http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).09      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).09      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : ArsalanAhmadKhan , SaranjamBaig , AbidHussain

09 Pages : 73-84


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  • Fischel, W. A. (1987). The Economics of Land use Exactions: A property rights Analysis. Law and Contemporary Problems, 50(1), 102-113.
  • Ghatak, M., Mitra, S., Mookherjee, D., & Nath, A. (2013). Land acquisition and aompensation: what really happened in Singur. Economic and Political weekly, 3(1), 32-44
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  • Kamakura, W. A., & Du, R. Y. (2012). How economic contractions and expansions affect expenditure patterns.Journal of Consumer Research, 39(2), 229-247
  • Khan, A. H., & Khalid, U. (2010). Household consumption patterns in Pakistan: Evidence from household data. NUST Journal of Business & Economics, 3(1), 1-1
  • Kumar, N., & Aggarwal, S. C. (2003). Patterns of consumption & poverty in Delhi slums.Economic and Political Weekly, 50(8), 5294-5300
  • M, F. M. (2012). The determinants of consumption pattern among rural dwellers of Ondo State ( case study of Akoko North West Local Government). European Scientific Journa , 8(6), 72-79.
  • Marshall, J., & Bollman, R. D. (1999). Rural and urban household expenditure patterns for 1996. Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, 1(4), 1-11
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2012). John Maynard Keynes and the consumption function. In N. G. Mankiw, Macroeconomics(pp. 496-497). New York: Worth Publishers
  • Moulaert, F., & Cannière, L. D. (1988). Income inequality and consumptive spending behavior: empirical evidence from the 1978-79 household budget survey in Belgium. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 10(2),225-249
  • Sabir, M., Torre, A., & Magsi, H. (2017). Land-use conflict and socio-economic impacts of infrastructure projects: the case study of Diamer Basha dam in Pakistan. Area development and policy, 5(3), 1-15
  • Shaheen, H. (2017). Retrieved from Munich Personal RePEc Archive: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/77410
  • Siddiqui, R. (1982). An analysis of consumption pattern in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 21(4), 275-296.WAPDA (2019). Official details about Diamer-Basha Dam. Retrieved from http://www.wapda.gov.pk/index.php/projects/hydro-power/ready-for-construction/diamer-basha-dam
  • Yocum, C. (2007). Household spending patterns: A comparison four census regions. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ore/abstract/ec/ec070110.htm http://www.wapda.gov.pk/index.php/proje
  • Apere, T. O. (2014). Private consumption expenditure function in Kenya: Evidence from the Keynes Absolute Income Hypothesis. International Journal of Research In Social Sciences, 3(1)53-5
  • Alam, K. M., Li, X., Baig, S. (2019). Impact of transport cost and travel time on trade under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Journal of Advanced Transportation, retrieved
  • Bibi, S., Nawaz, I., & Naheed, R. (2012). Behavioral analysis of non-durable consumptione expenditures: A case study of Wah Cantt. Academic Resesrach International, 16(1), 568-578.
  • Cordes, J. J. (1979). Compensation through relocation assistance. Land Economics,55(4), 486-498
  • Duesenberry, J.S. (1949). Income, saving, and the theory of consumer behavior.Cambridge: Harvard University Press
  • Danziger, S. H., & Lampman, R. J. (1978). Getting and spending. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,435(3), 375-401
  • Details about Gilgit City (2019). Retrieved from http://www.citypopulation.de/GilgitBaltistan.html
  • Diamer poverty alleviation programme. (2012). About DPAP. Retrieved from diamer poverty alleviation programme: http://www.dpap.org.pk/?page_id=7
  • Fischel, W. A. (1987). The Economics of Land use Exactions: A property rights Analysis. Law and Contemporary Problems, 50(1), 102-113.
  • Ghatak, M., Mitra, S., Mookherjee, D., & Nath, A. (2013). Land acquisition and aompensation: what really happened in Singur. Economic and Political weekly, 3(1), 32-44
  • Government of Pakistan.(2010). Land compensation rates for Diamer-Basha Dam project.Chilas: Land Acquisition Collector Diamer
  • Government of Pakistan. (2017). Census 2017 at DC Office Chilas. Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan
  • Kamakura, W. A., & Du, R. Y. (2012). How economic contractions and expansions affect expenditure patterns.Journal of Consumer Research, 39(2), 229-247
  • Khan, A. H., & Khalid, U. (2010). Household consumption patterns in Pakistan: Evidence from household data. NUST Journal of Business & Economics, 3(1), 1-1
  • Kumar, N., & Aggarwal, S. C. (2003). Patterns of consumption & poverty in Delhi slums.Economic and Political Weekly, 50(8), 5294-5300
  • M, F. M. (2012). The determinants of consumption pattern among rural dwellers of Ondo State ( case study of Akoko North West Local Government). European Scientific Journa , 8(6), 72-79.
  • Marshall, J., & Bollman, R. D. (1999). Rural and urban household expenditure patterns for 1996. Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, 1(4), 1-11
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2012). John Maynard Keynes and the consumption function. In N. G. Mankiw, Macroeconomics(pp. 496-497). New York: Worth Publishers
  • Moulaert, F., & Cannière, L. D. (1988). Income inequality and consumptive spending behavior: empirical evidence from the 1978-79 household budget survey in Belgium. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 10(2),225-249
  • Sabir, M., Torre, A., & Magsi, H. (2017). Land-use conflict and socio-economic impacts of infrastructure projects: the case study of Diamer Basha dam in Pakistan. Area development and policy, 5(3), 1-15
  • Shaheen, H. (2017). Retrieved from Munich Personal RePEc Archive: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/77410
  • Siddiqui, R. (1982). An analysis of consumption pattern in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 21(4), 275-296.WAPDA (2019). Official details about Diamer-Basha Dam. Retrieved from http://www.wapda.gov.pk/index.php/projects/hydro-power/ready-for-construction/diamer-basha-dam
  • Yocum, C. (2007). Household spending patterns: A comparison four census regions. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ore/abstract/ec/ec070110.htm http://www.wapda.gov.pk/index.php/proje

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    APA : Khan, A. A., Baig, S., & Hussain, A. (2019). Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 73-84. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).09
    CHICAGO : Khan, Arsalan Ahmad, Saranjam Baig, and Abid Hussain. 2019. "Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 73-84 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).09
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. A., BAIG, S. & HUSSAIN, A. 2019. Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site. Global Regional Review, IV, 73-84.
    MHRA : Khan, Arsalan Ahmad, Saranjam Baig, and Abid Hussain. 2019. "Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site." Global Regional Review, IV: 73-84
    MLA : Khan, Arsalan Ahmad, Saranjam Baig, and Abid Hussain. "Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 73-84 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Arsalan Ahmad, Baig, Saranjam, and Hussain, Abid (2019), "Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 73-84
    TURABIAN : Khan, Arsalan Ahmad, Saranjam Baig, and Abid Hussain. "Examining the Spending Patterns of Compensated Displaced Households (CDHs): Empirical Evidence from DiamerBasha Dam Site." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 73-84. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).09