Authored by : AftabAhmad , MuhammadSamiullah , AbdulMajeedKhan

46 Pages : 424-431


  • Afriana, J., Permanasari, A., & Fitriani, A. (2016). Project based learning integrated to stem to enhance elementary school's students scientific literacy. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 5(2), 261-267
  • Aktamiş, H., Hiğde,E., & Özden, B. (2016). Effects of the inquiry-based learning method on students' achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science: A meta-analysis science. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 13(4), 248-261
  • Al-Balushi, S. M., Al-Musawi, A. S., Ambusaidi, A. K., & Al-Hajri, F. H. (2017). The Effectiveness of Interacting with Scientific Animations in Chemistry Using Mobile Devices on Grade 12 Students' Spatial Ability and Scientific Reasoning Skills. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(1), 70-81
  • Arends, R. I. (2004). Learning to teach (6thed.). New York: McGraw Hill Company
  • Ateş,O., &Eryilmaz, A. (2011, April). Effectiveness of hands-on and minds-on activities on students' achievement and attitudes towards physics. InAsia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching(Vol. 12, No. 1)
  • Behr, A. L. (2006). Exploring the lecture method: An empirical study. South Africa: University of Durban-Westville. Retrieved from http://www.
  • Berkson, L. (1993). Problem-based Learning: Have the expectations been met? Academic Medicine, 68(10), 579-588
  • Bristow, B. (2000). The Effects of Hands-on Instruction on 6th Grade Student Understanding of Electricity and Magnetism. (Doctoral dissertation, Texas Woman's University).
  • Brophy, J. (1995). Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of and Reported Strategies for Coping with Twelve Types of Problem Students
  • Churchill, D. (2003). Effective design principles for activity-based learning: the crucial role of'learningobjects'in science and engineering education.Paper presented at the Ngee Ann Polytechnic,2.
  • Colliver, J. A. (2000). Eff ectivenessof problem-based learning curricula: Research and theory. Academic Medicine, 75(3), 259-266
  • Doucet, M. D., Purdy, R. A., Kaufman, D. M., &Langille, D. B. (1998). Comparison of problembasedlearning and lecture format in continuing medical education on headache diagnosis and management. Med. Educ., 32, 590-596
  • Ewers, T. G. (2002). Teacher-directed versus learning cycles methods: Effects on science process skills mastery and teacher efficacyamong elementary education students
  • Freedman, M. P. (1997). Relationships among laboratory instruction, attitude toward science, and achievement in science knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(4), 343-357
  • Gallagher, S. (1992).Hermeneutics and education. SUNY press.
  • Gallagher, S. A. &Stepien, W. J. (1996). Content acquisition in problem-based learning: depth versus breadth in American studies. J. Educ. Gifted, 19(3), 257-275
  • Görücü, A., & Cantav, E. (2017). A Comparison Of Students In Physical Education and Sports College and The Students In Other Departments In Terms Of Problem Solving Skills. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(5)
  • Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses.American journal of Physics,66(1), 64-74
  • Huba, M. E., & Freed, J. E. (2000).Learner-centered assessment on college campuses: Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Allyn & Bacon, 160 Gould St., Needham Heights, MA 02494
  • Hull, G. A., &Moje, E. B. (2012). What is the development of literacy the development of.Commissioned papers on language and literacy issues in the Common Core StateStandards and Next Generation Science Standards,94, 52
  • Hung, C. M., Hwang, G. J., & Huang, I. (2012). A project-based digital storytelling approach for improving students' learning motivation, problem-solving competence and learning achievement.Journalof Educational Technology & Society,15(4), 368-379
  • Hung, W., Jonassen, D. H., & Liu, R. (2008). Problem-based learning.Handbook of research on educational communications and technology,3, 485-506.
