http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).46      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).46      Published : Sep 3
Authored by : AftabAhmad , AbdulMajeedKhan , MuhammadSamiullah

46 Pages : 412-424


  • Agbatogun, A. O. (2014). Developing Learners' Second Language Communicative Competence through Active Learning: Clickers or Communicative Approach Educational Technology & Society, 17 (2), 257-269.
  • Ahmad, S., & Rao, C. (2013). Applying Communicative Approach in Teaching English as a Foreign Language: a Case Study of Pakistaner. Porta Linguarum: revistainternacional de didáctica de las lenguasextranjeras(20), 187-203
  • Ahn, H. (2012). Teaching writing skills based on a genre approach to L2 primary school students: An action research. English Language Teaching, 5(2), 2.
  • Applebee, A. N., Langer, J. A., Nystrand, M., &Gamoran, A. (2003). Discussion-based approaches to developing understanding: Classroom instruction and student performance in middle and high school English. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3), 685-730.
  • Bacha, N. N. (2002). Developing learners' academic writing skills in higher education: A study for educational reform. Language and Education, 16(3), 161-177.
  • Bahumaid (2012). The Communicative Approach in EFL Contexts Revisited: International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2012.
  • Baker, W. P., Barstack, R., Clark, D., Hull, E., Goodman, B., Kook, J., et al. (2008). Writing-to-learn in the inquiry-science classroom: Effective strategies from middle school science and writing teachers. The Clearing House, 81(3), 105 - 108.
  • Baleghizadeh, S. (2010). FOCUS ON FORM IN AN EFL COMMUNICATIVE CLASSROOM. NovitasRoyal, 4(1).
  • Ballman, T.L., Liskin- Gasparro, J.B., & Mandell, T. B. (2001). The communicative classroom. Boston. AATSP/Heinle.
  • Bangert-Drowns, R. L., Hurley, M. M., & Wilkinson, B. (2004). The effects of school-based writing-to-learn interventions on academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 74(1), 29- 58.
  • Ben-Zvi, D. (2007). Using wiki to promote collaborative learning in statistics education. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 1, 1-18.
  • Brown, H.D. (2001) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman
  • Burke, K. A., Greenbowe, T. J., & Hand, B. M. (2006). Implementing the science writing heuristic in the chemistry laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(7), 1032.
  • Cacciatore, K. L., &Sevian, H. (2006). Teaching lab report writing through inquiry: a green chemistry stoichiometry experiment for general chemistry. J. Chem. Educ, 83(7), 1039.
  • Carter, M., Ferzli, M., & Wiebe, E. (2004). Teaching genre to English first-language adults: A study of the laboratory report. Research in the Teaching of English, 395-419.
  • Chang (2011). EFL Teachers' Attitudes toward Communicative Language Teaching in Taiwanese College: Asian EFL Journal of Professional Teaching. Vol.5(3),34-42.
  • Chapelle, C., Grabe, W., &Berns, M. S. (1997). Communicative language proficiency: Definition and implications for TOEFL 2000. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
  • Cope, B. (2000). Multiliteracies: The beginnings of an idea. I Cope, Bill &Kalantzis, Mary (Red), Multiliteracies. Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Corden, R. (2000). Literacy & learning through talk: Strategies for the primary classroom. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cremin, T. (2006). Creativity, uncertainty and discomfort: Teachers as writers. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(3), 415-433. doi:10.1080/03057640600866023
  • Deiner, L. J., Newsome, D., &Samaroo, D. (2012). Directed self-inquiry: A scaffold for teaching laboratory report writing. journal of chemical education, 89(12), 1511-1514
  • Demirezen, M. (2011). The foundations of the communicative approach and three of its applications. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 7(1), 57.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The 2010s Communicative language teaching in the 21st century: The 'principled communicative approach'. Perspectives, 36(2), 33-43.
  • Doughty and Long (2003). Principles of Communicative Language Teaching and Task Based Instruction. Retrieved November 9th, 2013, from http: //www. Pearsonhighered com/sample chapter/0131579061.pdf.
  • Dunne, J., & Ryan, B. (2012). Learning in the Science Lab: a New Approach. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 1(1), 2.
