ISLAMIZATION IN PAKISTAN A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF ZIAS REGIME      10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).20      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : AliShanShah , MuhammadWaris , AbdulBasit

20 Pages : 260-270


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  • Amin,T. (1982), Afghanistan Crisis: Implication and Options for Muslim World, Iran and Pakistan, Islamabad: New Era Publishers
  • Ashraf,N. (2009), The Islamization of Pakistan's Educational System: 1979- 1989.
  • Burkey,S.J. (1988), Pakistan under Zia, Asian Survey, Vol. 28 (10), 1082-1100
  • Chadda,M. (2000), Building Democracy in South Asia :India, Nepal, Pakistan, USA: Lynne Reinner Publishers
  • Chawla, M.I.(2015), Islamization in Pakistan: An overview, JRSP 52(1), 265-281, retreived from PC M Iqbl_Chawla_52-1-15.pdf
  • Esposito, J.L. (1996), Islam and Democracy, USA: Oxford University Press
  • Grover, V. & Arora,R. (2002), Political system in Pakistan, Dehli: Deep and Deep publications
  • Halperin, M.H. (2005), The Democracy Advantage, UK: Routledge publishers
  • Hussain, T. (2009), Post-1979 Pakistan: What Went Wrong?
  • Hyman,A, Ghayur,M, Kaushik,N (1989), Pakistan Zia and After, India: Abhinev publications
  • Irfani,S. (2009), Pakistan: Reclaiming the Founding Moment
  • Jaffrelot,C. (2015), The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience, India:Random House
  • John,W. (2008), Pakistan the struggle within, UK: Pearson Longman
  • Kanwal,L.(2015), Zia, Islam and Politics of Legitimacy, AL-ADWA. No. 39, 30- 43
  • Kennedy,C. (1996), Islamization of Laws and Economy:Case Studies on Pakistan,Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies
  • Kurin,R. (1985), Islamization in Pakistan: A View from the Countryside, Asian Survey, Vol. 25(8), 852-862
  • Kurreja,V. (2003), Contemporary Pakistan: Political Processes, Conflicts and Crises, New Delhi: Sage Publications
  • Lindholt, L.& Schaumburg-Muller,S. (2003), Human Rights in Development year book, Netherland: Martinus Nijhoff publishers
  • Marvin,I. (2002), A History of Islamic Societies,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Munir, M.(1954)
  • Murawiec,L.(2003), Princess of Darkness: The Saudi Assault on the West, USA:Rowman and littlefield publishers
  • Peters, R. (2005), Crime and punishments in Islamic law, UK: Cambridge University Press
  • Saha, S.C. & Carr,T.K. (2001), Religious Fundamentalism in Developing Countries, USA: Green Wood Press
  • Shah,J (2012), Zia-Ul-Haque and the Proliferation of Religion in Pakistan, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3(21), 310-323.
  • Weiss, A. M. (1986), Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan: The Application of Islamic laws in Modern State, New York: Syracuse University Press
  • Weiss,A. (1986), Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan The Application of Islamic laws in Modern State(Contemporary Issues in the Middle East), New York: Syracuse University Press
  • Ziring, L. (1988), Public Policy Dilemmas and Pakistan's Nationality Problem: The Legacy of Zia ul-Haq

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    CHICAGO : Shah, Ali Shan, Muhammad Waris, and Abdul Basit. 2016. "Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime." Global Regional Review, I (I): 260-270 doi: 10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).20
    HARVARD : SHAH, A. S., WARIS, M. & BASIT, A. 2016. Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime. Global Regional Review, I, 260-270.
    MHRA : Shah, Ali Shan, Muhammad Waris, and Abdul Basit. 2016. "Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime." Global Regional Review, I: 260-270
    MLA : Shah, Ali Shan, Muhammad Waris, and Abdul Basit. "Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime." Global Regional Review, I.I (2016): 260-270 Print.
    OXFORD : Shah, Ali Shan, Waris, Muhammad, and Basit, Abdul (2016), "Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime", Global Regional Review, I (I), 260-270
    TURABIAN : Shah, Ali Shan, Muhammad Waris, and Abdul Basit. "Islamization in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Zias Regime." Global Regional Review I, no. I (2016): 260-270.