  • Hussain, S., Anwar, S. &Majoka, M.I. (2011). Effect ofPeer Group Activity-Based Learning on Students‟Academic Achievement in Physics at Secondary Level. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(1), 940-944
  • Ibrahim,M., Antonenko,P.D., Greenwood,C.M., & Wheeler,D.(2012). Effects of segmenting, signaling, and weeding on learning from educational video. Learn Media Technol 37, 220-235
  • Iqbal, P. (2010). Methods of teaching science. Lahore: Majeed Book Depot
  • Johnson, B. E., & Zabrucky, K. M. (2011). Improving middleand high school students' comprehension of science texts. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(1), 19-31
  • Kelana, J. B. (2018). the Effect of the Learning Media and the Ability To Think Creative of To the Ability To Science LiteracyStudent of Elementary School. PrimaryEdu -Journal of Primary Education, 2(2), 79.
  • Khan, M., Muhammad, N., Ahmed, M., Saeed, F., & Khan, S. A. (2012). Impact of activity-based teaching on students' academic achievements in physics at secondary level.Academic Research International,3(1), 146.
  • Kustijono, R., Jatmiko, B., & Ibrahim, M. (2018). The effect of scientific attitudes toward science process skills in basic physics practicum by using peer model. International Journal of GEOMATE, 15(50), 82-8
  • Lieux, E. M. (2001). A skeptic's look at PBL. In the Power of Problem-Based Learning: A Practical
  • Magno, C. (2008). Developing a deep approach and attitude to learning through project-based learning
  • McCarthy, C. (2004). Effects of thematic-based, hands-on science teaching versus a textbook.
  • McGrath, J. R. (2011). Linking pedagogical practices of activity-based teaching.International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences,6(3)
  • McGrath, J. R. (2011). Linking pedagogical practices of activity-based teaching.International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences,6(3)
  • Nichols, K., Burgh, G., & Kennedy, C. (2017). Comparing Two Inquiry Professional Development Interventions in Science on Primary StudentsÂ’ Questioning and Other Inquiry Behaviours. Research in Science Education, 47(1)
  • Panko, M., Kenley, R., Davies, K., Piggot-Irvine, E., Allen, B., Hede, J., &Harfield, T. (2005). Learning styles of those in the building and construction sector Building Research Association of New Zealand Inc
  • Petress, K. (2008). What is meant by
  • Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research.Journal of engineering education,93(3), 223-231.Shukla, R. (2005). India science report: Science education, human resources and public attitude towards science and technology (No. 22137). East Asian Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Rillero, P. (1994). Doing science with your children
  • Sadat Sadathoseini, A., & Memarian, R. (2010). The Effect of employing synectic model in teaching Palliative Care in children on nursing students writing creativity and academic performance. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 239-248
  • Sedaghat, H., Darivash, Y., & Fooladi, M. (2015). Investigating the impact of synectics teaching pattern on training the composition lesson creativity for the Third Grade Elementary School girls in the first district schools of Bandar Abbas. Australian Journal of International Social Research, 23-31
  • Seligmann. (2007). Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution.Retrieved from seligmann.pdf.
