http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).43      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).43      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : NoumanKhaliq , MuhammadShabbir , ZahiraBatool

43 Pages : 402-409


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  • Britt, C. L. (1994). Crime and Unemployment Among Youths in the United States, 1958-1990: A Time Series Analysis. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 53(1), 99-109.
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  • Cantor, D., & Land, K. C. (1985). Unemployment and crime rates in the post-World War II United States: A theoretical and empirical analysis. American Sociological Review, 317-332.
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  • Donohue III, J. J., & Levitt, S. D. (2001).The impact of legalized abortion on crime. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), 379-420.
  • Draca, M., & Machin, S. (2015).Crime and economic incentives. Economics, 7(1), 389-408.
  • Edmark, K. (2005). Unemployment and crime: Is there a connection?. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(2), 353-373
  • Ehrlich, I. (1973). Participation in illegitimate activities: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 521-565.
  • Farrall, S., Godfrey, B., & Cox, D. (2009). The role of historically-embedded structures in processes of criminal reform: A structural criminology of desistance. Theoretical Criminology, 13(1), 79-104.
  • Tsai, L. C. F. (2014). Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1-10.
  • Fougère, D., Kramarz, F. &Pouget, J. (2009).Youth unemployment and crime in France. Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(5), 909-938.
  • Gould, E. D., Weinberg, B. A., & Mustard, D. B. (2002). Crime rates and local labor market opportunities in the United States: 1979-1997. Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(1), 45-61.
  • Hagan, J., & McCarthy, B. (1997). Intergenerational sanction sequences and trajectories of street-crime amplification. Stress and adversity over the life course: Trajectories and turning points, 73-90.
  • Holmlund, H., Hjalmarsson, R., & Lindquist, M. (2011). The Effect of Education on Criminal Convictions and Incarceration: Causal Evidence from Micro-data.
  • Hooda, R. (2018). Effects of unemployment and its relationship with crime. International Journal of Law, 4(2), 301-303.
  • Kelly, Morgan.
  • Lee K. (2017) Crime (Unemployment and). In: Marciano A., Ramello G. (eds) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York, NY
  • Maume, M. O., Ousey, G. C., & Beaver, K. (2005).Cutting the grass: A reexamination of the link between marital attachment, delinquent peers and desistance from marijuana use. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 21(1), 27-53.
  • Meghir, C., Palme, M., & Schnabel, M. (2012). The effect of education policy on crime: an intergenerational perspective (No. w18145). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Machin, S., &Meghir, C. (2004).Crime and economic incentives. Journal of Human resources, 39(4), 958-979.
  • Pakistan Times, (2013).Street crimes on rise. Retrieved from http://www.pstimes.com/
  • Raphael, S., & Winter-Ebmer, R. (2001).Identifying the effect of unemployment on crime. The Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 259-283.
  • Sampson, R. J., Laub, J. H., &Wimer, C. (2006). Does marriage reduce crime? A counterfactual approach to withinindividual causal effects. Criminology, 44(3), 465-508.
  • Savolainen, J. (2009). Work, family and criminal desistance: Adult social bonds in a Nordic welfare state. The British Journal of Criminology, 49(3), 285-304.
  • Steffensmeier, D., & Allan, E. (1995). Criminal behavior: Gender and age. Criminology: A contemporary handbook, 2, 83.
  • Theobald, D., & Farrington, D. P. (2011). Why do the crime-reducing effects of marriage vary with age? The British Journal of Criminology, 51(1), 136-158.
  • Baron, S. W. (2004). General strain, street youth and crime: A test of Agnew's revised theory. Criminology, 42(2), 457-484.
  • Becker, G. S. (1968). Crime and punishment: An economic approach. The economic dimensions of crime (pp. 13-68). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Britt, C. L. (1994). Crime and Unemployment Among Youths in the United States, 1958-1990: A Time Series Analysis. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 53(1), 99-109.
  • Buonanno, P. (2003). The socioeconomic determinants of crime.A review of the literature.
  • Cantor, D., & Land, K. C. (1985). Unemployment and crime rates in the post-World War II United States: A theoretical and empirical analysis. American Sociological Review, 317-332.