  • Ellis, R., Taylor, C., & Drury, H. (2006). University student conceptions of learning science through writing. Australian Journal of education, 50, 6-28.
  • Eslami-Rasekh, Z., &Valizadeh, K. (2004). Classroom Activities Viewed from Different Perspectives: Learners' Voice and Teachers' Voice. TESL-EJ, 8(3), n3.
  • Fageeh, A. I. (2011). EFL learners' use of blogging for developing writing skills and enhancing attitudes towards English learning: An exploratory study. Journal of Language and Literature, 2(1), 31-48.
  • Fatima, S. (2012). Teaching Report Writing Skills through Communicative Activities. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2(2), 104-109.
  • Fazilatfar, M.A., Ilun,M., Chenari, Z. (2017). Impact of Skilled-Based Communicative Approach on Writing Skill of EFL Learner, 9
  • Field, A., & Hole, G. (2002). How to design and report experiments. Sage.
  • Fitzgerald and Shanahan (2000). Reading and writing relations and their development: Taylor & Francis.
  • Friginal, E. (2013). Developing research report writing skills using corpora. English for Specific Purposes, 32(4), 208-220.
  • Fulwiler, B. (2008). Writing in science: How to scaffold instruction to support learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
  • Gilmore, A. (2011).
  • Goldbort, R. C. (2001). Scientific writing as an art and as a science. Journal of environmental health, 63(7), 22.
  • Graham, S., & Hebert, M. (2010). Writing to read: Evidence for how writing can improve reading: A report from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
  • Graham, S., &Perin, D. (2007). Writing Next-Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools
  • Griffith, N. (2006). 100 ideas for teaching language, New York: Continuum
  • Gunel, M., Hand, B., & McDermott, M. (2009). Writing for different audiences: Effects on high-school students' conceptual understanding of biology. Learning and Instruction, 19, 354 - 367.
  • Hammond, M. (2000). Communication within on-line forums: the opportunities, the constraints and the value of a communicative approach. Computers & Education, 35(4), 251-262.
  • Han, Z. H. (2002). Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching. RELC Journal, 33(1), 1-34.
  • Hardman, F., Smith, F., & Wall, K. (2003). 'Interactive Whole Class Teaching' in the National Literacy Strategy. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 197-215.
  • Harmer, Jeremy (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching(3rd ed.). London: www.longman.com.
  • Harmer, J. (2006). How to teach writing. Pearson Education India.
  • Hefferman, N. (2006). An integrated approach to teaching academic writing. Asian EFL Journal, 8 I 3, art. 12.
  • Hiep, P. H. (2007). Communicative language teaching: Unity within diversity. ELT Journal, 61(3), 193-201
  • Hirano, J. (2010). The importance of learning and teaching communicative writing: To end the primacy battle between writing and speaking.
  • Hoffa, D. W. (2006). Synopsis laboratory reports: Effects on student learning and curricular benefits.
  • Hu, G. (2002). Potential cultural resistance to pedagogical imports: The case of communicative language teaching in China. Language Culture and Curriculum, 15(2), 93-105.
  • Huyen, N. T. T., &Nga, K. T. T. (2003). Learning vocabulary through games. Asian EFL Journal, 5(4), 90-105.
  • Hyland, K. (2003b). Second language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
  • Hyland, Ken; The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes, First Edition, edited by Brian Paltridge& Sue Starfield, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013.
  • Hyland, K. (2007). Genre pedagogy: Language, literacy and L2 writing instruction. Journal of second language writing, 16(3), 148-164
  • Indrisano, R., &Paratore, J. (Eds.). (2005). Learning to write and writing to learn: Theory and research in practice. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
  • Jeffery, J. V. (2009). Constructs of writing proficiency in US state and national writing assessments: Exploring variability. Assessing Writing, 14(1), 3-24.
  • Jensen, W., & Fischer, B. (2005). Teaching technical writing through student peer-evaluation. Journal of technical writing and communication, 35(1), 95-100.
  • Jin, G. (2009). Application of communicative approach in college English teaching. Asian Social Science, 4(4), 81.
  • Johnstone, K. M., Ashbaugh, H., & Warfield, T. D. (2002). Effects of repeated practice and contextual-writing experiences on college students' writing skills. Journal of educational psychology, 94(2), 305.
