http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32      10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : MianMuhammadAzhar , AbdulBasitKhan , MuhammadWaris

32 Pages : 428-444


  • https://www.pildat.org/publications/Publication/women/WomenRepresentationInPakistanParliament.pdf
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  • Kivoi, D. (2014). Factors impeding political participation and representation of women in Kenya.Humanities and Social Sciences,2(6), 173-181
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  • Ghauri & Malik. (2018, August 8).Parties nominate.Khan, I. A. (2017, January 1). Over 95pc women in 17 constituencies didnÂ’t vote in 2013, Dawn, Retrieved fromhttps://www.Dawn.com/news/1305675;
  • Mehboob,A. B. (2017, January 10).Where are the women voters?, Dawn,Retrieved from https://www.Dawn.com/news/1307453
  • Iftikhar A. K. (2018, August03).ECP set to void two polls over low women turnout,Dawn, Retrieved from https://www.Dawn.com/news/1424604
  • Irfan,Ghauri & Tahir Malik, “Parties nominate women candidates on hard to win seats,” The Express Tribune, July 9, 2018. https://tribune.com.pk/story/1752950/1-women-run-seats-parties-cant-win
  • Shahnawaz,J. A. Father and Daughter: A Political Autobiography,(New York: Oxford University Press)Jivesh Jha, J. (2016). Nepal Leads South Asiain WomenÂ’s Political Reprsentation, The Diplomat, November 11, 2016 https://thediplomat.com/2016/11/nepal-leads-south-asia-in-womens-political-representation
  • Millett, K. Sexual Politics, (New York: Columbia Universty Press, 1970), 393M.K. Roy, “Violence against women,(New Delhi: Ajay Warma, 2000)
  • Zia,M.(2013). 2013 elections -womenÂ’s representation in legislatures, 41, March-November,2013 https://www.af.org.pk/newsl/1390295273.pdf
  • Azhar,M. (2015).VotersÂ’ behavioure, political cleavages and the process of democratization in pakistan: The 1st decade of 21st century., PhD thesis, Bahaudn Zakariya University Multan.
  • Umar, A., Kamal,N.,Shah, M.,& Khan,F.(2017). Role of Patriarchal Norms in Deprivation of Women from their Political Rights in Pukhtoon Society, Anthropology, 5(2).
  • Paxton, P., Kunovich, S., & Hughes, M. M. (2007). Gender in politics.Annu. Rev. Sociol.,33, 263-284.Rehman & Memon,
  • Choudhary,R. (2018).Issues and challenges of women participation in politics, National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,3(1), 344-346.
  • Mahmood, B., Sohail, M. M., Khalid, S., & Babak, I. (2012). Gender specific barriers to female entrepreneurs in Pakistan: A study in urban areas of Pakistan.Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 339-352.
  • Begum,S. (2015).Political Participation of Women : Some Issues and Challenges1(11),480-486.
  • Kassa, S. (2015). Challenges and opportunities of women political participation in Ethiopia.Journal of Global economics,3(4), 1-7
  • Saleem, S. (2006).Impact of Religious Extremism on Women in Pakistan. WISCOMP, Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
  • https://www.pildat.org/publications/Publication/women/WomenRepresentationInPakistanParliament.pdf
  • Al-Quran, Surah al Mumtahana:12Fleschenberg, A.& Bari, F. (2015). Unmaking Political Patriarchy throughGender Quotas?” Heinrich Boll Stifting, 1-32. Retrieved from https://www.boell.de/sites/default/files/unmaking_political_patriarchy_through_gender_quotas1.pdf
  • Naz & Mirbahar, https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/24059/european-union-election-observation-mission-pakistan-2013_en
  • Latif, A., Usman, A., Kataria, J. R., & Abdullah, M. (2015). Female political participation in South Asia: A case study of Pakistan.South Asian Studies,30(2), 201
  • Article 1 &2, hHttp://www.un.org/en/udhrbook/pdf/udhr_booklet_en_web.pdf
  • Shami, A. A. (2009). Political empowerment of women in Pakistan.Pakistan Vision,10(1), 141-150
  • Kandiyoti, D. (Ed.). (1991). Women, Islam and the state.Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org
  • Kivoi, D. (2014). Factors impeding political participation and representation of women in Kenya.Humanities and Social Sciences,2(6), 173-181
  • Rahman, F. N., & Memon, K. (2015). Political Participation of women: Contemporary perspective of Gender and Islam.Weber Sociology & Anthropology.