  • Shabani, & Hassan. (2003). AdvancedTeaching Methods: teaching skills and strategies of thinking. Creative Research Journal
  • Safdar, M. (2007). A comparative study of Ausubelian and traditional methods of teaching physicsat secondary school level in Pakistan (Unpublished Ph. D thesis). National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Safdar, M. (2013). Meaningful learning and rote learning in physics: A comparative study in city Jhelum (Pakistan). Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research, 6, 60-77
  • Schmidt, H. G., Vermeulen, L., & Van Der Molen, H. T. (2006). Longterm effects of problem-based learning: a comparison of competencies acquired by graduates of a problem-based and a conventional medical school.Medical education,40(6), 562-567
  • Shelton, J. B. and Smith, R. F. (1998). Problem-based learning in analytical science undergraduate teaching. Res. Sci. Technol.Educ., 16(1), 19-30
  • Shukla, P., & Agrawal, G. (2015). Awareness of learning disabilities among teachers of primary schools.Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,1(1), 33-38
  • Sontgerath, S., & Meadows, R. (2018). A Comparison of Changes in Science Interest and Identity and 21st Century Learning Skills in a Mixed-gender and Single-gender Robotics Program for Elementary/Middle School Youth. CoNECD Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conf., Crystal City, Virginia
  • Suydam, Marilyn N. Higins, Jon L (1977), Activity Based Learning in ElementarySchoolMathematics; Recommendations from Research. Information Reference Center (ERIC/IRC), The Ohio State University, 1200 Chambers Rd., 5thfloor, Columbus, Ohio 43212
  • Sierra-Jones, C. (2011). Applied synectics to teach community development for living and learning communities to resident advisors and community assistants at California State University Monterey Bay . California
  • Srisawat, S. (2017). The Development of Creative Writing Skills for Undergratuate Students through the Instructional Package of Creative Writing with Synectics Instruction Technique. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, 199-210
  • Taimur-ul-Hassan, & Abdul Raheem, S. (2013). ICTs in Learning: Problems faced by Pakistan. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 52-64
  • Tajari, T., & Tajari, F. (2011). Comparison of effectiveness of synectics teaching methods with lecture about educational Progress and creativity in social studies lesson in Iran at 2010 . Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences(pp. 451-454). Iran: SciVerse ScienceDirect
  • Tajiri, T. (2006). Studying and comparing Synectics teaching method and lecture method in fostering creativity and educational attainment in social education. Alborz province WALLA Journal, 110-118
  • Tanga, H.-H., Chena, Y.-L., & Gerob, J. S. (2011). The Influence of Design Methods on the Design Process: Effect of Use of Scenario, Brainstorming, and Synectics on Designing. Proceedings of Design Research Society , (pp. 324-353). Bangkok Thailand
  • Tapleshay, J. (1986). Synectics: Applying its methods and techniques to the composition class.CA United State
  • Tumangger, M., & Ernidawati, T. (2012). The Application of Synectics Model to improve Students'Speaking Ability., (pp. 302-340). Indonesia
  • Turkmen, H., & Unver, E. (2018). Comparison of elementary students' images of science teaching for Turkish, Dutch, Scottish, and German science classrooms. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(11), 2624-263
  • Turpin, T.J. (2001). A study of the effects of an integrated, activity-based science curriculum on student achievement, science process skills, and science attitudes
  • Umar, I. N., & Hassan, A. S. A. (2015). Malaysian teachers' levels of ICT integration and its perceived impact on teaching and learning.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,197.
  • Walker, D. E. (2009). Promoting Metaphorical Thinking through Synectics: Developing deep thinking utilizing Abstractions. Journal of Advance Active Learning
  • Weintrop, D., & Wilensky, U. (2017). Comparing block-based and text-based programming in high school computer science classrooms. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 18(1), 1-25
  • Yamtinah, S., Masykuri, M., Ashadi, & Shidiq, A. S. (2017). Gender differences in students' attitudes toward science: An analysis of students' science process skill using test instrument. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1868 (August)
  • Yousefi, A. (2014). The Effects of Synectics Teaching Model in Fostering Creativity. Management and Administrative Sciences Review, 1225-1231
  • Zorlu, F., & Zorlu, Y. (2017). Comparison of Science Process Skills with Stem Career Interests of Middle School Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(12), 2117-2124
  • Zumbach, J., Kumpf, D., &Koch, S. (2004). Using multimedia to enhance problem-based learning in elementary school. Inform. Technol. Child. Educ. Annu., 16, 25-37
  • Afriana, J., Permanasari, A., & Fitriani, A. (2016). Project based learning integrated to stem to enhance elementary school's students scientific literacy. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 5(2), 261-267
  • Aktamiş, H., Hiğde,E., & Özden, B. (2016). Effects of the inquiry-based learning method on students' achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science: A meta-analysis science. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 13(4), 248-261
  • Al-Balushi, S. M., Al-Musawi, A. S., Ambusaidi, A. K., & Al-Hajri, F. H. (2017). The Effectiveness of Interacting with Scientific Animations in Chemistry Using Mobile Devices on Grade 12 Students' Spatial Ability and Scientific Reasoning Skills. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(1), 70-81
  • Arends, R. I. (2004). Learning to teach (6thed.). New York: McGraw Hill Company
  • Ateş,O., &Eryilmaz, A. (2011, April). Effectiveness of hands-on and minds-on activities on students' achievement and attitudes towards physics. InAsia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching(Vol. 12, No. 1)
  • Behr, A. L. (2006). Exploring the lecture method: An empirical study. South Africa: University of Durban-Westville. Retrieved from http://www.
