ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE LAB FACILITIES AT SECONDARY LEVEL      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).10      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Muhammad Irfan Irshad , MuhammadAamir Hashmi

10 Pages : 90 - 101


  • Arzi, H. (2003). Enhancing science education laboratory environment: More than wall, benches and widgets. In B. J. Fraser & K. G. Tobin (Eds. ), International Handbook of Science Education, 595-608, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Fraser, B. J., & Lee, S. S. U. (2009). Science laboratory environment in Korean high school. Learning Environment Research, 12, 67-84.
  • Gidding, G. J., & Waldrip, B. G. (1993). Teaching Practices, Science Laboratory Learning Environment and Attitudes in South Pacific Secondary Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA, 12th -16th April. 3507.pdf
  • Hofstein, A., Levi-Nahum, T., & Shore, R. (2001). Assessment of the learning environment of inquiry type laboratories in high school chemistry. Learning Environments Research, 4, 193-207.
  • Aburime, E. F. (2004). Refocusing Research Technology and Mathematics Education: A Case for Mathematics Laboratory. Akure: Proceeding of the 45th Annual Conference of Science Teachers'Association of Nigeria.
  • Akpan, O. (2006). Laboratory Facilities for Chemistry Teaching. Unpublished Seminar Paper. Nigeria: University of Calabar.
  • Ausubel, D. (1963). The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune and Stratton.
  • Eshiet, I.T. (1996). Improvisation in Science Teaching Philosophy and Practice. Abak: Belpot Press.
  • Felder, R. M., & Prince, M. J. (2006). Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons, and research bases. Journal of Engineering Education, 95, 123-138
  • Hager, W. R. (1974). An investigation of verbal behamor and learning climate in undergraduate engineerimg clmsrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 11(2), 121-131. 07
  • Hofstein, A., & Ginetta, A. (1998). Trends in Assessment of Laboratory Performance in Secondary Schools in Instruction . Iowa: University of Iowa Press.
  • Lagoke, B. A., Jegede, O. J., & Oyebanji, P. K. (1997). Towards an elimination of the gender gulf in science concept attainment through the use of environmental analogs. International Journal of Science Education, 19(4), 365-380. 90401
  • Lazarowitz, R., & Tamir, P. (1994). Research on using laboratory instruction in science. In: Gabel, D.L., (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning, New York: Macmillan, 94-130.
  • NCERT. (2005a). National Curriculum Framework 2005. New Delhi, India: NCERT.
  • NCERT. (2005b). National Focus Group on Teaching of Science 2005 . New Delhi, India: NCERT.
  • Okafor, P.N. (2000). Difficult concepts in physics as experienced by senior secondary students in Akwa Ibom State. Journal of Research Information in Education, 1(1), 114-121.
  • Okeke, R. J. (1995). Principles of development selection, utilization, evaluation storage and retrieval of instructional materials. In: Okwo, F.A., & Ike, G.A., (Eds.), Educational Technology: Basic Concepts of Issues . Nsukka: University Trust Publishers, 45-76.
  • Stuckey, M., Hofstein, A., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Eilks, I. (2013). The meaning of ‘relevance' in science education and its implications for the science curriculum. Studies in Science Education, 49, 1-3.
  • Permendiknas (2007). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 24 Tahun 2007 T entang Sarana dan Prasarana Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah (Jakarta: Permendiknas)
  • Fldoe (2015). A Summary of Safety Statutes,Rules and Recommendations for Science (Florida: Florida Department of Education).
  • Wahyono, A. I., & Rusman. (2017). Implementation of Scientific Approach Based Learning to Think High Levels in State Senior High School in Ketapang. International Journal of Education and Research. 5, 221-230.
  • Arzi, H. (2003). Enhancing science education laboratory environment: More than wall, benches and widgets. In B. J. Fraser & K. G. Tobin (Eds. ), International Handbook of Science Education, 595-608, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Fraser, B. J., & Lee, S. S. U. (2009). Science laboratory environment in Korean high school. Learning Environment Research, 12, 67-84.
  • Gidding, G. J., & Waldrip, B. G. (1993). Teaching Practices, Science Laboratory Learning Environment and Attitudes in South Pacific Secondary Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA, 12th -16th April. 3507.pdf
  • Hofstein, A., Levi-Nahum, T., & Shore, R. (2001). Assessment of the learning environment of inquiry type laboratories in high school chemistry. Learning Environments Research, 4, 193-207.
  • Aburime, E. F. (2004). Refocusing Research Technology and Mathematics Education: A Case for Mathematics Laboratory. Akure: Proceeding of the 45th Annual Conference of Science Teachers'Association of Nigeria.
  • Akpan, O. (2006). Laboratory Facilities for Chemistry Teaching. Unpublished Seminar Paper. Nigeria: University of Calabar.
  • Ausubel, D. (1963). The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune and Stratton.
  • Eshiet, I.T. (1996). Improvisation in Science Teaching Philosophy and Practice. Abak: Belpot Press.
  • Felder, R. M., & Prince, M. J. (2006). Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons, and research bases. Journal of Engineering Education, 95, 123-138
  • Hager, W. R. (1974). An investigation of verbal behamor and learning climate in undergraduate engineerimg clmsrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 11(2), 121-131. 07
  • Hofstein, A., & Ginetta, A. (1998). Trends in Assessment of Laboratory Performance in Secondary Schools in Instruction . Iowa: University of Iowa Press.
  • Lagoke, B. A., Jegede, O. J., & Oyebanji, P. K. (1997). Towards an elimination of the gender gulf in science concept attainment through the use of environmental analogs. International Journal of Science Education, 19(4), 365-380. 90401
  • Lazarowitz, R., & Tamir, P. (1994). Research on using laboratory instruction in science. In: Gabel, D.L., (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning, New York: Macmillan, 94-130.
  • NCERT. (2005a). National Curriculum Framework 2005. New Delhi, India: NCERT.
  • NCERT. (2005b). National Focus Group on Teaching of Science 2005 . New Delhi, India: NCERT.
  • Okafor, P.N. (2000). Difficult concepts in physics as experienced by senior secondary students in Akwa Ibom State. Journal of Research Information in Education, 1(1), 114-121.
  • Okeke, R. J. (1995). Principles of development selection, utilization, evaluation storage and retrieval of instructional materials. In: Okwo, F.A., & Ike, G.A., (Eds.), Educational Technology: Basic Concepts of Issues . Nsukka: University Trust Publishers, 45-76.
  • Stuckey, M., Hofstein, A., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Eilks, I. (2013). The meaning of ‘relevance' in science education and its implications for the science curriculum. Studies in Science Education, 49, 1-3.
  • Permendiknas (2007). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 24 Tahun 2007 T entang Sarana dan Prasarana Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah (Jakarta: Permendiknas)
  • Fldoe (2015). A Summary of Safety Statutes,Rules and Recommendations for Science (Florida: Florida Department of Education).
  • Wahyono, A. I., & Rusman. (2017). Implementation of Scientific Approach Based Learning to Think High Levels in State Senior High School in Ketapang. International Journal of Education and Research. 5, 221-230.

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    CHICAGO : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 90 - 101 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).10
    HARVARD : IRSHAD, M. I. & HASHMI, M. A. 2022. Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level. Global Regional Review, VII, 90 - 101.
    MHRA : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII: 90 - 101
    MLA : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 90 - 101 Print.
    OXFORD : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan and Hashmi, Muhammad Aamir (2022), "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 90 - 101
    TURABIAN : Irshad, Muhammad Irfan, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Analysis of Available Lab Facilities at Secondary Level." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 90 - 101.