Authored by : Ms Bushra , Afshan Huma

26 Pages : 255-262


  • Ananiadou, K. & Claro, M. (2009). 21st Century Skills and Competences for New Millennium Learners in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers,No. 41. Paris, OECDPublishing. (Accessed 22 June 2014). (20 09)20
  • Ashraf, H. & Rarieya, J. F. (2008). Teacher development through reflective conversations- possibilities and tensions: a Pakistan case. Reflective practice, 9(3), pp.269-279.
  • Brill, J. M., Kim, D., & Branch, R. M. (2007). Visual literacy defined-the results of a Delphi study can IVLA (operationally) define visual literacy? Journal of Visual Literacy, 27(1), 47-60.
  • Cassum, S. H., Profetto-McGrath, J., Gul, R. B., Dilshad, A. & Syeda, K. (2013). Multidimensionality of critical thinking. A holistic perspective from multidisciplinary educators in Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(7), pp.9-23.
  • Cosgrove (2011). Improving Teaching & Learning of Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum at a Large Research University; University of Cambridge
  • Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, N. J. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, California Sage Publications.
  • Denscombe, M. (2010). Ground rules for social research guidelines for good practice (2nd ed.). New York. Open University Press.
  • Dowhower, S. (1997). Wordless books promise and possibilities, a genre come of age. In K. Camperell, B. L.Hayes, & R. Telfer (Eds.), Promises, progress and possibilities perspectives of literacy education(pp. 57-79). Yearbook of the American Reading Forum (Vol. 17).
  • Evans, J. (1998). Responding to illustrations in picture story books. Reading, 32(2), 27-31.
  • Gehrke, N. J., Knapp, M. S., & Sirotnik, K. A. (1992). In Search of the School Curriculum. In G. Grant (Ed.), Review of research in education (pp. 51-110). Washington, D.C. American Educational Research Association.
  • González, N. (2005). Beyond culture the hybridity of funds of knowledge. In N. González, L. C.Moll, & C. Amanti (Eds.), Funds of knowledge theorizingpractices in households, communities, and classrooms (pp. 29-46). Mahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (2003). Türkiye'de program geliştirmeçalışmaları [Curriculum development study in Turkey]. MilliEğitimDergisi,160.. http// .htm
  • Harden, R. M. (2001). AMEE Guide No. 21 Curriculum mapping a tool for transparent andauthentic teaching and learning, Medical Teacher, 23(2), pp.123-13727119 jan,15 . http// book/export/html/93
  • Iqbal, H. M., & Shayer, M. (1995). Distribution of Piagetian cognitive levels in middleschoolstudents and its match with science curricula. Bulletinof Education and Research, Lahore, XVII-XVIII, pp.42-48. In
  • Iqbal, H. M., & Shayer, M. (2000). Accelerating the development of formal thinking in Pakistansecondary school students Achievement effects and professional development issues. Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching, 37(3), pp.259-274.
  • Khan, S, I., (2017). An Investigation of the Concept of Critical Thinking in the Context of Functional English Course in a B. Ed Degree in Pakistan, University of Glascow.
  • Kong, S. L. (2007). Cultivating critical and creative thinkingskills. In A.G. Tan (Ed.), CreativityA handbook for teachers (pp. 303-326). Hackensack, NJ World Scientific Publishing
  • Kösterioğlu, Ä°. & Özen, R. (2014). Sınıföğretmenlerininsosyalbilgilerdersiöğretimprogramınıuygulama yayönelikhizmetiçieğitimihtiyaçları [Inservice training needs of classroomteachers towards the implementation of social studies curriculum]. AbantÄ°zzetBaysalÜniversitesiEğitimFakültesiDergisi, 14(1), 153-176.
  • Lave, J. (2009). The practice of learning. In K. Illeris (Ed.), Contemporary theories of learning learning theorists ……in their own words (pp. 200-208). London, NewYork Routledge.
  • Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999a). A map of possible practicesfurther notes on the four resources model. Practically Primary, 4(2), 5-8.
  • Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999b). Further notes on the four resources model. Retrieved 2 March 2011, from http//
  • Mahmood, S (2017). Testing the Effectiveness of Critical ThinkingSkillsIntervention for initialteacher education students in Pakistan. University of South Ampton.
  • Mc Tighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2012). Understanding by designframework.AlexandriaAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development. July 27, 2013
  • McLoughlin, C. & Lee, M. J. W .(2008). The three p's of pedagogy for the networked societypersonalization, participation, and productivity. International Journal of Teaching and Learningin Higher Education, (201), pp. 10-27. (Accessed 2 March 2014). http//files.eric.
