Authored by : BakhtRawan , NaziaBibi

03 Pages : 22-31


  • Ahmed, A. S. & Gulas, M. G. (1982). Consumers' perception of manufacturers' suggested list price. Psychological Reports: 50(2), pp. 507-518. Retrieved from
  • Akbar, W., & Karim, W. (2011). The influence and techniques of modern advertising: ethics and responsibilities. Journal of Research, 27(2), pp. 91-99
  • Akhtar, W., Abbasi, S. A., & Umar, S. (2011). Ethical Issues in Advertising in Pakistan: An Islamic Perspective. World Applied Sciences Journal, 13 (3), PP. 444-452
  • Ali, Y. (n.d). The Quran, 33:35. Retrieved from
  • Amoako, G. K.(2001). Ethics in advertising-Challenges in Ghana. MJAE,Vol.1(1), pp. 63-72
  • Baran, S. J. & Davis, D. K. (2010). Mass communication theory: foundations, ferment, and future (6thed.). Boston, USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learnin
  • Bardwick, J., & Schumann, S. (1967). Portrait of American men and women in TV commercials. Psychology, 4(4), 18-23
  • Bari, A. & Abbas, Z. R. (2011). Advertisement & Islam: A Muslim world perspective. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1 (6), pp. 152-157
  • Beamer, L. & Varner, I. (2008). Intercultural communication in the global workplace (4the ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
  • Blair, J. D., Stephenson, J. D., Hill, K. L., & Green, J. S. (2006). Ethics in Advertising: Sex Sells, but Should It? Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 9(2), PP. 109-118
  • Chatterji, S. (2006, July 19). Changing sex roles in Indian advertisements. Retrieved Das, M. (2016). Portrayal of Women in Indian Television Advertisements: An Exploratory Study (Doctoral Thesis, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India. Retrieved fromDe Mooij, M (2005): Global marketing and advertising: Understanding culturalparadoxes. Thousands Oaks: SAGE Publications
  • Drumwright, M. E., & Murphy, P. E. (2004). How advertising practitioners view ethics. Journal of Advertising, 33 (2), pp. 7-24
  • Gardner, M. D. (1975). Deception in advertising: a conceptual approach. Journal of Marketing, 39, PP. 40-46
  • Henthrone, T. L., &LaTour, M. S. (1994). Ethical judgments of sexual appeals in print advertising. Journal of Advertising, 23, PP. 81-90.
  • Cohan, J. A. (2001). Towards A New Paradigm in the Ethics of Women's Advertising. Journal of Business Ethics, 33, PP.323-337
  • Hyman, M. (1990). Deception in Advertising: A Proposed Complex Definitions for Researchers. International Journal of Advertising, 259-270
  • K. Kaminishi, G. Duysters, & A. de Hoyos (Eds). (2011). On effective communication of cross cultural enterprises: International conference 2011. Kitakyushu, Japan: Yamaguchi University
  • Kustura, N., & Duman, T. (2012, May 31-June 1). Ethical Issues Related Advertising. 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, International Burch University, Sarajevo
  • LaTour, S. M., &Henthorne L. T. (1994). Ethical Judgments of Sexual Appeals in PrintAdvertising. Journal of Advertising, XXIII (3), PP. 81-90
  • Li, J. (2016). Cultural differences in the use of instant messaging applications: Cross cultural case study of China and Netherlands (Unpublished masterÂ’s thesis). University of Twente, Netherland
  • Maciejewski, J. J. (2005). From bikinis to basal cell carcinoma: advertising practitioners' moral assessments of advertising content. Journal of Current Issues in Research in Advertising, 27(2), PP. 107-115
  • McQuail, D. (2005). Mass communication theory(5thed.).London: Sage Publications
  • Muela-Molina, C. & Perello-Olver, S. (2014). Advertising and self regulation: Acomparative analysis between United Kingdom and Spain. Communication & Society, xxvii(3), pp. 1-18
  • Nwachukwu, S. L.S., Vitell, S. J. Jr., Gilbert, F. W., and Barnes, J. H., (1997). Ethics and social responsibility in marketing: an examination of the ethical evaluation of advertising strategies. Journal of Business Research,39, pp. 107-118