  • Carmichael, F., & Ward, R. (2001).Male unemployment and crime in England and Wales. Economics Letters, 73(1), 111-115.
  • Chiricos, T. G. (1987). Rates of crime and unemployment: An analysis of aggregate research evidence. Social problems, 34(2), 187-212.
  • Donohue III, J. J., & Levitt, S. D. (2001).The impact of legalized abortion on crime. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), 379-420.
  • Draca, M., & Machin, S. (2015).Crime and economic incentives. Economics, 7(1), 389-408.
  • Edmark, K. (2005). Unemployment and crime: Is there a connection?. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(2), 353-373
  • Ehrlich, I. (1973). Participation in illegitimate activities: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 521-565.
  • Farrall, S., Godfrey, B., & Cox, D. (2009). The role of historically-embedded structures in processes of criminal reform: A structural criminology of desistance. Theoretical Criminology, 13(1), 79-104.
  • Tsai, L. C. F. (2014). Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1-10.
  • Fougère, D., Kramarz, F. &Pouget, J. (2009).Youth unemployment and crime in France. Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(5), 909-938.
  • Gould, E. D., Weinberg, B. A., & Mustard, D. B. (2002). Crime rates and local labor market opportunities in the United States: 1979-1997. Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(1), 45-61.
  • Hagan, J., & McCarthy, B. (1997). Intergenerational sanction sequences and trajectories of street-crime amplification. Stress and adversity over the life course: Trajectories and turning points, 73-90.
  • Holmlund, H., Hjalmarsson, R., & Lindquist, M. (2011). The Effect of Education on Criminal Convictions and Incarceration: Causal Evidence from Micro-data.
  • Hooda, R. (2018). Effects of unemployment and its relationship with crime. International Journal of Law, 4(2), 301-303.
  • Kelly, Morgan.
  • Lee K. (2017) Crime (Unemployment and). In: Marciano A., Ramello G. (eds) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York, NY
  • Maume, M. O., Ousey, G. C., & Beaver, K. (2005).Cutting the grass: A reexamination of the link between marital attachment, delinquent peers and desistance from marijuana use. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 21(1), 27-53.
  • Meghir, C., Palme, M., & Schnabel, M. (2012). The effect of education policy on crime: an intergenerational perspective (No. w18145). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Machin, S., &Meghir, C. (2004).Crime and economic incentives. Journal of Human resources, 39(4), 958-979.
  • Pakistan Times, (2013).Street crimes on rise. Retrieved from http://www.pstimes.com/
  • Raphael, S., & Winter-Ebmer, R. (2001).Identifying the effect of unemployment on crime. The Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 259-283.
  • Sampson, R. J., Laub, J. H., &Wimer, C. (2006). Does marriage reduce crime? A counterfactual approach to withinindividual causal effects. Criminology, 44(3), 465-508.
  • Savolainen, J. (2009). Work, family and criminal desistance: Adult social bonds in a Nordic welfare state. The British Journal of Criminology, 49(3), 285-304.
  • Steffensmeier, D., & Allan, E. (1995). Criminal behavior: Gender and age. Criminology: A contemporary handbook, 2, 83.
  • Theobald, D., & Farrington, D. P. (2011). Why do the crime-reducing effects of marriage vary with age? The British Journal of Criminology, 51(1), 136-158.

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    APA : Khaliq, N., Shabbir, M., & Batool, Z. (2019). Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 402-409. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).43
    CHICAGO : Khaliq, Nouman, Muhammad Shabbir, and Zahira Batool. 2019. "Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 402-409 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).43
    HARVARD : KHALIQ, N., SHABBIR, M. & BATOOL, Z. 2019. Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV, 402-409.
    MHRA : Khaliq, Nouman, Muhammad Shabbir, and Zahira Batool. 2019. "Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV: 402-409
    MLA : Khaliq, Nouman, Muhammad Shabbir, and Zahira Batool. "Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 402-409 Print.
    OXFORD : Khaliq, Nouman, Shabbir, Muhammad, and Batool, Zahira (2019), "Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 402-409
    TURABIAN : Khaliq, Nouman, Muhammad Shabbir, and Zahira Batool. "Exploring the Influence of Unemployment on Criminal Behavior in Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 402-409. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).43