  • Berkson, L. (1993). Problem-based Learning: Have the expectations been met? Academic Medicine, 68(10), 579-588
  • Bristow, B. (2000). The Effects of Hands-on Instruction on 6th Grade Student Understanding of Electricity and Magnetism. (Doctoral dissertation, Texas Woman's University).
  • Brophy, J. (1995). Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of and Reported Strategies for Coping with Twelve Types of Problem Students
  • Churchill, D. (2003). Effective design principles for activity-based learning: the crucial role of'learningobjects'in science and engineering education.Paper presented at the Ngee Ann Polytechnic,2.
  • Colliver, J. A. (2000). Eff ectivenessof problem-based learning curricula: Research and theory. Academic Medicine, 75(3), 259-266
  • Doucet, M. D., Purdy, R. A., Kaufman, D. M., &Langille, D. B. (1998). Comparison of problembasedlearning and lecture format in continuing medical education on headache diagnosis and management. Med. Educ., 32, 590-596
  • Ewers, T. G. (2002). Teacher-directed versus learning cycles methods: Effects on science process skills mastery and teacher efficacyamong elementary education students
  • Freedman, M. P. (1997). Relationships among laboratory instruction, attitude toward science, and achievement in science knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(4), 343-357
  • Gallagher, S. (1992).Hermeneutics and education. SUNY press.
  • Gallagher, S. A. &Stepien, W. J. (1996). Content acquisition in problem-based learning: depth versus breadth in American studies. J. Educ. Gifted, 19(3), 257-275
  • Görücü, A., & Cantav, E. (2017). A Comparison Of Students In Physical Education and Sports College and The Students In Other Departments In Terms Of Problem Solving Skills. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(5)
  • Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses.American journal of Physics,66(1), 64-74
  • Huba, M. E., & Freed, J. E. (2000).Learner-centered assessment on college campuses: Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Allyn & Bacon, 160 Gould St., Needham Heights, MA 02494
  • Hull, G. A., &Moje, E. B. (2012). What is the development of literacy the development of.Commissioned papers on language and literacy issues in the Common Core StateStandards and Next Generation Science Standards,94, 52
  • Hung, C. M., Hwang, G. J., & Huang, I. (2012). A project-based digital storytelling approach for improving students' learning motivation, problem-solving competence and learning achievement.Journalof Educational Technology & Society,15(4), 368-379
  • Hung, W., Jonassen, D. H., & Liu, R. (2008). Problem-based learning.Handbook of research on educational communications and technology,3, 485-506.
  • Hussain, S., Anwar, S. &Majoka, M.I. (2011). Effect ofPeer Group Activity-Based Learning on Students‟Academic Achievement in Physics at Secondary Level. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(1), 940-944
  • Ibrahim,M., Antonenko,P.D., Greenwood,C.M., & Wheeler,D.(2012). Effects of segmenting, signaling, and weeding on learning from educational video. Learn Media Technol 37, 220-235
  • Iqbal, P. (2010). Methods of teaching science. Lahore: Majeed Book Depot
  • Johnson, B. E., & Zabrucky, K. M. (2011). Improving middleand high school students' comprehension of science texts. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(1), 19-31
  • Kelana, J. B. (2018). the Effect of the Learning Media and the Ability To Think Creative of To the Ability To Science LiteracyStudent of Elementary School. PrimaryEdu -Journal of Primary Education, 2(2), 79.
