http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).13      10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).13      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : Zulfiqar Ali , AsadKhan , FarooqHussain

13 Pages : 120-129


  • Ayers, S. F., &Housner, L. D. (2008). Adescriptive analysis of undergraduate PETE programs.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,27(1), 51-67.
  • Balding, A. (2001). Pupils get fit to succeed. Education and Health, 19, 17-20.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bowers, S. T. (2009).Adapted physical education professors' perceptions of teaching behaviors of effective general and adapted physical educators.Texas Woman's University.
  • Chomitz, V., Slining, M., & McGowan, R., et al. (2009). Is there a relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement? Positive results from public school children in the northeastern United States.Journal of School Health, 79, 30-37.
  • Coe, D. P. (2003).Theimportance of physical education classes in relation to physical activity behaviors, physical fitness, and academic achievement in middle school children (Doctoral dissertation).ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.(3115952) Motivation, Activity, & Fitness, 3, 21-39
  • Gaus, M., & Simpson, C. (2009). Integratingphysical activity into academic pursuits.Kappa Delta Pi Record, Winter, 88-91. 122
  • Goldhaber, D., Liddle, S., & Theo bald, R. (2013). The gateway to the profession: Assessing teacher preparation programs based on student achievement.Economics of Education Review,34, 29-44.
  • Kaye, E. A. (Ed.). (2012).Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools, 2012-2013.University of Chicago Press.
  • Lindemann, J. E. (2012).Psychological and behavioral aspects of physical disability: A manual for health practitioners. Springer Science & Business Media
  • Metzler, M. (2017).Instructional models in physical education. Taylor & Francis
  • Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017).Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults.John Wiley & Sons
  • Ayers, S. F., &Housner, L. D. (2008). Adescriptive analysis of undergraduate PETE programs.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,27(1), 51-67.
  • Balding, A. (2001). Pupils get fit to succeed. Education and Health, 19, 17-20.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bowers, S. T. (2009).Adapted physical education professors' perceptions of teaching behaviors of effective general and adapted physical educators.Texas Woman's University.
  • Chomitz, V., Slining, M., & McGowan, R., et al. (2009). Is there a relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement? Positive results from public school children in the northeastern United States.Journal of School Health, 79, 30-37.
  • Coe, D. P. (2003).Theimportance of physical education classes in relation to physical activity behaviors, physical fitness, and academic achievement in middle school children (Doctoral dissertation).ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.(3115952) Motivation, Activity, & Fitness, 3, 21-39
  • Gaus, M., & Simpson, C. (2009). Integratingphysical activity into academic pursuits.Kappa Delta Pi Record, Winter, 88-91. 122
  • Goldhaber, D., Liddle, S., & Theo bald, R. (2013). The gateway to the profession: Assessing teacher preparation programs based on student achievement.Economics of Education Review,34, 29-44.
  • Kaye, E. A. (Ed.). (2012).Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools, 2012-2013.University of Chicago Press.
  • Lindemann, J. E. (2012).Psychological and behavioral aspects of physical disability: A manual for health practitioners. Springer Science & Business Media
  • Metzler, M. (2017).Instructional models in physical education. Taylor & Francis
  • Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017).Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults.John Wiley & Sons

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    APA : Ali, Z., Khan, A., & Hussain, F. (2020). Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective. Global Regional Review, V(II), 120-129. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).13
    CHICAGO : Ali, Zulfiqar, Asad Khan, and Farooq Hussain. 2020. "Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective." Global Regional Review, V (II): 120-129 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).13
    HARVARD : ALI, Z., KHAN, A. & HUSSAIN, F. 2020. Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective. Global Regional Review, V, 120-129.
    MHRA : Ali, Zulfiqar, Asad Khan, and Farooq Hussain. 2020. "Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective." Global Regional Review, V: 120-129
    MLA : Ali, Zulfiqar, Asad Khan, and Farooq Hussain. "Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective." Global Regional Review, V.II (2020): 120-129 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Zulfiqar, Khan, Asad, and Hussain, Farooq (2020), "Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective", Global Regional Review, V (II), 120-129
    TURABIAN : Ali, Zulfiqar, Asad Khan, and Farooq Hussain. "Evaluation of M.Sc Physical Education Program in Public Sector Institutions; Students' Perspective." Global Regional Review V, no. II (2020): 120-129. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).13