  • Petty, E. R., &Priester, R. J. (1994). Mass media attitude change: implications of the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. In J., Bryant & D. Zillmann (Eds), Media effects: advances in theory and research(pp.91-122). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
  • Pollay, R. W. (1986). The distorted mirror: reflections on the unintended consequences of advertising. Journal of Marketing, 50 (2), pp.18-3
  • Romani, S. (2006). Price Misleading Advertising: Effects on Trustworthiness toward the Source of Information and Willingness to Buy. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 15(2), 130-138
  • Shrikhande, V. (2003). Stereotyping of women in television advertisements(unpublished master's thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College). Retrieved from
  • Singh, J., & Sandhu, N. (2011). Building ethical consideration into advertising practices-an Indian study. International Journal of Business and Social Science,2 (18), pp. 291-301
  • Treise, D., Weigold, F. M., Conna, J., & Garrison, H. (1994). Ethics in Advertising: Ideological Correlates of Consumer Perceptions. Journal of Advertising, XXIII(3), 59-6
  • Waller, S. D.(1999). Attitudes towards offensive advertising: an Australian study. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(3), pp. 288-294
  • Ward, S. J.A. (2010). Global Journalism Ethics. MQUP,Montreal CA
  • Zhang, y. & Gelb, B. D. (1996). Matching Advertising Appeals to Culture: The Influence of Products' Use Conditions. Journal of Advertising,XXV(3)
  • Ahmed, A. S. & Gulas, M. G. (1982). Consumers' perception of manufacturers' suggested list price. Psychological Reports: 50(2), pp. 507-518. Retrieved from
  • Akbar, W., & Karim, W. (2011). The influence and techniques of modern advertising: ethics and responsibilities. Journal of Research, 27(2), pp. 91-99
  • Akhtar, W., Abbasi, S. A., & Umar, S. (2011). Ethical Issues in Advertising in Pakistan: An Islamic Perspective. World Applied Sciences Journal, 13 (3), PP. 444-452
  • Ali, Y. (n.d). The Quran, 33:35. Retrieved from
  • Amoako, G. K.(2001). Ethics in advertising-Challenges in Ghana. MJAE,Vol.1(1), pp. 63-72
  • Baran, S. J. & Davis, D. K. (2010). Mass communication theory: foundations, ferment, and future (6thed.). Boston, USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learnin
  • Bardwick, J., & Schumann, S. (1967). Portrait of American men and women in TV commercials. Psychology, 4(4), 18-23
  • Bari, A. & Abbas, Z. R. (2011). Advertisement & Islam: A Muslim world perspective. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1 (6), pp. 152-157
  • Beamer, L. & Varner, I. (2008). Intercultural communication in the global workplace (4the ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
  • Blair, J. D., Stephenson, J. D., Hill, K. L., & Green, J. S. (2006). Ethics in Advertising: Sex Sells, but Should It? Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 9(2), PP. 109-118
  • Chatterji, S. (2006, July 19). Changing sex roles in Indian advertisements. Retrieved Das, M. (2016). Portrayal of Women in Indian Television Advertisements: An Exploratory Study (Doctoral Thesis, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India. Retrieved fromDe Mooij, M (2005): Global marketing and advertising: Understanding culturalparadoxes. Thousands Oaks: SAGE Publications
  • Drumwright, M. E., & Murphy, P. E. (2004). How advertising practitioners view ethics. Journal of Advertising, 33 (2), pp. 7-24
  • Gardner, M. D. (1975). Deception in advertising: a conceptual approach. Journal of Marketing, 39, PP. 40-46
  • Henthrone, T. L., &LaTour, M. S. (1994). Ethical judgments of sexual appeals in print advertising. Journal of Advertising, 23, PP. 81-90.