  • Khan, M., Muhammad, N., Ahmed, M., Saeed, F., & Khan, S. A. (2012). Impact of activity-based teaching on students' academic achievements in physics at secondary level.Academic Research International,3(1), 146.
  • Kustijono, R., Jatmiko, B., & Ibrahim, M. (2018). The effect of scientific attitudes toward science process skills in basic physics practicum by using peer model. International Journal of GEOMATE, 15(50), 82-8
  • Lieux, E. M. (2001). A skeptic's look at PBL. In the Power of Problem-Based Learning: A Practical
  • Magno, C. (2008). Developing a deep approach and attitude to learning through project-based learning
  • McCarthy, C. (2004). Effects of thematic-based, hands-on science teaching versus a textbook.
  • McGrath, J. R. (2011). Linking pedagogical practices of activity-based teaching.International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences,6(3)
  • McGrath, J. R. (2011). Linking pedagogical practices of activity-based teaching.International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences,6(3)
  • Nichols, K., Burgh, G., & Kennedy, C. (2017). Comparing Two Inquiry Professional Development Interventions in Science on Primary StudentsÂ’ Questioning and Other Inquiry Behaviours. Research in Science Education, 47(1)
  • Panko, M., Kenley, R., Davies, K., Piggot-Irvine, E., Allen, B., Hede, J., &Harfield, T. (2005). Learning styles of those in the building and construction sector Building Research Association of New Zealand Inc
  • Petress, K. (2008). What is meant by
  • Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research.Journal of engineering education,93(3), 223-231.Shukla, R. (2005). India science report: Science education, human resources and public attitude towards science and technology (No. 22137). East Asian Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Rillero, P. (1994). Doing science with your children
  • Sadat Sadathoseini, A., & Memarian, R. (2010). The Effect of employing synectic model in teaching Palliative Care in children on nursing students writing creativity and academic performance. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 239-248
  • Sedaghat, H., Darivash, Y., & Fooladi, M. (2015). Investigating the impact of synectics teaching pattern on training the composition lesson creativity for the Third Grade Elementary School girls in the first district schools of Bandar Abbas. Australian Journal of International Social Research, 23-31
  • Seligmann. (2007). Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution.Retrieved from seligmann.pdf.
  • Shabani, & Hassan. (2003). AdvancedTeaching Methods: teaching skills and strategies of thinking. Creative Research Journal
  • Safdar, M. (2007). A comparative study of Ausubelian and traditional methods of teaching physicsat secondary school level in Pakistan (Unpublished Ph. D thesis). National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Safdar, M. (2013). Meaningful learning and rote learning in physics: A comparative study in city Jhelum (Pakistan). Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research, 6, 60-77
  • Schmidt, H. G., Vermeulen, L., & Van Der Molen, H. T. (2006). Longterm effects of problem-based learning: a comparison of competencies acquired by graduates of a problem-based and a conventional medical school.Medical education,40(6), 562-567
  • Shelton, J. B. and Smith, R. F. (1998). Problem-based learning in analytical science undergraduate teaching. Res. Sci. Technol.Educ., 16(1), 19-30
  • Shukla, P., & Agrawal, G. (2015). Awareness of learning disabilities among teachers of primary schools.Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,1(1), 33-38
  • Sontgerath, S., & Meadows, R. (2018). A Comparison of Changes in Science Interest and Identity and 21st Century Learning Skills in a Mixed-gender and Single-gender Robotics Program for Elementary/Middle School Youth. CoNECD Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conf., Crystal City, Virginia
  • Suydam, Marilyn N. Higins, Jon L (1977), Activity Based Learning in ElementarySchoolMathematics; Recommendations from Research. Information Reference Center (ERIC/IRC), The Ohio State University, 1200 Chambers Rd., 5thfloor, Columbus, Ohio 43212
  • Sierra-Jones, C. (2011). Applied synectics to teach community development for living and learning communities to resident advisors and community assistants at California State University Monterey Bay . California