  • Meng, K. H. (2016). Infusion of Critical Thinking Across the English Language Curriculum, University of Australia
  • Morris, P. & Adamson, P. (2010). Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, HKSARHong Kong University Press
  • NEP, 2009: National Education Policy (2009). http// National Education Policy.pdf
  • Paul, R. and Elder, L. (2005). The state of critical thinking today. New Directions for Community Colleges, 130, pp.27- 38.
  • Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., Leis, M., Leendertse, M., Punie, Y., Gijsbers, G., Kirschner, P.,Stoyanov, S. and Hoogveld, B. 2011. The Future of LearningPreparing for Change. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. (Accessed 5 April 2016). http//
  • Renaud, R. D. & Murray, H. G. (2007). The validity of higher-order questions as a process indicator of educational quality. Research in Higher Education, 48(3), 319-351.
  • Rosenblatt, L. M. (1978). The reader, the text, the poem the transactional theory of the literary work. Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Sahlberg, P. (2006). Education reform for raising economic competitiveness. Journal ofEducational Change, 7(4), 259-287.
  • UNESCO (2015). Adult and Youth Literacy. UNESCO Institute for statistics. Available at.htmlaccessed on 15/01/18. http// www.uis.unesco. org/literacy/Documents/UIS-literacy-statistics-1990-2015-en.pdf
  • Unsworth, L. & Wheeler, J. (2002). Re-valuing the role of images in reviewing picture books. ReadingLiteracy and Language, 36(2), 68-74.
  • Wagner, T. 2010. Overcoming. The Global Achievement Gap (online). Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University. (Accessed 16 July 2014). Slides global achievement gap brief 5-10. Pdf
  • Wenger, E. (2009). A social theory of learning. In K. Illeris (Ed.), Contemporary theories of learninglearning theorists ……in their own words (pp. 209-218). London, New YorkRoutledge.
  • Yapıcı, M., &Demirdelen, C. (2007). Teachers' views with regard to the primary 4th grade social sciences curriculum. Elementary Education Online, 6(2), 204-212.
  • Ananiadou, K. & Claro, M. (2009). 21st Century Skills and Competences for New Millennium Learners in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers,No. 41. Paris, OECDPublishing. (Accessed 22 June 2014). (20 09)20
  • Ashraf, H. & Rarieya, J. F. (2008). Teacher development through reflective conversations- possibilities and tensions: a Pakistan case. Reflective practice, 9(3), pp.269-279.
  • Brill, J. M., Kim, D., & Branch, R. M. (2007). Visual literacy defined-the results of a Delphi study can IVLA (operationally) define visual literacy? Journal of Visual Literacy, 27(1), 47-60.
  • Cassum, S. H., Profetto-McGrath, J., Gul, R. B., Dilshad, A. & Syeda, K. (2013). Multidimensionality of critical thinking. A holistic perspective from multidisciplinary educators in Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(7), pp.9-23.
  • Cosgrove (2011). Improving Teaching & Learning of Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum at a Large Research University; University of Cambridge
  • Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, N. J. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, California Sage Publications.
  • Denscombe, M. (2010). Ground rules for social research guidelines for good practice (2nd ed.). New York. Open University Press.
  • Dowhower, S. (1997). Wordless books promise and possibilities, a genre come of age. In K. Camperell, B. L.Hayes, & R. Telfer (Eds.), Promises, progress and possibilities perspectives of literacy education(pp. 57-79). Yearbook of the American Reading Forum (Vol. 17).
  • Evans, J. (1998). Responding to illustrations in picture story books. Reading, 32(2), 27-31.
  • Gehrke, N. J., Knapp, M. S., & Sirotnik, K. A. (1992). In Search of the School Curriculum. In G. Grant (Ed.), Review of research in education (pp. 51-110). Washington, D.C. American Educational Research Association.
  • González, N. (2005). Beyond culture the hybridity of funds of knowledge. In N. González, L. C.Moll, & C. Amanti (Eds.), Funds of knowledge theorizingpractices in households, communities, and classrooms (pp. 29-46). Mahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (2003). Türkiye'de program geliştirmeçalışmaları [Curriculum development study in Turkey]. MilliEğitimDergisi,160.. http// .htm
  • Harden, R. M. (2001). AMEE Guide No. 21 Curriculum mapping a tool for transparent andauthentic teaching and learning, Medical Teacher, 23(2), pp.123-13727119 jan,15 . http// book/export/html/93
  • Iqbal, H. M., & Shayer, M. (1995). Distribution of Piagetian cognitive levels in middleschoolstudents and its match with science curricula. Bulletinof Education and Research, Lahore, XVII-XVIII, pp.42-48. In
  • Iqbal, H. M., & Shayer, M. (2000). Accelerating the development of formal thinking in Pakistansecondary school students Achievement effects and professional development issues. Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching, 37(3), pp.259-274.