  • Cohan, J. A. (2001). Towards A New Paradigm in the Ethics of Women's Advertising. Journal of Business Ethics, 33, PP.323-337
  • Hyman, M. (1990). Deception in Advertising: A Proposed Complex Definitions for Researchers. International Journal of Advertising, 259-270
  • K. Kaminishi, G. Duysters, & A. de Hoyos (Eds). (2011). On effective communication of cross cultural enterprises: International conference 2011. Kitakyushu, Japan: Yamaguchi University
  • Kustura, N., & Duman, T. (2012, May 31-June 1). Ethical Issues Related Advertising. 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, International Burch University, Sarajevo
  • LaTour, S. M., &Henthorne L. T. (1994). Ethical Judgments of Sexual Appeals in PrintAdvertising. Journal of Advertising, XXIII (3), PP. 81-90
  • Li, J. (2016). Cultural differences in the use of instant messaging applications: Cross cultural case study of China and Netherlands (Unpublished masterÂ’s thesis). University of Twente, Netherland
  • Maciejewski, J. J. (2005). From bikinis to basal cell carcinoma: advertising practitioners' moral assessments of advertising content. Journal of Current Issues in Research in Advertising, 27(2), PP. 107-115
  • McQuail, D. (2005). Mass communication theory(5thed.).London: Sage Publications
  • Muela-Molina, C. & Perello-Olver, S. (2014). Advertising and self regulation: Acomparative analysis between United Kingdom and Spain. Communication & Society, xxvii(3), pp. 1-18
  • Nwachukwu, S. L.S., Vitell, S. J. Jr., Gilbert, F. W., and Barnes, J. H., (1997). Ethics and social responsibility in marketing: an examination of the ethical evaluation of advertising strategies. Journal of Business Research,39, pp. 107-118
  • Petty, E. R., &Priester, R. J. (1994). Mass media attitude change: implications of the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. In J., Bryant & D. Zillmann (Eds), Media effects: advances in theory and research(pp.91-122). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
  • Pollay, R. W. (1986). The distorted mirror: reflections on the unintended consequences of advertising. Journal of Marketing, 50 (2), pp.18-3
  • Romani, S. (2006). Price Misleading Advertising: Effects on Trustworthiness toward the Source of Information and Willingness to Buy. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 15(2), 130-138
  • Shrikhande, V. (2003). Stereotyping of women in television advertisements(unpublished master's thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College). Retrieved from
  • Singh, J., & Sandhu, N. (2011). Building ethical consideration into advertising practices-an Indian study. International Journal of Business and Social Science,2 (18), pp. 291-301
  • Treise, D., Weigold, F. M., Conna, J., & Garrison, H. (1994). Ethics in Advertising: Ideological Correlates of Consumer Perceptions. Journal of Advertising, XXIII(3), 59-6
  • Waller, S. D.(1999). Attitudes towards offensive advertising: an Australian study. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(3), pp. 288-294
  • Ward, S. J.A. (2010). Global Journalism Ethics. MQUP,Montreal CA
  • Zhang, y. & Gelb, B. D. (1996). Matching Advertising Appeals to Culture: The Influence of Products' Use Conditions. Journal of Advertising,XXV(3)

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    APA : Rawan, B., & Bibi, N. (2019). Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 22-31.
    CHICAGO : Rawan, Bakht, and Nazia Bibi. 2019. "Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 22-31 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).03
    HARVARD : RAWAN, B. & BIBI, N. 2019. Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?. Global Regional Review, IV, 22-31.
    MHRA : Rawan, Bakht, and Nazia Bibi. 2019. "Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?." Global Regional Review, IV: 22-31
    MLA : Rawan, Bakht, and Nazia Bibi. "Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 22-31 Print.
    OXFORD : Rawan, Bakht and Bibi, Nazia (2019), "Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 22-31
    TURABIAN : Rawan, Bakht, and Nazia Bibi. "Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 22-31.