  • Srisawat, S. (2017). The Development of Creative Writing Skills for Undergratuate Students through the Instructional Package of Creative Writing with Synectics Instruction Technique. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, 199-210
  • Taimur-ul-Hassan, & Abdul Raheem, S. (2013). ICTs in Learning: Problems faced by Pakistan. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 52-64
  • Tajari, T., & Tajari, F. (2011). Comparison of effectiveness of synectics teaching methods with lecture about educational Progress and creativity in social studies lesson in Iran at 2010 . Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences(pp. 451-454). Iran: SciVerse ScienceDirect
  • Tajiri, T. (2006). Studying and comparing Synectics teaching method and lecture method in fostering creativity and educational attainment in social education. Alborz province WALLA Journal, 110-118
  • Tanga, H.-H., Chena, Y.-L., & Gerob, J. S. (2011). The Influence of Design Methods on the Design Process: Effect of Use of Scenario, Brainstorming, and Synectics on Designing. Proceedings of Design Research Society , (pp. 324-353). Bangkok Thailand
  • Tapleshay, J. (1986). Synectics: Applying its methods and techniques to the composition class.CA United State
  • Tumangger, M., & Ernidawati, T. (2012). The Application of Synectics Model to improve Students'Speaking Ability., (pp. 302-340). Indonesia
  • Turkmen, H., & Unver, E. (2018). Comparison of elementary students' images of science teaching for Turkish, Dutch, Scottish, and German science classrooms. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(11), 2624-263
  • Turpin, T.J. (2001). A study of the effects of an integrated, activity-based science curriculum on student achievement, science process skills, and science attitudes
  • Umar, I. N., & Hassan, A. S. A. (2015). Malaysian teachers' levels of ICT integration and its perceived impact on teaching and learning.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,197.
  • Walker, D. E. (2009). Promoting Metaphorical Thinking through Synectics: Developing deep thinking utilizing Abstractions. Journal of Advance Active Learning
  • Weintrop, D., & Wilensky, U. (2017). Comparing block-based and text-based programming in high school computer science classrooms. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 18(1), 1-25
  • Yamtinah, S., Masykuri, M., Ashadi, & Shidiq, A. S. (2017). Gender differences in students' attitudes toward science: An analysis of students' science process skill using test instrument. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1868 (August)
  • Yousefi, A. (2014). The Effects of Synectics Teaching Model in Fostering Creativity. Management and Administrative Sciences Review, 1225-1231
  • Zorlu, F., & Zorlu, Y. (2017). Comparison of Science Process Skills with Stem Career Interests of Middle School Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(12), 2117-2124
  • Zumbach, J., Kumpf, D., &Koch, S. (2004). Using multimedia to enhance problem-based learning in elementary school. Inform. Technol. Child. Educ. Annu., 16, 25-37

Cite this article

    APA : Ahmad, A., Samiullah, M., & Khan, A. M. (2019). Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 424-431.
    CHICAGO : Ahmad, Aftab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Abdul Majeed Khan. 2019. "Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 424-431 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).46
    HARVARD : AHMAD, A., SAMIULLAH, M. & KHAN, A. M. 2019. Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 424-431.
    MHRA : Ahmad, Aftab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Abdul Majeed Khan. 2019. "Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 424-431
    MLA : Ahmad, Aftab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Abdul Majeed Khan. "Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 424-431 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmad, Aftab, Samiullah, Muhammad, and Khan, Abdul Majeed (2019), "Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 424-431
    TURABIAN : Ahmad, Aftab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Abdul Majeed Khan. "Development of Scientific Knowledge and Science Comprehension through Activities at the Elementary Level Schools in Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 424-431.