  • Bari,F.(2018, April 6). Gender deficit in politics, The Express Tribune, Retrieved from https://tribune.com.pk/story/543176/gender-deficit-in-politics
  • Bari, F. (2000).Women in Pakistan: Country briefing paper. Asian Development Bank.
  • Ghauri & Maik,
  • Ghauri & Malik. (2018, August 8).Parties nominate.Khan, I. A. (2017, January 1). Over 95pc women in 17 constituencies didnÂ’t vote in 2013, Dawn, Retrieved fromhttps://www.Dawn.com/news/1305675;
  • Mehboob,A. B. (2017, January 10).Where are the women voters?, Dawn,Retrieved from https://www.Dawn.com/news/1307453
  • Iftikhar A. K. (2018, August03).ECP set to void two polls over low women turnout,Dawn, Retrieved from https://www.Dawn.com/news/1424604
  • Irfan,Ghauri & Tahir Malik, “Parties nominate women candidates on hard to win seats,” The Express Tribune, July 9, 2018. https://tribune.com.pk/story/1752950/1-women-run-seats-parties-cant-win
  • Shahnawaz,J. A. Father and Daughter: A Political Autobiography,(New York: Oxford University Press)Jivesh Jha, J. (2016). Nepal Leads South Asiain WomenÂ’s Political Reprsentation, The Diplomat, November 11, 2016 https://thediplomat.com/2016/11/nepal-leads-south-asia-in-womens-political-representation
  • Millett, K. Sexual Politics, (New York: Columbia Universty Press, 1970), 393M.K. Roy, “Violence against women,(New Delhi: Ajay Warma, 2000)
  • Zia,M.(2013). 2013 elections -womenÂ’s representation in legislatures, 41, March-November,2013 https://www.af.org.pk/newsl/1390295273.pdf
  • Azhar,M. (2015).VotersÂ’ behavioure, political cleavages and the process of democratization in pakistan: The 1st decade of 21st century., PhD thesis, Bahaudn Zakariya University Multan.
  • Umar, A., Kamal,N.,Shah, M.,& Khan,F.(2017). Role of Patriarchal Norms in Deprivation of Women from their Political Rights in Pukhtoon Society, Anthropology, 5(2).
  • Paxton, P., Kunovich, S., & Hughes, M. M. (2007). Gender in politics.Annu. Rev. Sociol.,33, 263-284.Rehman & Memon,
  • Choudhary,R. (2018).Issues and challenges of women participation in politics, National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,3(1), 344-346.
  • Mahmood, B., Sohail, M. M., Khalid, S., & Babak, I. (2012). Gender specific barriers to female entrepreneurs in Pakistan: A study in urban areas of Pakistan.Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 339-352.
  • Begum,S. (2015).Political Participation of Women : Some Issues and Challenges1(11),480-486.
  • Kassa, S. (2015). Challenges and opportunities of women political participation in Ethiopia.Journal of Global economics,3(4), 1-7
  • Saleem, S. (2006).Impact of Religious Extremism on Women in Pakistan. WISCOMP, Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. 2018. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III (I): 428-444 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32
    HARVARD : AZHAR, M. M., KHAN, A. B. & WARIS, M. 2018. Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges. Global Regional Review, III, 428-444.
    MHRA : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. 2018. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III: 428-444
    MLA : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 428-444 Print.
    OXFORD : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Khan, Abdul Basit, and Waris, Muhammad (2018), "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges", Global Regional Review, III (I), 428-444
    TURABIAN : Azhar, Mian Muhammad, Abdul Basit Khan, and Muhammad Waris. "Political Marginalization of Women in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 428-444. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).32