http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).44      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).44      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : MohammedDostSafi

44 Pages : 410-419


  • AED, (2006). Performance Gap analysis and Training Needs Assessment of Teacher Training Institutions in Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan Academy for Educational Development. Pp. 18-19.
  • APIED (1997). (Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development) Teacher Education: Issues, Needs, and Plans for Actions, Bangkok, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Pp. 29-35.
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press, New York. P. 27.
  • Chubb, E. & Moe, T. (2002). A Lesson in School Reform from Great Britain. The Brookings Institution, Washington. D.C. P. 34.
  • Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education (DCTE). (2009). Teacher Education/Training Institutes in NWFP: A Comprehensive Directory of Public & Private Institutes operating in the Province. Strengthening Teaching Education in Pakistan (STEP). Ilyas Printers, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Pp. 4-8.
  • Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). (2013).German Organization, World's Leading Provider of international cooperation services for sustainable development. Germany. Available at: , accessed on 03-04-2014. http://www.giz.de/en/aboutgiz/profile.html
  • Imran, M. (Jan, 2011). Pakistan, Afghanistan Universities sign MoU, Daily The News, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Islam, R.D. (2007). Education in Afghanistan: A Requirement for Assuring Security and Development. DIASAnalyse Nr.21, Herausgeber / Publisher. Available at: www.dias-online.org.
  • Jackson, A. (2009). Cost of War: Afghan Experiences of Conflict, 1978-2009. A research carried out by ACSF, APDA…The Laison Office (TLO).
  • Khan, S.M. (2011). Ph.D Thesis: Comparative Analysis of Teacher Education Programmes in Pakistan and UK. Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, & Education Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar, Pakistan. Pp. 1-5
  • Krejice, R.V., & Morgan D.W. (1970). Determining Sample size for Research Activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 30, 607-610. Available at: retrieved on 28- 02.2016. http://home.kku.ac.th/sompong/guest_speaker?krejcieandMorgan_article.pdf
  • Ministry of Education. (2003). Curriculum Framework in Afghanistan. Compilation and Translation Department. Vol. 1. Available at: Retrieved on 23rd February, 2016. http://www.ibe.unesco.org/curricula/afghanistan/af_alfw_2003_eng.pdf.
  • Ministry of Education. (2004, January). Educational Development Plan. Kabul, Afghanistan, 1381-1394.
  • Mohit, C. (2007). Teacher education - Modern Trends, New Delhi, India. Pp. 49-51.
  • Ono, Y., Chikamori, K., & Kita, M. (2007). Supporting Teachers to Educate Marginalized Children: Teachers and Teacher Education in Afghanistan. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 10(1), 71-88.
  • Safi, L. (2003). National Human Development Report, Afghanistan: Background Paper on Education, Afghanistan. P. 191-203.
  • Sodhi, T. S. (1993). Textbook of Comparative Education. 5th revised edition, New Delhi, India. Vikas Publishing House. Pp. 52-54.
  • Staff Report. (17-03-2017). Pak-Afghan Joint Committee lays emphasis on people-to- people contact. Retrieved from . retrieved on: April 2nd, 2017. http://dailytimes.com.pk/pakistan/30-Mar-17/pak-afghan-joint-committee-lays-emphasis-onpeople-to--people-contact
  • Staff Report. (Jan, 2011). Pak-Afghan Varsities agree on extensive collaboration. Daily Times, Islamabad.
  • AED, (2006). Performance Gap analysis and Training Needs Assessment of Teacher Training Institutions in Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan Academy for Educational Development. Pp. 18-19.
  • APIED (1997). (Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development) Teacher Education: Issues, Needs, and Plans for Actions, Bangkok, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Pp. 29-35.
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press, New York. P. 27.
  • Chubb, E. & Moe, T. (2002). A Lesson in School Reform from Great Britain. The Brookings Institution, Washington. D.C. P. 34.
  • Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education (DCTE). (2009). Teacher Education/Training Institutes in NWFP: A Comprehensive Directory of Public & Private Institutes operating in the Province. Strengthening Teaching Education in Pakistan (STEP). Ilyas Printers, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Pp. 4-8.
  • Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). (2013).German Organization, World's Leading Provider of international cooperation services for sustainable development. Germany. Available at: , accessed on 03-04-2014. http://www.giz.de/en/aboutgiz/profile.html
  • Imran, M. (Jan, 2011). Pakistan, Afghanistan Universities sign MoU, Daily The News, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Islam, R.D. (2007). Education in Afghanistan: A Requirement for Assuring Security and Development. DIASAnalyse Nr.21, Herausgeber / Publisher. Available at: www.dias-online.org.
  • Jackson, A. (2009). Cost of War: Afghan Experiences of Conflict, 1978-2009. A research carried out by ACSF, APDA…The Laison Office (TLO).
  • Khan, S.M. (2011). Ph.D Thesis: Comparative Analysis of Teacher Education Programmes in Pakistan and UK. Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, & Education Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar, Pakistan. Pp. 1-5
  • Krejice, R.V., & Morgan D.W. (1970). Determining Sample size for Research Activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 30, 607-610. Available at: retrieved on 28- 02.2016. http://home.kku.ac.th/sompong/guest_speaker?krejcieandMorgan_article.pdf
  • Ministry of Education. (2003). Curriculum Framework in Afghanistan. Compilation and Translation Department. Vol. 1. Available at: Retrieved on 23rd February, 2016. http://www.ibe.unesco.org/curricula/afghanistan/af_alfw_2003_eng.pdf.
  • Ministry of Education. (2004, January). Educational Development Plan. Kabul, Afghanistan, 1381-1394.
  • Mohit, C. (2007). Teacher education - Modern Trends, New Delhi, India. Pp. 49-51.
  • Ono, Y., Chikamori, K., & Kita, M. (2007). Supporting Teachers to Educate Marginalized Children: Teachers and Teacher Education in Afghanistan. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 10(1), 71-88.
  • Safi, L. (2003). National Human Development Report, Afghanistan: Background Paper on Education, Afghanistan. P. 191-203.
  • Sodhi, T. S. (1993). Textbook of Comparative Education. 5th revised edition, New Delhi, India. Vikas Publishing House. Pp. 52-54.
  • Staff Report. (17-03-2017). Pak-Afghan Joint Committee lays emphasis on people-to- people contact. Retrieved from . retrieved on: April 2nd, 2017. http://dailytimes.com.pk/pakistan/30-Mar-17/pak-afghan-joint-committee-lays-emphasis-onpeople-to--people-contact
  • Staff Report. (Jan, 2011). Pak-Afghan Varsities agree on extensive collaboration. Daily Times, Islamabad.

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    APA : Safi, M. D. (2019). Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 410-419. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).44
    CHICAGO : Safi, Mohammed Dost. 2019. "Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 410-419 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).44
    HARVARD : SAFI, M. D. 2019. Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries. Global Regional Review, IV, 410-419.
    MHRA : Safi, Mohammed Dost. 2019. "Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries." Global Regional Review, IV: 410-419
    MLA : Safi, Mohammed Dost. "Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 410-419 Print.
    OXFORD : Safi, Mohammed Dost (2019), "Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 410-419
    TURABIAN : Safi, Mohammed Dost. "Teachers Education Programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Prospects of Collaboration between the two Countries." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 410-419. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).44