INTRA PARTY DEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN TEHRIK E INSAF      10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).06      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : MuhammadRizwan , ManzoorAhmad , MuhammadBilal

06 Pages : 75-84


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  • Ahmad, A. (2014). Gender and Voting Behaviour: A study of Biradri Based Politics of Punjab. European Academy Research, 11(2).
  • Ahmad, F.N. (2011). Social System Influence of Political System: A comparative Study of Sub Continent. Berkeley Journal of Social Science, 1 (1).
  • Akhtar, N. (July 3, 2008). Pakistan's Undemocratic Political Culture. Paper Presented to the 17thBienial Conference of the Asian studies Association of Australia in Melbourne. International Islamic University Islamabad.
  • Badar, Jahangir (2007). Jamhuriat Ka Irtiqa. Lahore: Izazud Din Publisher.
  • Duverger, Maurice (2012). Political Parties: their Organization and Activity in the Modern State. Rawalpindi: Qazi sons Printers.
  • Dawn. Islamabad, February 26, 2016.
  • Geer, J.G. (1992). Party Competition and the Prisoners. The Journal of politics .54 (3). (Accessed on June 5, 2016). http//:
  • Haq, M. (2009). Political Science; Theory and Practice. Lahore: Urdu Bazar.
  • Jeffery, J. (2008). A Framework for the Study of Personality and Political Behavour. Vol.5. Cambridge University Press.
  • Khan, I. (2012). Main Aur Maira Pakistan. Lahore, Shirkat Press Publishers.
  • Mayio, J. (2008). Political Parties and Intra party Democracy in East Africa from Representative to Participatory Democracy. African Studies Center.
  • Pervaiz, A. (2015). Political Instability: A Case-study of Pakistan. Journal of Politics. 18(1).
  • Qurashy, H. (2004). Manzer our Pasymanzer. Multan, Jhok Printer.
  • Usmani, M.T. (2009). Islam our Syasi Nazriat. Karachi: Muktaba Maharaful-Quran.
  • Vitoriocapara, G. (2004). Personality Politics: A Congruency Model of Political Preference. American Psychological Association. 59 (7).
  • Weil, D. (1952). Political culture, Political Structure and Democracy: Research on Democracy and Society, 2. JAI Press: INC.

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    CHICAGO : Rizwan, Muhammad, Manzoor Ahmad, and Muhammad Bilal. 2016. "Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf." Global Regional Review, I (I): 75-84 doi: 10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).06
    HARVARD : RIZWAN, M., AHMAD, M. & BILAL, M. 2016. Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf. Global Regional Review, I, 75-84.
    MHRA : Rizwan, Muhammad, Manzoor Ahmad, and Muhammad Bilal. 2016. "Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf." Global Regional Review, I: 75-84
    MLA : Rizwan, Muhammad, Manzoor Ahmad, and Muhammad Bilal. "Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf." Global Regional Review, I.I (2016): 75-84 Print.
    OXFORD : Rizwan, Muhammad, Ahmad, Manzoor, and Bilal, Muhammad (2016), "Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf", Global Regional Review, I (I), 75-84
    TURABIAN : Rizwan, Muhammad, Manzoor Ahmad, and Muhammad Bilal. "Intra-Party Democracy in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf." Global Regional Review I, no. I (2016): 75-84.