  • Khan, S, I., (2017). An Investigation of the Concept of Critical Thinking in the Context of Functional English Course in a B. Ed Degree in Pakistan, University of Glascow.
  • Kong, S. L. (2007). Cultivating critical and creative thinkingskills. In A.G. Tan (Ed.), CreativityA handbook for teachers (pp. 303-326). Hackensack, NJ World Scientific Publishing
  • Kösterioğlu, Ä°. & Özen, R. (2014). Sınıföğretmenlerininsosyalbilgilerdersiöğretimprogramınıuygulama yayönelikhizmetiçieğitimihtiyaçları [Inservice training needs of classroomteachers towards the implementation of social studies curriculum]. AbantÄ°zzetBaysalÜniversitesiEğitimFakültesiDergisi, 14(1), 153-176.
  • Lave, J. (2009). The practice of learning. In K. Illeris (Ed.), Contemporary theories of learning learning theorists ……in their own words (pp. 200-208). London, NewYork Routledge.
  • Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999a). A map of possible practicesfurther notes on the four resources model. Practically Primary, 4(2), 5-8.
  • Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999b). Further notes on the four resources model. Retrieved 2 March 2011, from http//
  • Mahmood, S (2017). Testing the Effectiveness of Critical ThinkingSkillsIntervention for initialteacher education students in Pakistan. University of South Ampton.
  • Mc Tighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2012). Understanding by designframework.AlexandriaAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development. July 27, 2013
  • McLoughlin, C. & Lee, M. J. W .(2008). The three p's of pedagogy for the networked societypersonalization, participation, and productivity. International Journal of Teaching and Learningin Higher Education, (201), pp. 10-27. (Accessed 2 March 2014). http//files.eric.
  • Meng, K. H. (2016). Infusion of Critical Thinking Across the English Language Curriculum, University of Australia
  • Morris, P. & Adamson, P. (2010). Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, HKSARHong Kong University Press
  • NEP, 2009: National Education Policy (2009). http// National Education Policy.pdf
  • Paul, R. and Elder, L. (2005). The state of critical thinking today. New Directions for Community Colleges, 130, pp.27- 38.
  • Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., Leis, M., Leendertse, M., Punie, Y., Gijsbers, G., Kirschner, P.,Stoyanov, S. and Hoogveld, B. 2011. The Future of LearningPreparing for Change. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. (Accessed 5 April 2016). http//
  • Renaud, R. D. & Murray, H. G. (2007). The validity of higher-order questions as a process indicator of educational quality. Research in Higher Education, 48(3), 319-351.
  • Rosenblatt, L. M. (1978). The reader, the text, the poem the transactional theory of the literary work. Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Sahlberg, P. (2006). Education reform for raising economic competitiveness. Journal ofEducational Change, 7(4), 259-287.
  • UNESCO (2015). Adult and Youth Literacy. UNESCO Institute for statistics. Available at.htmlaccessed on 15/01/18. http// www.uis.unesco. org/literacy/Documents/UIS-literacy-statistics-1990-2015-en.pdf
  • Unsworth, L. & Wheeler, J. (2002). Re-valuing the role of images in reviewing picture books. ReadingLiteracy and Language, 36(2), 68-74.
  • Wagner, T. 2010. Overcoming. The Global Achievement Gap (online). Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University. (Accessed 16 July 2014). Slides global achievement gap brief 5-10. Pdf
  • Wenger, E. (2009). A social theory of learning. In K. Illeris (Ed.), Contemporary theories of learninglearning theorists ……in their own words (pp. 209-218). London, New YorkRoutledge.
  • Yapıcı, M., &Demirdelen, C. (2007). Teachers' views with regard to the primary 4th grade social sciences curriculum. Elementary Education Online, 6(2), 204-212.

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Bushra, Ms, and Afshan Huma. 2020. "Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (III): 255-262 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).26
    HARVARD : BUSHRA, M. & HUMA, A. 2020. Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 255-262.
    MHRA : Bushra, Ms, and Afshan Huma. 2020. "Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 255-262
    MLA : Bushra, Ms, and Afshan Huma. "Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 255-262 Print.
    OXFORD : Bushra, Ms and Huma, Afshan (2020), "Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (III), 255-262
    TURABIAN : Bushra, Ms, and Afshan Huma. "Critical Thinking and Curriculum of English at Higher Secondary School Level in Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 255-262.