  • Kalanzadeh, G. A., &Bakhtiarvand, M. (2011). Perceived problems in using communicative language teaching (CLT) by EFL Iranian teachers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Payame Noor University of Andimeshk, Andimeshk, Iran.
  • Kaplan, A. (2008). Clarifying metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning: What's the purpose? Educational Psychology Review, 20(4), 477-484.
  • Kelly, G., Regev, J., & Prothero, W. (2008). Analysis of lines of reasoning in written argumentation. In S. Erduran& M. Jimenez-Aleixandre (Eds.), Argumentation in science education: Perspectives from classroom-based research (pp. 137 - 157). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Keys, C. W. (2000). Investigating the thinking processes of eighth grade writers during the composition of a scientific laboratory report. Journal of research in science teaching, 37(7), 676-690.
  • Khan, R., Ali, S., Dilruba, R., & Fatima, N. (2015). Comparative Studies of the Effectiveness of Communicative and Structural Approach for Teaching English Language. Journal of Policy Research (JPR), 1(2), 67- 71.
  • Kiuhara, S., Graham, S., &Hweken, L. (2009). Teaching writing to high school students: A national survey. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(1), 136 - 160.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000) Techniques and principles in language teaching, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Lerner, N. (2007). Laboratory lessons for writing and science. Written communication, 24(3), 191-222.
  • Liao, X. Q. (2000). Communicative Language Teaching Innovation in China: Difficulties and Solutions.
  • Likaj, M. (2015). Teaching Writing through Communicative Approach in Military English. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(20), 102-107
  • Littlewood, W. (2007). Developing a Context-Sensitive Pedagogy for Communication -Oriented Language Teaching. Retrieved October 6th, 2013, from http://Koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Littlewood Teaching English PDF.pdf.
  • Martinez, Alejandro. (Karen's Linguistic Issues, February 2002) Authentic Materials: An Overview.
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  • Applebee, A. N., Langer, J. A., Nystrand, M., &Gamoran, A. (2003). Discussion-based approaches to developing understanding: Classroom instruction and student performance in middle and high school English. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3), 685-730.
  • Bacha, N. N. (2002). Developing learners' academic writing skills in higher education: A study for educational reform. Language and Education, 16(3), 161-177.
  • Bahumaid (2012). The Communicative Approach in EFL Contexts Revisited: International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2012.
  • Baker, W. P., Barstack, R., Clark, D., Hull, E., Goodman, B., Kook, J., et al. (2008). Writing-to-learn in the inquiry-science classroom: Effective strategies from middle school science and writing teachers. The Clearing House, 81(3), 105 - 108.
  • Baleghizadeh, S. (2010). FOCUS ON FORM IN AN EFL COMMUNICATIVE CLASSROOM. NovitasRoyal, 4(1).
  • Ballman, T.L., Liskin- Gasparro, J.B., & Mandell, T. B. (2001). The communicative classroom. Boston. AATSP/Heinle.
  • Bangert-Drowns, R. L., Hurley, M. M., & Wilkinson, B. (2004). The effects of school-based writing-to-learn interventions on academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 74(1), 29- 58.
  • Ben-Zvi, D. (2007). Using wiki to promote collaborative learning in statistics education. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 1, 1-18.
  • Brown, H.D. (2001) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman
  • Burke, K. A., Greenbowe, T. J., & Hand, B. M. (2006). Implementing the science writing heuristic in the chemistry laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(7), 1032.
  • Cacciatore, K. L., &Sevian, H. (2006). Teaching lab report writing through inquiry: a green chemistry stoichiometry experiment for general chemistry. J. Chem. Educ, 83(7), 1039.
  • Carter, M., Ferzli, M., & Wiebe, E. (2004). Teaching genre to English first-language adults: A study of the laboratory report. Research in the Teaching of English, 395-419.
  • Chang (2011). EFL Teachers' Attitudes toward Communicative Language Teaching in Taiwanese College: Asian EFL Journal of Professional Teaching. Vol.5(3),34-42.
