, J., & Nimako, S. G. (2018). Muslim and non-Muslim consumers' perception towards introduction of Islamic banking in Ghana. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. 9(3), 353-377
  • Naz, A., & Farooq, A. (2016). Customer's patronage in selection criteria of Islamic banks in Pakistan. The International Journal of Business & Management, 10(1),
  • Nimsith, S. I., Shibly, F. H. A., & Rifas, A. H. (2016). Awareness of Islamic banking products and services among the non-Muslims in Sri Lanka.3,
  • Obeid, H., & Kaabachi, S. (2016). Empirical investigation into customer adoption of Islamic banking services in Tunisia. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 32(4), 1243-1256.
  • Omar, W. A. W., & Rahim, H. A. (2016). Perception of Non-Muslims towards Islamic banking revisited: SEM approach. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 139-139.
  • Parvez, S. (2014). Perception of non Muslim clients about Islamic banking in Bangladesh. African Journal of Marketing Management, 6(7), 88-97
  • Rafiuddin, A., & Alam, Z. (2015). Growth of Islamic banking in GCC: journey and beyond. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 8(2), 99-109.
  • Ramayah, T., & Razak, D. A. (2008). Factors influencing intention to use diminishing partnership home financing. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 1(3), 235-248.
  • Rashid, M., Hassan, M. K., & Ahmad, A. U. F. (2009). Quality perception of the customers towards domestic Islamic banks in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 5(1), 109-131.
  • Rassool, N. H. (2018). Towards establishing an Islamic retail bank in a Muslim-minority country: Prospects and challenges in Mauritius. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance. 10(1), 78-84.
  • Rehman, A. A., & Masood, O. (2012). Why do customers patronize Islamic banks? A case study of Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 2(3), 130-141.
  • Riaz, U., Khan, M., & Khan, N. (2017). An Islamic banking perspective on consumers' perception in Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 9(4), 337-358.
  • Sabirzyanov, R. (2016). Islamic financial products and services patronizing behavior in Tatarstan: the role of perceived values and awareness. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 29(1).111-125.
  • Setiawan, B., Panduwangi, M., & Sumintono, B. (2018). A Rasch analysis of the community's preference for different attributes of Islamic banks in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Economics. 45(6),
  • Shaikh, S. A. (2018). Role of Islamic banking in financial inclusiveness in Pakistan: promise, performance and prospects. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 9(1), 88-102
  • Soud, N. S., & Sayılır, Ö. (2017). Perceptions of Islamic banking among Muslim and Non-Muslim citizens in Tanzania. International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies, 3(3), 15-29
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: A test of competing models. Information systems research, 6(2), 144-176.

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    APA : Ishtiaq, M., Asif, M. A., & Aziz, M. H. (2021). Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 273-285. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).30
    CHICAGO : Ishtiaq, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Asif, and Muhammad Haris Aziz. 2021. "Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 273-285 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).30
    HARVARD : ISHTIAQ, M., ASIF, M. A. & AZIZ, M. H. 2021. Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VI, 273-285.
    MHRA : Ishtiaq, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Asif, and Muhammad Haris Aziz. 2021. "Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI: 273-285
    MLA : Ishtiaq, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Asif, and Muhammad Haris Aziz. "Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 273-285 Print.
    OXFORD : Ishtiaq, Muhammad, Asif, Muhammad Ali, and Aziz, Muhammad Haris (2021), "Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 273-285
    TURABIAN : Ishtiaq, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Asif, and Muhammad Haris Aziz. "Factors Affecting the Intentions to use Islamic Banking among Christian Community in Pakistan." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 273-285. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).30