http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).03      10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).03      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : ZahidAnwar , S. ZubairShah

03 Pages : 35-47


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  • Herland, C. (2010). Basic documents on IHL-South Asia Collection: treaties, national legislation, case-law and other documents. (Ed.). New Delhi: Regional delegation.
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  • Ibid Khan, M. (2010). (2016, March 13). Pakistan journal of criminology
  • Law and justice commission of Pakistan 1998. (2016, March 13)
  • Leonard, E. (1983). Judicial decision and prison reform: the impact of litigation on women prisoners. California: University of California Press.
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  • Lewin, T. (2007). New York Times. (2014, March 06). Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com
  • Minallah, A. (1999). Overcrowded Prisons: Asia Crime Prevention Foundation Pakistan. New Delhi: Papers item Publishers.
  • Mirza, S. (2006). Female criminality: women and crimes. Lahore: Bookbiz publisher press.
  • Mushtaq, A. (2009). Rules and Regulations Governing Pakistani Jails. Unpublished manuscript, on the file with Women Aid Trust.
  • National Academy for Prison Administration. (2009).Punjab Prison Report.
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  • Op.cit, (Law and Justice Commission-1997).
  • Pakistan Prison Rules, Jail Manual.
  • Report by foreign Prisoner Support Services, Prisons and Prisoners in Pakistan Prison, (2016, March 10). Retrieved from http://www.phaseloop.com
  • Sargiacomo, M. (2009, January 17). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Surveilleret Punir. Oxford University Press.
  • Scott, C., and Gerbasi, J. (2005). Handbook of Correctional Mental Health. Washington.
  • SPARC. (2010). The State of Pakistan's Children 2010. (2014, Aug 22). Retrieved from http://www.sparcpk.org/Publications.html
  • Spierenburg, P. (1995). The body and the state: Early modern Europe. In The Oxford history of the prison: Oxford University Press.
  • The Howard League for Penal Reform. (2014). HISTROY OF PENAL SYSTEM. London. (2014, March 12). Retrieved from http://www.howardleague.org/history-of-prison-system/
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  • UDHR (1948). Universal Declaration of human Rights, Article 5. (2016, March 17).
  • UNICCPR (1966). United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10. (2014, Aug 19).
  • Willem, J., & Rani, B. (2011, Oct.). Male Adolescent Concubinage in Pakistan, Northwestren Peshawar. (Vol 13), No .9, pp.1061-1072.
  • Women News Network, women's prison-A global state of crisis. Sep-2008. (2016, March 12). Retrieved from http://womennewsnetwork.net/2008/09/09prisoncrisiswomen8005/
  • Bagri, K. (2010). Women Prisoners in Pakistan: A Case Study.
  • Bernard, M. (2005). Prison Manifesto: Recollections of a Queer Psychologist Working in a Maximum Security Prison. Bernard Mazie.
  • Blomberg, T., & Lucken, K. (2000). American Penology. Aldine De Gruyter Publishers.
  • Christine, F., Caine, K., Chivvis, C., Puri, S., & Spirtas, M. (2010). Pakistan: can the United States secure an insecure state? NY: Rand corporation publishers.
  • Crisis Group Asia Report No.212 (2011) Reforming Pakistan's Prison System. (2016, March 15). Retrieved from http://www.crisisgroup.org
  • District Criminal Justice Cordinate Committees.
  • Foucault, M. (1995). Surveilleret Punir: Naissance de la prison. (Sheridan, A. Trans.). Oxford University Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1995). Surveilleret Punir: Naissance de la prison. (Sheridan, A. Trans.) Gallimard. Ed.). Paris: Oxford University Press.
  • Fox, L. (1952).The English Prison and Borstal Systems. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul press.
  • Garner, A. (2004). Black's Law Dictionary. (8th.Ed.). NY: Thomson Business West Publishing Co, pp. 1232-1233
  • Herland, C. (2010). Basic documents on IHL-South Asia Collection: treaties, national legislation, case-law and other documents. (Ed.). New Delhi: Regional delegation.
  • Home Department of Punjab and National Academy of Prison Administration. (2008). Punjab Prison Reforms
  • Ibid Khan, M. (2010). (2016, March 13). Pakistan journal of criminology
  • Law and justice commission of Pakistan 1998. (2016, March 13)
  • Leonard, E. (1983). Judicial decision and prison reform: the impact of litigation on women prisoners. California: University of California Press.
  • Lewin, T. New York Times. (2016, March 12)
  • Lewin, T. (2007). New York Times. (2014, March 06). Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com
  • Minallah, A. (1999). Overcrowded Prisons: Asia Crime Prevention Foundation Pakistan. New Delhi: Papers item Publishers.
  • Mirza, S. (2006). Female criminality: women and crimes. Lahore: Bookbiz publisher press.
  • Mushtaq, A. (2009). Rules and Regulations Governing Pakistani Jails. Unpublished manuscript, on the file with Women Aid Trust.
  • National Academy for Prison Administration. (2009).Punjab Prison Report.
  • National IHL for Pakistan. (2016, March 19).
  • New York Times. (2016, March 26). Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/a/andersonjustice.html.Nytimes.com
  • Op. cit. (crisis group report-2011).
  • Op.cit, (Law and Justice Commission-1997).
  • Op.cit, (Law and Justice Commission-1997).
  • Pakistan Prison Rules, Jail Manual.
  • Report by foreign Prisoner Support Services, Prisons and Prisoners in Pakistan Prison, (2016, March 10). Retrieved from http://www.phaseloop.com
  • Sargiacomo, M. (2009, January 17). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Surveilleret Punir. Oxford University Press.
  • Scott, C., and Gerbasi, J. (2005). Handbook of Correctional Mental Health. Washington.
  • SPARC. (2010). The State of Pakistan's Children 2010. (2014, Aug 22). Retrieved from http://www.sparcpk.org/Publications.html
  • Spierenburg, P. (1995). The body and the state: Early modern Europe. In The Oxford history of the prison: Oxford University Press.
  • The Howard League for Penal Reform. (2014). HISTROY OF PENAL SYSTEM. London. (2014, March 12). Retrieved from http://www.howardleague.org/history-of-prison-system/
  • The Howard League for Penal Reform. (2014, March 12). History of Penal System. London. Retrieved from http://www.howardleague.org/history-of-prisonsystem/
  • UDHR (1948). Universal Declaration of human Rights, Article 5. (2016, March 17).
  • UNICCPR (1966). United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10. (2014, Aug 19).
  • Willem, J., & Rani, B. (2011, Oct.). Male Adolescent Concubinage in Pakistan, Northwestren Peshawar. (Vol 13), No .9, pp.1061-1072.
  • Women News Network, women's prison-A global state of crisis. Sep-2008. (2016, March 12). Retrieved from http://womennewsnetwork.net/2008/09/09prisoncrisiswomen8005/

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    CHICAGO : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. 2016. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I (I): 35-47 doi: 10.31703/grr.2016(I-I).03
    HARVARD : ANWAR, Z. & SHAH, S. Z. 2016. History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, I, 35-47.
    MHRA : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. 2016. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I: 35-47
    MLA : Anwar, Zahid, and S. Zubair Shah. "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, I.I (2016): 35-47 Print.
    OXFORD : Anwar, Zahid and Shah, S. Zubair (2016), "History of Prison Reforms in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, I (I), 35-47