  • Chapelle, C., Grabe, W., &Berns, M. S. (1997). Communicative language proficiency: Definition and implications for TOEFL 2000. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
  • Cope, B. (2000). Multiliteracies: The beginnings of an idea. I Cope, Bill &Kalantzis, Mary (Red), Multiliteracies. Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Corden, R. (2000). Literacy & learning through talk: Strategies for the primary classroom. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cremin, T. (2006). Creativity, uncertainty and discomfort: Teachers as writers. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(3), 415-433. doi:10.1080/03057640600866023
  • Deiner, L. J., Newsome, D., &Samaroo, D. (2012). Directed self-inquiry: A scaffold for teaching laboratory report writing. journal of chemical education, 89(12), 1511-1514
  • Demirezen, M. (2011). The foundations of the communicative approach and three of its applications. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 7(1), 57.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The 2010s Communicative language teaching in the 21st century: The 'principled communicative approach'. Perspectives, 36(2), 33-43.
  • Doughty and Long (2003). Principles of Communicative Language Teaching and Task Based Instruction. Retrieved November 9th, 2013, from http: //www. Pearsonhighered com/sample chapter/0131579061.pdf.
  • Dunne, J., & Ryan, B. (2012). Learning in the Science Lab: a New Approach. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 1(1), 2.
  • Ellis, R., Taylor, C., & Drury, H. (2006). University student conceptions of learning science through writing. Australian Journal of education, 50, 6-28.
  • Eslami-Rasekh, Z., &Valizadeh, K. (2004). Classroom Activities Viewed from Different Perspectives: Learners' Voice and Teachers' Voice. TESL-EJ, 8(3), n3.
  • Fageeh, A. I. (2011). EFL learners' use of blogging for developing writing skills and enhancing attitudes towards English learning: An exploratory study. Journal of Language and Literature, 2(1), 31-48.
  • Fatima, S. (2012). Teaching Report Writing Skills through Communicative Activities. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2(2), 104-109.
  • Fazilatfar, M.A., Ilun,M., Chenari, Z. (2017). Impact of Skilled-Based Communicative Approach on Writing Skill of EFL Learner, 9
  • Field, A., & Hole, G. (2002). How to design and report experiments. Sage.
  • Fitzgerald and Shanahan (2000). Reading and writing relations and their development: Taylor & Francis.
  • Friginal, E. (2013). Developing research report writing skills using corpora. English for Specific Purposes, 32(4), 208-220.
  • Fulwiler, B. (2008). Writing in science: How to scaffold instruction to support learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
  • Gilmore, A. (2011).
  • Goldbort, R. C. (2001). Scientific writing as an art and as a science. Journal of environmental health, 63(7), 22.
  • Graham, S., & Hebert, M. (2010). Writing to read: Evidence for how writing can improve reading: A report from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
  • Graham, S., &Perin, D. (2007). Writing Next-Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools
  • Griffith, N. (2006). 100 ideas for teaching language, New York: Continuum
  • Gunel, M., Hand, B., & McDermott, M. (2009). Writing for different audiences: Effects on high-school students' conceptual understanding of biology. Learning and Instruction, 19, 354 - 367.
  • Hammond, M. (2000). Communication within on-line forums: the opportunities, the constraints and the value of a communicative approach. Computers & Education, 35(4), 251-262.
  • Han, Z. H. (2002). Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching. RELC Journal, 33(1), 1-34.
  • Hardman, F., Smith, F., & Wall, K. (2003). 'Interactive Whole Class Teaching' in the National Literacy Strategy. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 197-215.
  • Harmer, Jeremy (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching(3rd ed.). London: www.longman.com.
  • Harmer, J. (2006). How to teach writing. Pearson Education India.
  • Hefferman, N. (2006). An integrated approach to teaching academic writing. Asian EFL Journal, 8 I 3, art. 12.
  • Hiep, P. H. (2007). Communicative language teaching: Unity within diversity. ELT Journal, 61(3), 193-201
  • Hirano, J. (2010). The importance of learning and teaching communicative writing: To end the primacy battle between writing and speaking.
  • Hoffa, D. W. (2006). Synopsis laboratory reports: Effects on student learning and curricular benefits.
  • Hu, G. (2002). Potential cultural resistance to pedagogical imports: The case of communicative language teaching in China. Language Culture and Curriculum, 15(2), 93-105.
  • Huyen, N. T. T., &Nga, K. T. T. (2003). Learning vocabulary through games. Asian EFL Journal, 5(4), 90-105.
  • Hyland, K. (2003b). Second language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
  • Hyland, Ken; The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes, First Edition, edited by Brian Paltridge& Sue Starfield, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013.
  • Hyland, K. (2007). Genre pedagogy: Language, literacy and L2 writing instruction. Journal of second language writing, 16(3), 148-164
  • Indrisano, R., &Paratore, J. (Eds.). (2005). Learning to write and writing to learn: Theory and research in practice. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
  • Jeffery, J. V. (2009). Constructs of writing proficiency in US state and national writing assessments: Exploring variability. Assessing Writing, 14(1), 3-24.
  • Jensen, W., & Fischer, B. (2005). Teaching technical writing through student peer-evaluation. Journal of technical writing and communication, 35(1), 95-100.
  • Jin, G. (2009). Application of communicative approach in college English teaching. Asian Social Science, 4(4), 81.
  • Johnstone, K. M., Ashbaugh, H., & Warfield, T. D. (2002). Effects of repeated practice and contextual-writing experiences on college students' writing skills. Journal of educational psychology, 94(2), 305.
  • Kalanzadeh, G. A., &Bakhtiarvand, M. (2011). Perceived problems in using communicative language teaching (CLT) by EFL Iranian teachers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Payame Noor University of Andimeshk, Andimeshk, Iran.
  • Kaplan, A. (2008). Clarifying metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning: What's the purpose? Educational Psychology Review, 20(4), 477-484.
  • Kelly, G., Regev, J., & Prothero, W. (2008). Analysis of lines of reasoning in written argumentation. In S. Erduran& M. Jimenez-Aleixandre (Eds.), Argumentation in science education: Perspectives from classroom-based research (pp. 137 - 157). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Keys, C. W. (2000). Investigating the thinking processes of eighth grade writers during the composition of a scientific laboratory report. Journal of research in science teaching, 37(7), 676-690.
  • Khan, R., Ali, S., Dilruba, R., & Fatima, N. (2015). Comparative Studies of the Effectiveness of Communicative and Structural Approach for Teaching English Language. Journal of Policy Research (JPR), 1(2), 67- 71.
  • Kiuhara, S., Graham, S., &Hweken, L. (2009). Teaching writing to high school students: A national survey. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(1), 136 - 160.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000) Techniques and principles in language teaching, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Lerner, N. (2007). Laboratory lessons for writing and science. Written communication, 24(3), 191-222.
  • Liao, X. Q. (2000). Communicative Language Teaching Innovation in China: Difficulties and Solutions.
  • Likaj, M. (2015). Teaching Writing through Communicative Approach in Military English. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(20), 102-107
  • Littlewood, W. (2007). Developing a Context-Sensitive Pedagogy for Communication -Oriented Language Teaching. Retrieved October 6th, 2013, from http://Koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Littlewood Teaching English PDF.pdf.
  • Martinez, Alejandro. (Karen's Linguistic Issues, February 2002) Authentic Materials: An Overview.
  • Merino, B. J., & Hammond, L. (2002). Writing to learn: Science in the upper-elementary bilingual classroom. Developing advanced literacy in first and second languages: Meaning with power, 227-243.
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    APA : Ahmad, A., Khan, A. M., & Samiullah, M. (2019). Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV(III), 412-424. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).46
    CHICAGO : Ahmad, Aftab, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Samiullah. 2019. "Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 412-424 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).46
    HARVARD : AHMAD, A., KHAN, A. M. & SAMIULLAH, M. 2019. Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV, 412-424.
    MHRA : Ahmad, Aftab, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Samiullah. 2019. "Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV: 412-424
    MLA : Ahmad, Aftab, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Samiullah. "Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 412-424 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmad, Aftab, Khan, Abdul Majeed, and Samiullah, Muhammad (2019), "Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan)", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 412-424
    TURABIAN : Ahmad, Aftab, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Samiullah. "Effects of Communicative Teaching on Lab Report Writing Skills at Secondary Level Schools in Islamabad (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 412-424. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).46